Albin Erlandzon

Albin Erlandzon

出生 : 1886-04-14, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden

死亡 : 1967-01-07


Albin Erlandzon


När syrenerna blomma
Clerk at the unemployment agency
The 1880s. Abandoned by his middle class parents in Stockholm, Johannes grows up in the countryside with a cobbler who regularly beats him up. Also at school he has to face regular beatings because of his Stockholm background, the only one who cares for him is a girl, Lotta, who promises to marry him one day. When he's 20 he moves to Stockholm and joins the Royal guards at the Royal palace. Quite by accident he meets Lotta again and start an affair with her. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
An inventive store assistant becomes a major motorcycle racing star.
Lång-Lasse i Delsbo
it's the 1840s and a rural parish plagued by drinking and fighting gets a new vicar who has decided to instill law, order and fear of God into the parishioners.
Robinson i Roslagen
To get away from his nagging wife, a man goes to a desert island to settle down there.
Maj på Malö
A con artist arrives to a small island to swingle money from the fishermen.
Livet i finnskogarna
Member of the school board
In a rural parish in 1906, young Heikki, one of the Finnish immigrants, lives a wild and free life in the deep forest. After poaching, his furs are confiscated and Heikki vows to have his revenge by seducing the young women of the parish, one by one.
Saltstänk och krutgubbar
The stingy fisherman Ericsson lives on a small island north of Stockholm with his wife Johanna och her father Isak.
Gomorron Bill!
Land owner Bill Bärnfelt sees a beautiful woman when he is out riding and immediately falls in love. But then his former fiancee turns up and makes a fuss.
Rosen på tistelön
Man playing cards at the post office
A smuggler's daughter falls in love with the son of a customs inspector.
The Girl and the Devil
Man at the burning of the witch
The soul of an evil witch about to be burned is transferred to the child of a pregnant woman in the audience. 19 years later a timid girl arrives at a farm looking for work. The farmer employs her despite his wife's protests. Soon it stands clear that the girl is in fact the evil witch, returned to wreak havoc on the farmer and his family. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Swedish film of the Kaj Munk play that was made into a far more famous film by Carl Dreyer in Denmark twelve years later.
Ride Tonight!
Oppressed by landowners, a peasant uprising ensues as an outlaw farmer refuses to pay taxes in this film adapted from Vilhelm Moberg's novel.
Old man
A lonely fisherman drowns and his elderly brother Efraim is left to do an inventory of the estate. He discovers that his brother had a son, Karl-Erik. Keeping it a secret, he travels to Stockholm to employ the young man as a hired hand. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Karusellen går
Accordion player
Swedish comedy from 1940. Carnival director Knut Lindberg has ended up in the hands of the usurer Director Aronsson and his shady practices trying to take over Lindberg's funfair. But the two new colleagues, Kalle and Nisse, does everything to stop him.
Hemliga Svensson
The little town Västerköping needs a new police man - but the only applicant is the small and tiny Fridolf. He gets the job but has to work with the big and strong police inspector Göransson. The town is visited by a crook who has specialized in stealing from local councils. Can this unusual pair stop him?
Sir Arne's Treasure
Three Scottish officers, including Sir Archi, murder Sir Arne and his household for a coffin filled with gold. The only survivor is Elsalill, who moves to relatives in Marstrand. There she meets a charming young officer- Sir Archi- and she soon understands that he was one of the murderers.
The Girl from the Marsh Croft
Courtroom audience
A 1917 Swedish drama film directed by Victor Sjöström, based on a 1913 novel by Selma Lagerlöf. It was the first in a series of successful Lagerlöf adaptions by Sjöström, made possible by a deal between Lagerlöf and A-B Svenska Biografteatern (later AB Svensk Filmindustri) to adapt at least one Lagerlöf novel each year. Lagerlöf had for many years denied any proposal to let her novels be adapted for film, but after seeing Sjöström's Terje Vigen she finally decided to give her allowance.