Larry Huston


First Assistant "C" Camera
Jack Goes Boating
First Assistant "B" Camera
A limo driver's blind date sparks a tale of love, betrayal, friendship and grace—centered around two working-class New York City couples.
First Assistant "B" Camera
A naive young man assumes a dead man's identity and finds himself embroiled in an underground world of power, violence, and chance where men gamble behind closed doors on the lives of other men.
First Assistant "C" Camera
巨匠リドリー・スコットが突きつける、空前のアクション・サスペンス大作! レオナルド・ディカプリオと、アカデミー俳優ラッセル・クロウ――ハリウッドきっての豪華2大スターが顔を合わせ、いま至極の「嘘の世界」〈ワールド・オブ・ライズ〉が、その幕を開ける! 世界を救おうとする2人の男。CIA工作員のロジャー・フェリス(ディカプリオ)と、彼の上司であるベテラン局員、エド・ホフマン(クロウ)。 フェリスは、世界中の情報網の中枢に潜入し、現場を知らない上司にキレながらも、命を張って働く男。一方のホフマンは、平和な自宅や安全な本部から電話一本で命令し、部下の意見は無視する冷酷な男だ。 そんな生き方も考え方も違う2人の目的はひとつ。地球規模の爆破事件のリーダーを捕まえること。 足跡すら残さない正体不明の犯人をおびき出せるのは、「世界一の嘘」しかない。フェリスとホフマン、そして他国の諜報部の、息もつけない頭脳戦が始まった!  果たして世界を救うのは、いったい誰のどんな嘘か──?
First Assistant Camera
A psychological thriller based on the concept of anamorphosis, a painting technique that manipulates the laws of perspective to create two competing images on a single canvas.
First Assistant "A" Camera
Steadicam Operator
First Assistant "A" Camera
State of Grace
Steadicam Operator
Hell's Kitchen, New York. Terry Noonan returns home after a ten-year absence. He soon reconnects with Jackie, a childhood friend and member of the Irish mob, and rekindles his love affair with Jackie's sister Kathleen.
Second Assistant Camera
The Devil's Cleavage
"One of Kuchar’s few feature-length works is this ribald pastiche to postwar Hollywood melodrama, that period when the studios were trying very hard to be adult. The intricate, overheated plot involves a nurse trapped in an unhappy marriage who escapes the big city in search of greener pastures in Blessed Prairie, Oklahoma. Swerving from earnest homage to dark satire, Kuchar simultaneously imitates and savages the legacy of Sirk, Preminger and Minnelli that inspired him, gleefully intertwining the suggestive and the scatological, while also pointing towards the later postmodern parodies of Cindy Sherman. The Devil’s Cleavage is also a rich time capsule of 1970s San Francisco, replete with cameos from Curt McDowell and Art Spiegelman." —