Marco Bretscher-Coschignano

出生 : 1988-03-30, Munich, Germany


Servus, Schwiegersohn!
Das dunkle Nest
Korbinian Gebauer
Von Mäusen und Lügen
The ENT doctor dr. Arnold Fischer, called Arnie, always tries to please everyone. His friend and colleague Gregor is quite different: Purposeful and enterprising, he thinks especially of his own progress. Together, they want to expand the practice to a state-of-the-art tinnitus center. For this they need the neighboring apartment, but lives in the Mathilda, in which the shy Arnie is secretly in love. He does not have the heart to show Mathilda out of the apartment. And so Gregor tries with not always fine methods to get rid of the unpleasant tenant - which ends in a complete disaster ...
40+ sucht neue Liebe
Tobi Simon
The Wave ウェイヴ
独裁政治を学ぶ体験授業をきっかけに洗脳されていく高校生たちの姿を描き、ドイツで大ヒットを記録した心理スリラー。アメリカで起こった実話をドイツの高校に置き換え、『エリート養成機関 ナポラ』のデニス・ガンゼルがメガホンを取った。主演には『エーミールと探偵たち』などに出演するドイツの俳優ユルゲン・フォーゲル。単純な興味や好奇心、ゲーム感覚から、あっという間に集団狂気に変化していく様子は、実話ならではのリアルさを帯び、身の毛もよだつほどのラストも衝撃的だ。
Das Baby
Der Mörder meines Vaters
Julian Feldhof
Mein Vater, seine Neue und ich
The Bodyguard
Philip Dengler
Attractive uncompromising politician Mona Dengler is investigating the tobacco industry. Tomboyish bodyguard and single mother Johanna Sieber is assigned to protect her. This endangers Johanna's son. Mona unexpectedly falls for her.
Sehnsucht nach Liebe
Kai Schneider
Mein Mann, mein Leben und du
Manuel von Künsthal
Wie buchstabiert man Liebe?
Max Jurak
Anna is illiterate. Her patronizing husband Rolf has always taken advantage of this to patronize his wife. But that is over now. Anna took the difficult step and moved into her own apartment with the children. Fortunately, her best friend Maria lives next door to help Anna read important forms. Anna also found a job through Maria's mediation. Anna waits in a bistro in which the eccentric best-selling author Tom Dellwig is one of the regulars. The vain writer always expects everyone to dance to his tune.
Morgen gehört der Himmel dir
The Superwife