「そして、ここに生きている。」16年経った今も変わらず志木那島の人々と寄り添いながら生きる“コトー先生”こと 五島健助 の新たな物語。
Tells the story of three young people living in the after corona and wis corona worlds. When a lost salaried worker, Mochizuki Yuto, who had lived all over the world, wanted to quit his job, an emergency declaration was issued due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. The work environment of Yuto, such as telework and online meetings, has changed completely. Then, one day after the declaration was lifted, the eldest brother, Taito and his younger brother, Mitsuo, who had been thinking about him, visited Yuto.
Kenta Kurata (Masaki Aiba) lives with his father, Taichi (Akira Terao), his mother, Keiko (Kaho Minami), and his younger sister, Nana (Kasumi Arimura) in an isolated home in the suburbs. He works as an unpopular commercial designer. Kenta Kurata possesses a timid personality, which he picked up from his father. Kenta doesn't like his father. One day, while waiting for the train, Kenta warns a man who pushed a woman and cut in line. Kenta is surprised that he spoke out with his normally timid personality. After that incident, Kenta's family home is targeted by an unknown person with flowers from their garden being pulled out and the seat of a bicycle being torn. Also, Kenta's younger sister Nana is stalked by her ex-boyfriend. Kenta and his family try to find out who is responsible.
『花の鎖』(はなのくさり)は、湊かなえによる日本の小説。『別冊文藝春秋』(文藝春秋)にて2010年1月号から11月号まで連載され、2011年3月に刊行された。 「雪」「月」「花」の字を名前に持つ3人の女性、美雪・紗月・梨花を主人公に、それぞれの「花の記憶」と共にその生き様が描かれた物語になっている。また、その3人の女性の人生に影を落とす謎の男を巡るミステリでもある。 両親を亡くし祖母と2人暮らしの梨花は、祖母の胃癌の手術費に困窮し、生前の母に年に1度豪勢な花束を送り続け、両親が亡くなった後に資金援助を申し出てくれた名も知らぬ「K」という人物に助けを求める。Kとは一体何者なのか、祖母に尋ねても答えてくれず、自分で調べようとした梨花は花屋を通じて手紙を送り、Kの関係者と面会できることになり、Kと母の関係と花束の意味を知る。
A boy, Shin, and his family are forced to evacuate the island of Miyakejima, when it erupts in 2000. Shin's dog, Rock, is mistakenly left behind.
Recently graduated from high school, 17-year-old Shiro (Yagira Yuya) decides to put off college and work at a gas station instead. Shy and introspective, Shiro understands he is at a turning point of his life, but is unsure of what lies ahead. Though his parents disapprove of his decision, he has the support of his flower child grandmother (Natsuki Mari) who declares that a gas station is a romantic place for life's drifters. Surely enough, soon a new co-worker, college student Noriko (Erika Sawajiri), drifts into Shiro's life. He falls headfirst into a bittersweet first love that ushers him into the world of adulthood.