Misayo Haruki

Misayo Haruki

出生 : 1974-06-28,


Misayo Haruki


Itsuka's mother
The year is 2020, the middle of the corona crisis. Art student Itsuka has her graduation exhibition canceled and must take home the piece which she had been working on for a year. In a whirlpool of emotions she clashes with her worried parents, her little sister overreacts to the virus and even her usually calm friend Hirai starts to build up frustration. In the middle of all that, she re-unites with Tanaka, who gave her the opportunity to absorb herself in painting, clashes with Hirai over their true feelings and tries to face her own future.
Set along the river basin of Shimane Prefeture's Takatsu River, a government-protected river, this drama portrays various people living in an area burdened by decreasing population as they carry on the tradition of "Kagura" Shinto music and dance which is said to be the roots of Kabuki. Directing from his own screenplay is Nishikori Yoshinari of Railways. Saito Manabu (Komoto Masahiro) operates a ranch on a mountain and worries his son Tatsuya (Ishikawa Raizo) has been making a habit of skipping Kagura practice. Then Manabu learns his alma mater elementary school will be closed down.
「この世界の片隅に」ののんが初監督を務めたオリジナル映画。のんが監督のほか脚本、撮影、編集などを一手に担い、主演も務めた。岩手県遠野市に暮らす早池峰留見は、妖怪を空想したり絵を描いたりするのが好きな高校2年生。最近では60歳になった大好きなおばあちゃんが家を出て行ってしまい、学校では進路調査票の提出が迫っているが、なかなか進路を定めることができない。親友の希枝は東京の大学への進学を決めていて、周囲から取り残されたように感じる留見は、ますます妖怪の世界に逃避し……。YouTubeオリジナル作品(YouTube Originals)で、本作の舞台裏を追ったドキュメンタリーと本作で構成された「のんたれ(I AM NON)」として、2019年10月2日からYouTubeで配信。
はるか昔、賢帝歴三千四十八年、景光が魔物と契約してから20年後。とある街の酒場で、踊り子に化けた魔物と戦う青年・百鬼丸を目撃したコソ泥・どろろ。百鬼丸は身体の四十八カ所を魔物に奪われており、その欠けた箇所を義肢で補っていた。通りすがりの琵琶法師から百鬼丸の身の上話を聞いたどろろは、その左腕に仕込まれた魔物を爆発蒸散させることのできる妖刀に興味を持ち、つきまとうようになる。初めは鬱陶しがっていた百鬼丸だが、時を重ねていくうちにしだいに心を開き、共に魔物を倒し、元の身体を取り戻すための旅をする。 旅をしていく中で深まる二人の絆と、次々と明らかになってゆく百鬼丸の過去。どろろの両親の仇、醍醐景光とは何者か。何故百鬼丸は身体の四十八カ所を奪われたのか、百鬼丸の本当の両親は誰なのか。その謎が明かされたとき、物語は大きく動き出す。 父の野望のため身体を奪われし者、そして時の権力に両親を奪われし者、失われた身体と心を取り戻すための二人の旅は続く。
新極道伝説 三匹の竜 2
It depicts the fierce battle between the Shanghai Mafia, who is trying to expand its power with sneaky hands, and Kuroiwa, the young head of the former Ryuo group.
39 刑法第三十九条
Hatata Kei
A young girl named Mitsuki receives a ticket for a bus tour from her uncle. The tour appears to be normal (expect that everyone appears to be quite sombre), but Mitsuki learns its true purpose: the other passengers and the tour manager have a suicide pact to send the bus over a cliff so their families can collect the insurance money.
Tomoko Hanaoka
Asao's Younger Sister
朝男の頭の中は「女とヤリたい」でいっぱい。そんなモヤモヤが彼を異常な行動へ駆り立てていく。 『みんな〜やってるか!』は、ビートたけし監督による日本映画で初コメディ映画監督作品。1995年2月11日公開。 「北野武」名義も含めた場合は5作目に当たる。それまでは「北野武」名義で映画監督を行ってきたが、本作は初の「ビートたけし」名義での製作となった。そのため「ビートたけし第一回監督作品」と銘打たれる(日本国外では、北野武名義の作品となっている)。 多くの映画評論家からも黙殺されたが、淀川長治は「斎藤寅次郎、マック・セネットの再来」と評価した。
Zero WOMAN 警視庁0課の女
Takako Fukuoka
A famous businessman's links with organized crime are looked into by the Zero Division of the Tokyo Police, with the investigation being headed by a highly trained, extremely violent and very beautiful female officer. When not having shoot-outs with the crime syndicate thugs trying to kill her, she spends most of her time in her apartment, wearing lingerie and taking showers. A sub-plot involves the businessman's S&M-obsessed daughter.
Tanaka is a yakuza who collects 'protection money' from establishments. He has just been released from jail, where he had spent eight years, and finds out that his boss wants to get rid of him. Tanaka is not an archetypal yakuza; he travels by public transport. But he does have two mistresses: Ayumi, who runs a nightclub, and Yoshie, a brothel-keeper. When Tanaka's boss ends up in hospital, second man Kurauchi exerts increasing pressure on Tanaka. Tanaka deliberately has himself wounded by a fighter to dodge several of Kurauchi's demands.