Nathalie Paulding


96 Souls
Miss Patterson
A university research scientist, about to lose funding and status, has a lab accident and discovers he can see people's true intentions -- making his situation even worse.
Last Call
A snapshot into the lives of a group of New Yorkers whose dreams, dramas, crucial and not so crucial decisions, intersect at a bar over the course of one night.
Amanda (Teen)
As the 15th anniversary of a fatal high school shooting approaches, former pupil Diana McFee is haunted by memories of the tragedy. After losing her best friend Maureen in the attack, Diana has been profoundly affected by the incident - her seemingly perfect life shaped by the events of that day.
Bringing Rain
Stuck together for the last month of school, a group of boarding school students are faced with either dealing with the reality of the damage done, or drifting off into isolated fantasies and denials.
A pack of naïve teenagers conspire to murder a mutual friend, whose aggressive demeanor has proved too much.
Lori Myers has no idea of the terrifying danger she attracts after accepting a gift from her husband Rick to celebrate their marriage. For the beautifully hand-crafted Russian puppet he buys in suburban New York contains a fortune in smuggled jewels from the fabled collection of the last Czar. Unknown to Rick, the Brighton Beach antique store is really a front for the deadly activities of the Russian Mafia. And Uilanov, their sadistic mob leader, wants the priceless treasure back in his possession at all costs. As sinister henchmen track down all recent newlyweds in the area and embark on a bloody killing spree, the couple enter their own private hell when dark secrets erupt from the forgotten mists of Lori's childhood. But fighting her personal demons is just one of the many menacing hazards Lori faces on a perilous journey packed with seat-edged suspense and shocking surprise.