Ashley Hayden


Pride of Africa
Penny Stodd-Wicks
Safari tour guide David Webb (Robert Powell) takes a job as head of security on the luxury train Pride of Africa and discovers that the wealthy passengers can be just as dangerous as the wild animals he knows so well. As the train sets off across the lush countryside, Webb contends with a dangerous kidnapping plot, a heated lovers' quarrel and a possible murder in this made-for-TV mystery set in the 1930s.
Annette Gillian
「ブルー・リボン洗濯工場」で働くシェリーが怪我をし、その際に出した血で、悪魔の取り憑いたプレス機マングラーは血の味を覚え、次々に殺人を繰り返す。 捜査に来たジョン・ハントン刑事とその友人のマークは暴走を止めるため奔走する。
Terminator Woman
Myra Bolo
Two LA cops, Julie and Jay, must return Marsalas to Africa to stand trial as the chief state witness against international villain Alex Gatelee. Gatelee, into everything from gold smuggling to female slave trade, hijacks the party. In a vicious shoot out Julie and Jay overcome Gatelee's men. Gatelee then has Julie kidnapped from one of his nightclubs. He tries to use Julie as bait to get Jay to hand over Marsalas in exchange for Julie...
The bodies turn out to be very radioactive. A sheriff and reporter start to investigate ...
Buried Alive
A young woman goes to teach at the Ravenscroft Institute, a spooky old girls' school overrun by ants and staffed by some unusual types. Spurred on by a series of horrific hallucinations, she begins to investigate the mysterious disappearances of several students.
Associate Producer
A former Las Vegas Detective turned Private Investigator is tasked by an old friend to investigate money that went missing from the casinos. At the same time, he is attempting to get over pain from his past and build a relationship with a past client. He soon discovers that the case he is working on is blending into personal life. As bodies start turning up his past is slowly revealed.