Nobuyuki Furuta

Nobuyuki Furuta

出生 : 1958-04-04, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 2017-08-29


Furuta Nobuyuki was born April 4, 1958 in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. He was a voice actor (seiyuu) affiliated with Production Baobab and Kenyu Office. (AniDB)


Nobuyuki Furuta


Einosuke Moriyama (voice)
幕末。ペリー率いるアメリカ艦隊の来航によって、200年余り続いた日本の鎖国は終わりを迎えた。そこに、プチャーチン率いるロシア軍艦「ディアナ号」が来航し、アメリカに続き日本との国交樹立を要求してきた。対応に苦慮した江戸幕府は、外国通の川路聖謨を全権代表に任じ、プチャーチンとの交渉に当たらせた。両者は伊豆・下田において会談したが、互いに譲歩することはなく議論は平行線を辿った。 日露交渉が始まって数日後、伊豆をマグニチュード8,4の大地震「安政東海地震」が襲った。プチャーチンらロシア人は危険を顧みず、津波に流される日本人たちの救助を行ったが、その代償として「ディアナ号」は航行に支障が出る程の被害を受けてしまった。安全な場所での修理を求めるプチャーチンに対し、川路は戸田村での修理を許可した。しかし、「ディアナ号」は嵐に遭遇し座礁してしまう。この時、宮嶋村の村民たちは、ロシア人との接触を禁じた幕府の命令に背き、沈没する「ディアナ号」から多くのロシア人を救出した。 川路は沈没した「ディアナ号」に代わり、新たに洋式帆船を建造することに決め、戸田村の大工・緒明嘉吉に建造を依頼する。嘉吉たちはロシア人たちと共に帆船造りをすることになり、日本人とロシア人との交流が始まった。初めはぎこちなかった両者も次第に心を通わせ、菊三郎ら子供たちもロシア人たちとの交流を楽しむようになっていた。 やがて、日本が初めて手掛けた本格的洋式帆船が完成し、戸田村の人々とロシア人たちの別れの時が来た。プチャーチンは、自分たちのために尽くしてくれた戸田村の人々に感謝と敬意を込めて、船の名前を「ヘダ号」と命名した。
Directory (voice)
Jim (voice)
In the 26th century, humans discover a humanoid race living on the distant world GO/7498/2, a dark-skinned, golden-eyed people who seem to eke out a primitive, carefree existence. However, a scout team from Earth discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye--they live in symbiosis with vicious reptilian parasites, and the Terran scientists have upset the delicate natural balance.
Yohko trains to become a good devil hunter. Nearby a local construction site destroys a forest in which sleeping spirits lie. The spirits are disturbed by this and start harassing the construction workers. Azusa Kanzaki, a Devil Hunter in training, is introduced. Azusa came to become an apprentice to Yohko. The two team up to fight against the spirits that are harassing the workers.
聖飢魔II HUMANE SOCIETY ~人類愛に満ちた社会~
Angel Squad (Voice)
Seikima II was a real-life Japanese death-metal band. Full of kabuki makeup, songs about rape, murder, and satanic destruction, and a public persona of devilish evil. The OVA purports to tell the backstory of the band, which, according to its publicity, was composed of actual demons (akuma) from the parallel dimension Makai. In the OVA, five vicious demons (the five band members), led by Demon Kogure (the lead singer), are plotting the destruction of humanity. The only effective opposition comes from the saintly Rosa, who is actually the reformed war goddess Freyja in disguise. The demons attempt to activate their ultimate weapon, the Tower of Babel, before Rosa can complete her counter weapon, the Tower of Cain. The demons triumph and are on the verge on destroying the world when their leader suddenly decides that they should, instead, form a rock-and-roll band in order to convert people everywhere into demon worshipers.
Nakadai (voice)
In this collection of three separate stories, Tsurujiro Kazama is a songwriter for some of Japan's most popular Idol singers ... singers he exacts a unique price from. Also included are the stories of Toyama no Benbei ... seducer extraordinaire!
ふしぎの海のナディア 劇場版
RIKI-OH 力王2 「滅びの子」
Official B (voice)
Riki finds himself in the town of Misaki, dotted with illegal nuclear power plants and run by a religious fanatic military organization called "God's Judgment." He is taken prisoner and made to fight in gladiatorial matches in a sprawling arena. He finds his brother, whose special powers have given him the name of "Savior," but his reunion with his resentful sibling turns sour rather quickly.
Guy Yoma Kakusei
Boss (voice)
A simple salvage operation turn into a nightmare journey to the Prison Planet Geo; where evil warden Helga has built an illegal empire based on slavery and exploitation. Dr. Vail, also a resident of Planet Geo, has discovered a new process to turn the inmates in vicious monsters. The appetites of the monsters and Helga's own insanity transform Geo in a literal hell but Guy and Reina know just how to handle it...
Sakamaki (voice)
『翔んだカップル』『特命係長・只野仁』などで有名な漫画家・柳沢きみおの青年コミックのOVA化。  高校三年生・海津龍一。彼は胸中で、『罪と罰』作中の富豪にして悪漢スヴィドリガイロフを信奉する、選民主義者だった。クールでプレイボーイの龍一は見栄えの良い外見を活用し、病院長の娘を攻略。その後に相手の弱みにつけこんで手切れ金・一千万円を要求した。金と出世と女を手玉に取る生き方を突き進む龍一だが、その先に待つ運命とは?  1990年代の実写映画や実写ビデオ作品に携わった製作会社・日映エージェンシーが企画製作したOVAの一本で、監督には『宇宙戦艦ヤマト』『メガゾーン23』の石黒昇が就任。アニメの実製作も石黒率いる製作会社アートランドが主体となっている。脚本は実写特撮番組『禁じられたマリコ』『仮面ライダーブレイド』などの今井詔二。
Gordon Liu plays a stuntman named Daiyu, who is his town's sole vampire non-believer holdout. When his young daughter “adopts” a vampire kid, his viewpoint changes. Daiyu, with help from a female Japanese student, must defend his village against hopping vampires and an evil sorcerer who want their land.
The Composer
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Family 1 (ep 4) (voice)
Yuko Kusaka is a Japanese journalist sent to Brazil to do a report on the gold rush phenomenon that seems to be making many people rich from night to day. Rumors say that among the many "garimpeiros" (gold diggers) currently on the Amazon forest, there is a Japanese known as Rio Baraki. Reaching their destination, her crew member is promptly attacked and she is raped as a warning to stop their work and return immediately to their home country. Determined to do her job, she stays and finds out from the attacker that he is none other than Baraki, a white haired muscular man with a large scar on his back. Later she discovers that his real name is Keisuke Ibaraki. Once a promising quarterback, he ended up falsely incriminated by a powerful organization known as GPX.