Dennis Bosher


Art Direction
Assistant Art Director
Jane Eyre
Art Direction
Jane Eyre is an orphan cast out as a young girl by her aunt, Mrs. Reed, and sent to be raised in a harsh charity school for girls. There she learns to be come a teacher and eventually seeks employment outside the school. Her advertisement is answered by the housekeeper of Thornfield Hall, Mrs. Fairfax.
Art Direction
The close relationship between two fun-loving brothers comes under threat when a beautiful, sensitive girl arrives on the scene. As the younger brother comes of age, the inevitable jealousy, confusion, rivalry and lust place their brotherly love in jeopardy.
1788年の英国。国王ジョージ3世が突然錯乱して王室は大混乱。この英国王室史上最大のスキャンダルをどう収めるのか? 国王をめぐる王室の人々のそれぞれの思惑が巡って……。その行方は?
The Secret of Roan Inish
Art Direction
Ten-year-old Fiona is sent to live with her grandparents in a small fishing village in Donegal, Ireland. She soon learns the local legend that an ancestor of hers married a Selkie – a seal who can turn into a human. Years earlier, her baby brother was washed out to sea and never seen again, so when Fiona spies a naked little boy on the abandoned Isle of Roan Inish, she is compelled to investigate.
Art Direction
A retelling of the classic Dickens tale of Ebenezer Scrooge, miser extraordinaire. He is held accountable for his dastardly ways during night-time visitations by the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future.
Assistant Art Director
Air America was the CIA's private airline operating in Laos during the Vietnam War, running anything and everything from soldiers to foodstuffs for local villagers. After losing his pilot's license, Billy Covington is recruited into it, and ends up in the middle of a bunch of lunatic pilots, gun-running by his friend Gene Ryack, and opium smuggling by his own superiors.
Art Direction
親友であるCIAのフェリックス・ライターの結婚式に向かう途中、「サンチェスが現れた」とDEA(麻薬取締局)の連絡を受け、ボンドとライターは現場に向かう。サンチェスはDEAが長年追っている麻薬王だったが、自身の人脈で固めた地元を離れてアメリカ領内に姿を見せたということは、二度とない捕獲のチャンスだった。 ボンドとライターは、サンチェスが逃走に使ったセスナをヘリコプターで釣り上げ捕らえ、スカイダイビングで花嫁デラが待つ教会に降り立った。 しかし、サンチェスは買収した捜査官キリファーの手助けで護送車から逃亡。新婚初夜のライター夫妻を襲い、デラを殺した上ライターを拉致してサメに足を食べさせてしまった。 帰国しようとしていたボンドは、空港でサンチェスの逃亡を知りライター宅に急いだが、そこで無残なライター夫妻の姿を発見する。ボンドは報復を誓うが、任務を逸脱した行為に対してMが自ら訪米、別件の任務を指示する。ボンドは辞職を示し、その場から逃走。単身、サンチェスの元へ乗り込む。
A Hazard of Hearts
Art Direction
When compulsive gambler Sir Giles Staverley has lost his estate and all his money playing dice, he realises that he only has one thing left of value: his daughter Serena. In a final game, he stakes his daughter's hand in marriage, convinced that this time he will not lose. Unfortunately, however, he does lose; to the evil Lord Wrotham. Unable to return home and tell his daughter that he has lost her in a game of dice, Sir Giles kills himself there and then. Lord Vulcan, who has witnessed the events, takes pity on Serena Staverley, although they have never met. He challenges Lord Wrotham to a game of dice in which the winner takes both Staverley Court and Miss Serena.
Assistant Art Director
20世紀のどこかの国。情報省はテロの容疑者「タトル」を「バトル」と打ち間違えてしまい、無関係なバトル氏を無理やり連行していく。それを一部始終見ていた上の階に住むトラック運転手のジルが抗議をするも、全く相手にされない。 一方、情報局に勤めるサムは、このミスをなんとかするために試行錯誤していた。近頃サムは、夢の中でナイトの格好をして、美女を助け出すというおかしな夢を見ていたが、情報省に抗議に来ていたジルがその美女にそっくりだということに気づく。 ある日、サムが家に帰るとダクトが故障しており、非合法のダクト修理屋と名乗るタトルが勝手に直してしまう。サムはまた夢の中でサムライの怪物と戦い、美女を救う夢を見る。サムはジルの正体を知るために断っていた昇格を望み、友人であったジャックの元を訪ねる。そして、様々な事柄が複雑に絡まりあっていく。