Masaki Fukasawa
出生 : 1965-03-11, Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan
所轄署も柿沼がみな子と心中を図ったものと断定するが、釈然としない十津川たちは捜査を開始。すると、柿沼の部屋から、捜査用に作成された似顔絵を発見する。そこに描かれていた女性はゆき、もしくはみな子にそっくりだった。2人のうちどちらかが犯罪に関わっていたのか!? もしや、それが柿沼の死とつながっているのか!? 調べを進めた十津川たちは意外な真実に突き当たる――!
「ペットライク」の親会社の悪質ブリーダーとの関係や、現場の公園にいた少年が出入りしていた動物愛護団体の施設の存在も浮上。果たして、事件の真相は!? 被害者の愛犬・タクトは事件解決の鍵を握っているのか!?
《日曜プライム》 大学教授・大島健蔵(久松信美)が都内の路地で何者かに刺殺され、警視庁捜査一課・十津川警部(高橋英樹)と亀井刑事(高田純次)は臨場する。第一発見者によると、被害者は「十津川…」と言い残して息を引き取ったという。大島は“ミトコンドリア学”の第一人者として有名な人物だったが、十津川はまったく面識がない…。戸惑いながらも捜査をはじめた十津川は、現場付近の防犯カメラに不審な男の姿が映っていたことをつかむ。 手がかりを求め、准教授・早瀬由美(黒谷友香)や研究を支援していたバイオ関連会社社長・中園宏司(中村俊介) に事情を聴いた十津川らは、驚愕の事実を知る。防犯カメラに映っていた男は、2人の幼なじみ・赤池庄五郎(松尾諭)に違いないというのだ。
Dollmaker Haruhiko Kasukabe, nicknamed Haru-san, lost his wife Ruriko in an airplane crash 22 years ago and has been living with his only daughter Furi since then. It is the day of Furi's wedding. However, Furi only told Haruhiko about the wedding a month before. Since the bridegroom had some trouble at his overseas job, he was only able to return to Japan the day of the wedding, so Haruhiko has not met him even once. What kind of man did Furi choose to marry, and why did she hide such an important thing for so long...!? Haruhiko, worrying over all this, shuts himself in his room and decides not to go to the wedding... then, something completely unexpected happens to him. His late wife Ruriko appears before him. The truth is, she has appeared at Haruhiko's side many times before. What could be Ruriko's goal...
松本清張医療サスペンス第3弾! テレビ東京では、5月10日(水)夜9時から、松本清張 没後25年記念特別企画として「誤差」を放送することを決定致しました。この作品は、新潮文庫所収の傑作短編集『駅路』の一遍で、ファン待望のテレビドラマ化となります。 主演を務めるのは、山梨県警の刑事・山岡役を演じる村上弘明、山岡とコンビを組む後輩刑事役として剛力彩芽、さらに、“死体の声に耳を傾ける”法医学教授・立花役として陣内孝則、の豪華3人のメインキャストを迎えておおくりします。好評を博した、一昨年3月の開局50周年特別企画『黒い画集-草-』、昨年3月の松本清張特別企画『喪失の儀礼』に続き、みたび!松本清張作品での三人のトリオ共演が実現しました。 温泉宿で起きた殺人!不倫関係の男の正体は!?…事件のからくりを紐解くべく捜査を進める三人が、事象をありのままに見つめることの困難さを強烈に突きつけます。 「死亡推定時刻の“ズレ”」…そのズレが、ヒトの考えに都合の良い理解可能な結論を導き出す危うさ…!人間心理に根差した、まさに予測不能の本格サスペンスに挑みます。
Six high school tennis clubmates, including railroad investigator Noriko Hanamura, are going on a day trip to Kawaguchi Lake. However, one of them, Ayako Hirayama, does not show up even after the arranged time for the meet-up has passed. Magazine writer Yumi Tachiki, who planned the trip, calls Ayako but gets no answer, so Noriko and the others, believing Ayako will catch up with them, proceed to their destination. Even though Yumi and Noriko call Ayako many times, she does not answer. Yumi receives an urgent work request after arriving at Tenjozan Park by ropeway, so Noriko and the others return to Tokyo leaving Yumi at the mountain. None of them had any contact with Ayako the entire day. That night, Noriko receives a call from the Yamanashi Prefectural Police informing her that Yumi's body has been found stabbed in Tenjozan Park. One of the ropeway employees happened to witness a mysterious woman wearing a hat and a mask following Yumi down the mountain trail that evening...
Tokyo Family Court judicial research official Akira Yamanobo is in charge of Tetsuo and Ayano Katase's divorce arbitration. Ayano, the wife, who works for a boutique company, insists her husband is involved with another woman. Supported by her employer Kotomi Saegusa, the company president, she demands a divorce as soon as possible. On the other hand, her husband Tetsuo, a trading professional, denies having a relationship with a woman. He says he will not agree to the divorce and does not plan to let his only son Kenta go, so the arbitration continues. According to Akira's investigation, Ayano gave birth to Kenta as a single mother five years ago when she was working as a hospital clerk, making him Tetsuo's stepson. Tetsuo loves Kenta as his own child, so Akira doesn't understand why Ayano is so insistent on getting a divorce. However, Tetsuo's insistence on not giving up custody of his stepson Kenta is also very unusual.
Following of the Detective Katherine shown on September 2015.
『黒蜥蜴』(くろとかげ)は、江戸川乱歩の長編探偵小説。および、作中に登場する女性盗賊の俗称。フジテレビ・関西テレビ 2015年12月22日播送。
『松本清張 黒い画集-草-』。2015年3月25日(21:00 - 23:08)、テレビ東京系列にて、テレビ東京開局50周年特別企画として放送された。撮影は、新築建物に移転した後の、仙台市立病院旧建物で行われた。
The special will be set several months after the events of the drama. "Onizuka" learns of the imminent closure of the "Smile Duck" orphanage ("White Swan" in the original manga) due to a certain city development plan and some conflicts of interest for the politicians involved. Of course, he cannot let that happen, and together with his students from class 2-4, he will do everything possible to protect the orphanage.
This is based on a collection of short stories by Keigo Higashino. A membership-based investigation agency dedicated to VIP will usually lead the case to a quick and calm resolution. Members are only VIPs in the political and business world. Tow people are in charge of it, a man in his mid-30s who has a deeply carved face away from the Japanese and a beautiful woman who seems to be in his late 20s. She works as an assistant to the man, and has extraordinary memory. Their group is nicknamed the Detective Club by the owners who are VIP members.
At Fudo High, the principal receives threatening letters from someone called the "Afterschool Magician," who warns them to stop the plans to tear down the old school building. Scary rumours of students who died in the "Seven Mysteries of Fudo High" began to spread again, and it isn't long before Kindaichi and Miyuki gets involved when the Mystery Club asks them to help investigate. When the members of the Mystery Club turns up dead one by one and Miyuki also gets attacked, Kindaichi realizes that he must solve it before any more people are killed.
A brilliant hitman and a veteran former hitman join forces to take revenge on the murdered woman and challenge the criminal organization.
A brilliant hitman and a veteran former hitman join forces to take revenge on the murdered woman and challenge the criminal organization.