Adi Handac


Backdraft 2
Property Master
Years after the original Backdraft, Sean, son of the late Steve "Bull" McCaffrey, is assigned to investigate a deadly fire only to realize it is something much more sinister.
Property Master
シャークネード ラスト・チェーンソー 4DX
Property Master
Royal Matchmaker
Property Master
A struggling NYC matchmaker is hired by a king to find his son a suitable wife in time for a national celebration. As the clock ticks towards her deadline, the matchmaker finds him the perfect wife -- only to realize that she’s fallen in love with him!
ザ・リチュアル いけにえの儀式
Property Master
A group of college friends reunite for a trip to the forest, but encounter a menacing presence in the woods that's stalking them.
Property Master
An elite team of DEA agents are assigned to protect a dangerous drug lord and take refuge in a luxury hotel while they await extraction. They soon find themselves at the center of an ambush as the drug lord's former associates launch an explosive assault on the hotel.
Property Master
Property Master
これまでも『沈黙の処刑軍団』などでタッグを組んできたスティーヴン・セガールとキオニ・ワックスマン監督が再び協力して放つ入魂のアクション。主人公が、闇組織とCIA相手に激しい戦いを展開する姿を描き切る。『大脱出』などのヴィニー・ジョーンズや『アイアン・フィスト』などのバイロン・マンらが共演。1992年のシリーズ第1作『沈黙の戦艦』から20年以上が経過しても、勢い衰えぬ力作に魂が震える。 無敵の傭兵(ようへい)ジョン(スティーヴン・セガール)は、ウクライナで台頭してきた闇組織に所属するある男性の暗殺をCIAから依頼される。彼はいとも簡単にミッションをこなすが、組織が狙う女性ナディアを助けたことから逆に自分も相手に追われるハメに。CIAの作戦担当官ヴァン・ホーンを通じて彼女の返還を求められるが、ジョンはその申し出を断る。
Property Master
伝説の勇者マサイアスは、王暗殺の汚名を着せられ、たくらんだ悪の王位継承者に追われる身 に。そんな時ミステリアスな女性と出会い、彼女と一緒に世界征服ができるほどの力を持つ秘 宝を探すことに。そして、敵も秘宝とそのパワーを手に入れようとしていた。立ちはだかる強 大な敵に、マサイアスはひとり立ち向かうのであった。
A Good Man
Property Master
After an illustrious special ops career ends in disaster, Alexander goes off the grid and attempts to lead a quiet life as a handyman at an apartment complex. But when one of his tenants and her family fall under the thumb of a Russian gangster, Alexander is dragged into an all-out war between rival Chinese and Russian gangs; forcing him to not only defend the family, but bringing him face to face with an old foe, and giving him one more chance to reconcile his past.
チャイルド・プレイ チャッキーの種
Cop #2
This time around, Chucky and his homicidal honey, Tiffany, are brought back to life by their orphan offspring, Glen. Then the horror goes Hollywood as Chucky unleashes his own brand of murderous mayhem!
Highlander: Endgame
Immortals Connor and Duncan Macleod join forces against a man from Connor's distant past in the highlands of Scotland, Kell, an immensely powerful immortal who leads an army of equally powerful and deadly immortal swordsmen and assassins. No immortal alive has been able to defeat Kell yet, and neither Connor nor Duncan are skilled enough themselves to take him on and live. The two of them eventually come to one inevitable conclusion; one of them must die so that the combined power of both the Highlanders can bring down Kell for good. There can be only one... the question is, who will it be?
On Mayday 1998 in the town of Dunwich, Massachusetts, Elizabeth gathers together a group of specially selected friends for a rather odd party. It turns out that she is the descendent of a malevolent witch named Lilith who was burned at the stake precisely three hundred years ago. Now Elizabeth hopes to resurrect her dreadful ancestor and has a specific (and murderous) need for the guests she has chosen
Property Master
As the millenium draws near, an evil being awakens. Fused to an ancient Talisman for centuries -- Theriel, the Black Angel is summoned from his resting place to usher in the end of the world. The ghastly messenger must claim seven human sacrifices to complete the ritual and open the gates of Hell. A teenage boy and girl have been chosen to assist the angel in its deadly mission, yet they alone are the world's only hope for salvation.