Jun Matsumoto
出生 : 1983-08-30, Toshima, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jun Matsumoto (born August 30, 1983) was born in Toshima, Tokyo, is known for his acting achievements in many Japanese dramas. Also widely known as "MatsuJun", is a Japanese actor, and TV host. He is known outside Japan for he role in the Romance film Tokyo Tower (2005). He was also a main character in Kimi wa petto (2003), along with Koyuki. He rose to fame in the drama Kimi wa petto (2003) with Koyuki and gained huge popularity . He first caught the attention of the public in 1997 by acting debut in TBS drama special Hoken Chousain, but quickly grew beyond drama and has earned acclaim as an actor through his many roles on Japanese television and in several Japanese films. He also starred Boys Over Flowers series in 2005. He has gone on to appear in numerous dramas and movies, receiving a number of awards and nominations for his roles. He drama 99.9: Criminal Lawyer (2016) was popular in Japan with a peak viewership rating of 22.5%. He is very famous in Japan, and almost everyone knows him. Was best known until recently for his commercial work on Japanese television. Over the years since the early 1990s, the actor has had roles in drama serials, movies, TV shows and even hosted red carpet events in his country like Minnano Televi and Utawara. Let's also not forget the innumerable CF (commercial film) advertisements that he's done, for brands like KFC in Japan, Kosé and Pepsi. He wore multiple hats as an actor, host and variety show personality.
Description above from the Wikipedia article Jun Matsumoto, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
Hiroto Miyama
常に事実だけを追求し、99.9%逆転不可能と言われる事件で無罪を勝ち取ってきた深山(松本潤)。所属する斑目法律事務所の刑事事件専門ルームは、新所長となった佐田(香川照之)のもと、新米弁護士・穂乃果(杉咲花)も加わり、日々事件に挑み続けていた。ある日、彼らのもとに舞い込んできたのは、15年前に起きた天華村毒物ワイン事件に関する依頼。その事件には、謎の弁護士・南雲(西島秀俊)とその娘エリ(蒔田彩珠)が関わっていた。一見善良そうな南雲だが、果たして彼は敵なのか、味方なのか?深山たちは、村で出会った青年・守(道枝駿佑)の協力も得ながら、15年前の事件を徹底的に調べることに。やがてある可能性に行き当たり、奇跡の大逆転かと思われたが、それは巧妙に仕掛けられた罠だった…。事実だけを追求してきたはずの深山が、まさかの冤罪を生んでしまうことに!?斑目法律事務所に訪れた最大のピンチ!果たして深山たちは、0.1%の事実にたどり着くことができるのか―― ?
The last concert held by Japanese boy band Arashi on December 31, 2020 at Tokyo Dome, one day before the start of their indefinite hiatus. Includes live performances of songs from their final studio album of the same name.
Miyama Hiroto
松本潤主演の映画「99.9-刑事専門弁護士- THE MOVIE」公開に合わせて、人気シリーズの完全新作スペシャルドラマをお届け!松本は、今回も超型破りな弁護士・深山大翔(みやま・ひろと)を演じ、上司の敏腕弁護士・佐田篤弘(さだ・あつひろ)を香川照之が続投。新ヒロインとして杉咲花が参加し、司法修習を終えたばかりの新米弁護士・河野穂乃果(こうの・ほのか)を演じる。SEASON Ⅰでは検察官、SEASON Ⅱでは裁判官と対峙してきた深山だが、今回、立ちはだかる敵は弁護士。その弁護士・南雲恭平(なぐも・きょうへい)を西島秀俊が演じる。 【ストーリー】 99.9%有罪と見なされた案件でも、残された0.1%の事実を納得するまで追求し無罪を勝ち取る弁護士・深山大翔(松本潤)が勤める斑目法律事務所は、所長が佐田篤弘(香川照之)に変わっていた。その就任パーティー会場で、佐田は大手自動車メーカーの会長・若月昭三(石橋蓮司)から、新米弁護士の孫娘を育ててほしいと頼まれる。一方、深山は拘置所で依頼人・大島浩二(児嶋一哉)のもとにいた。大島は下着窃盗犯で逮捕、起訴され、否定するものの、状況証拠から有罪は揺るぎない。そもそもこの案件の弁護は河野穂乃果(杉咲花)が担当していて、情状酌量を勧めたものの、絶対にやっていないと言う大島が無罪を勝ち取るため深山に依頼替えをしたのだ。深山は早速、大島の話をもとに気仙沼へ向かうが、なぜか穂乃果もついていくことに。数日後、斑目法律事務所にやって来た穂乃果。彼女が若月の孫娘だったのだ。若月からは民事の弁護士として育てるよう依頼を受けていた佐田だが、穂乃果の要求を受け入れ若月には秘密で刑事弁護で働かせることに。そんなある日、政治家の収賄事件の依頼が舞い込む。次期市長候補・岡部康行が賄賂を受け取ったとして逮捕されたが、岡部は否認。しかし賄賂を送った円谷は罪を認めて有罪が確定しており、結審した収賄事件をひっくり返すのはほぼ不可能に近かった。深山と佐田は円谷の弁護を担当していた南雲恭平(西島秀俊)を訪ねるが、温厚な顔の裏に隠されたグレーな弁護手法を感じ取り警戒を強める。そして、南雲は深山が担当する裁判の検察側とも裏で接触していて、深山たちの前に立ちはだかる。果たして、深山は事実を見つけ出すことができるのか!?
Captures the group in one of its last concerts on its 2018-2019 "5×20" anniversary tour.
Matsuura Takeshiro
Takeshiro Matsuura was a Japanese explorer who was the first person to document the inner reaches of what is now known as Hokkaido. He explored the area extensively during the mid 19th century and created a map of the island that included parts which had been ignored by earlier cartographers. He visited Ainu communities and compiled records of the large numbers of the population who had been conscripted for forced labor far from their homes. Matsuura suggested the name Hokkaido for the area
To support their new album Untitled, Arashi performed a live tour called Arashi Live Tour 2017-2018 Untitled.
Takashi Hayama
Features behind the scenes of Arashi going on the Are You Happy? tour.
2016.01.01 RELEASE
Features behind the scenes of Arashi during their 15th anniversary concert in Hawaii in 2014.
ARASHI Live Tour 2013 "LOVE" 2014.07.30 RELEASE
Futaba Rentarou
Kosuke Okuda
取引相手を訪ねた新人営業マンの浩介 は、そこで同じ中学校に通っていた幼なじみの真緒 と10年ぶりの再会を果たす。学年有数のバカとして名をはせ、何かといじめられていた彼女が、当時の姿から想像がつかないほど魅力的な女性になったことに驚く浩介。再会に運命めいたもの感じた二人は惹(ひ)かれ合うようになり、結婚を決意するまでに。だが、真緒は誰にも知られてはならない、とんでもない秘密を持っていて……。
Wataru, a freelance cameraman who works for a travel magazine in Tokyo. He had aimed to be a teacher but failed to achieve his goal and left home to go to Tokyo. However, he does not do well in Tokyo and has to return to his hometown. Wataru reunites with his former girlfriend who is a primary school teacher now and through his interaction with his family, friends and a group of primary school students who want to take part in a choir contest, he begins to take steps to resurrect his dream of being a teacher.
2012年11月から年明け1月まで、全国5大都市にて公演いたしました 嵐ライブツアー「ARASHI LIVE TOUR Popcorn」がDVDとして 2013年4月24日(水)にリリースされることが決定しました! あらゆる角度から“POP”を詰め込んだアルバム「Popcorn」(2012.10.31リリース)を、具現化、視覚化したライブとなっており、今作品は、2012年12月に行われました東京ドーム公演を収録。嵐5人が表現する楽しく、そしてエンターテインメント性に満ちあふれたPOPな世界を、思う存分堪能できる1枚です!
Tokita Shuntaro
Ohno plays the role of Tarui Shotaro, an ordinary guy who dreamed of becoming a hero when he was a child, but now gets by as a part-time worker. The unexpected story unfolds when one day, the daughter of a yakuza boss asks him to plan a make-believe kidnapping. Sato Ryuta plays Shotaro's co-worker who helps him with the kidnapping. Kanjiya Shihori plays Satsuki, the eldest daughter of the Hanazono yakuza clan, while Narimiya Hiroki plays Satsuki's college senpai who joined the Hanazono clan after graduation. Takahashi Katsumi plays the head of a rival organization who has fallen in love with Satsuki. Kitaoji Kinya plays Satsuki's father and the head of the Hanazono clan.
Kenji stutters and suffers from interpersonal blushing. After his mother's death, he lives with his violent father, but cannot stand it, so he takes a live-in job at a barbershop to get out of the house. On the other hand, Shinji's father committed suicide when he was young, his mother abandoned him and he grew up with a wild personality. The two, who may or may not have similarities, meet by chance and are trained by Horiguchi, a former boxer, to become professional boxers. A coming-of-age story about love, loneliness and facing oneself.
Features tour extras of Arashi going on Training Camp.
"Saigo no Yakusoku" is described as a human suspense story involving the hijack of a major building. The members of Arashi play five young men who happen to be inside, and the story depicts their attempt to escape and their interactions with the other people caught up in the incident.
Hayato Yamaguchi
The drama is based on a true story of Yamaguchi Hayato (25), a young man who learns he has a rare illness known as CIDP, which affects the nervous system. He begins to lose the functioning of his limbs, but he is determined to fight the illness with the support of his wife and his 2-year-old daughter, Myu-chan.
Tsukasa Dōmyōji
セレブばかりが集まる英徳学園に入学してしまった貧乏娘の牧野つくし(井上真央)は、紆余曲折の果てに大財閥の御曹司である道明寺司(松本潤)と婚約を果たした。その証しとして道明寺家に代々受け継がれる推定100億円のティアラ『ビーナスの微笑』を司の母の楓(加賀まりこ)から贈られたつくしだが、家族ともども宿泊していたホテルで強奪されてしまう。その大胆な犯行は、まったく闇の中に伏せられた。これは、単なる盗みなのか? それとも二人の結婚を阻止しようとする陰謀なのか? 怪しいホテルのオーナーを追って、つくしと道明寺はラスベガスへ向かう。しかし、オーナーは何も知らないと語った。途方に暮れる二人の前に現れたのは、花沢類(小栗旬)、西門総二郎(松田翔太)、美作あきら(阿部力)というF4のメンバーたちだった。道明寺とつくしの婚約を心から祝う彼らは、二人の力になろうと集まったのだ。裏社会のボスである父の仕事を手伝う美作から、闇オークションで『ビーナスの微笑』が出品されると知らされて、一行は香港へ向かう。なんとか『ビーナスの微笑』の落札に成功して取り戻すが、その帰りの飛行機の中で睡眠薬を飲まされて、道明寺とつくしは無人島へと放り出された。何もない野性の地で、初めてお互いに向かいあう道明寺とつくしは、他愛のない口論を繰り返しながらも、愛情を再確認する。道明寺にとってかけがえない夢とは、つくしと一緒になることに尽きた。そんな二人が発見されて、無人島から救出される。すべての真相は、道明寺とつくしの絆を確認するための大芝居だった。楓とつくしの両親が共謀して、謎の男(北大路欣也)が仕掛けた壮大な計画だったのだ。あらためて、道明寺とつくしの結婚式が盛大に行われる。二人の幸福を心から喜ぶ同窓生たち。そして、つくしは道明寺の子供を授かる。
Yori Yuki
Yuji Katsumada
The movie is centered around five friends as they end up spending the summer of 1962 shackled up together in a tiny studio apartment in Tokyo. The five friends are Eisuke - the manga artist, Shoichi - the singer, Ryuzo - the novelist, Kei - the painter and Yuji – the 5th wheel (?). The friends spend the summer in pursuit of their own ideals of personal freedom - being able to do what they want. In the process of pursuing their dream they learn firsthand that however ideal it may seem, its not as easy as they think.
A man sees his dead girlfriend through his digital camcorder. ***Inochibi (Life Force)
A nurse is able to save dying patients with her 'life force'. ***Ame no Houmonsha (The Visitor in the Rain)
A woman visits her sister on a rainy night to celebrate her birthday, but finds a stranger in her house who may be a murderer at large... ***Okusanya-san (The Wife Seller)
A man stumbles upon a shop selling perfect wives. ***Imakiyo-san (Mr. Imakiyo)
A student finds a spirit called Imakiyo in his apartment, and he has to obey three rules or suffer the consequences...
Koji Ohara
Futaba Rentarou
Futaba Rentarou
Kindaichi Hajime
When the head of the touring magician's group "Magical Fantasy" is murdered on a train while on his way to Hokkaido, young Kindaichi, who also just happens to be on board, is fast on the case to find the culprit. But just as quickly as the case unfolds, the body disappears only to be rediscovered again, along with other new bodies.
Kentaro Kanzaki
In the streets of ultra-modern Shinjuku, Sosuke, a young would-be detective, all of a sudden attacked by a monster robot and falls unconscious. Determined to unravel the mystery, Sosuke joins forces with four members to fight against the robot. Will they be successful?