Miho Suzuki


Makeup Artist
人気がなく静まり返った町を訪れた男が、町中に流れるラジオ番組によって突如、殺人犯に仕立て上げられてしまった! 男に待ち受けるのは、待ったなしの理不尽な襲撃の嵐! 問答無用に激しくライフル銃をぶっ放す警官、凶器を片手にどこまでも追いかけてくる謎の仮面の男たちが、容赦なく次々と襲い掛かる!
くノ一忍法帖 自来也秘抄
This time the girls are the bad guys. Which means they will be a lot nude and action in this series and they have to fight a superhero called Jirasyso.
Zero WOMAN 警視庁0課の女
Yumi Ogasawara
A famous businessman's links with organized crime are looked into by the Zero Division of the Tokyo Police, with the investigation being headed by a highly trained, extremely violent and very beautiful female officer. When not having shoot-outs with the crime syndicate thugs trying to kill her, she spends most of her time in her apartment, wearing lingerie and taking showers. A sub-plot involves the businessman's S&M-obsessed daughter.