Eri Ishida

Eri Ishida

出生 : 1960-11-09, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan


Eri Ishida


G.I.ジョー 漆黒のスネークアイズ
ハズブロ社のアクションフィギュアをもとに、戦闘のエキスパートチーム「G.I.ジョー」と悪の組織「コブラ」の戦いを描くアクション大作「G.I.ジョー」シリーズの3作目。シリーズの人気キャラクターでもある漆黒の忍者スネークアイズを主人公に、マスクで顔を隠し謎に包まれたスネークアイズがいかに誕生したかを描く。日本の闇の組織からある男の命を救ったスネークアイズは、秘密忍者組織「嵐影」への入門を許可される。600年にわたり日本の平和を守ってきた嵐影だったが、悪の抜け忍組織と国際テロ集団「コブラ」の連合軍による攻撃にさらされ、危機に瀕していた。スネークアイズは嵐影の3つの試練を乗り越え真の忍者となり、世界を守るため戦う。日本が主な舞台となり、ハリウッド映画史上最大規模ともいわれる日本ロケを敢行。「るろうに剣心」シリーズのアクションも手がけた谷垣健治がスタントコーディネーター、アクション監督として参加し、平岳大、安部春香、石田えりら日本人キャストも出演。監督を「RED レッド」「ダイバージェント」シリーズのロベルト・シュベンケが務め、「クレイジー・リッチ!」のヘンリー・ゴールディングがスネークアイズ役を務めた。
Lost Girls & Love Hotels
Searching for escape in Tokyo's back alleys, a haunted English teacher explores love and lust with a dashing Yakuza, as their tumultuous affair takes her on a journey through the city's dive bars and three-hour love hotels.
Wish freedom and feel responsibility. 3days road movie of prince and a girl. It's a romantic story between prince and Levelle Kingdom on an escape journey and a girl living freely in Japanese city, with a stylish Asian taste of colorful and vivid images. The story is set in a city of beautiful mother nature, fashion, artistic architectures, and history
Kazuko Kasahara
My House
Suzumoto and Sumi creatively master their independent lives while living in a park in Nagoya. In contrast, a middle-class family is caught up in pressure and routine. The two threads of the story gradually intertwine, until a tragic escalation occurs. Shot with a black-and-white documentary feel, yet highly stylized, the film analyzes the contradictions and pathologies of modern society.
Yumiko Imamura
"Acacia" revolves around Sekiji Ishida (Antonio Inoki) a former professional wrestler now a lonely retired man. Sekiji then strikes up a friendship with a reserved young boy.
Go Ayano plays Kazunari Mizusawa, a young photographer gathering pictures of girls in Shibuya for a documentary. Suddenly the constant noise of the bustling crowd is drowned out by a high school girl (Aimi Satsukawa) shrieking in anger. Mizusawa is startled, but also confused by the fact that nobody in the area but him seemed to care or even notice. His fascination with figuring out exactly what makes young girls want to come to Shibuya in the first place makes him determined to find out more about her.
Then Summer Came
A humorous wedding story fueled by a rather no-good father and son, disguised as the old and new “good guys.” The father Nobuo, and his son Tamio, are unable to mature, unable to break the parent-child roles, have no sense of responsibility, and keep holding on to the past. The pair is overwhelmed by all the colorful characters around them telling them what to do. They go to strenuous and humorous efforts to make Tamio’s wedding an event to remember.
The film is based on a true story about an Okinawan sansen (3 stringed guitar) player named Ryo and his experiences growing up in Okinawa in 1968. Ryo meets an American military solider named George, and they discover that they have more similarities than differences. The atmosphere of the film is heavily charged with discrimination and prejudice- Okinawans and Japanese (yes there is a difference-big difference in fact), US military and Japanese/Okinawans, officers and enlisted soldiers- and takes place with echoes of the civil rights movement lingering in the backdrop.
サッド ヴァケイション
Chiyoko Mamiya
Kenji Shiraishi is involved in the trafficking of illegal immigrants from China to Japan. One such case leaves an immigrant child to be an orphan. Instead of selling him along with others that arrived, Kenji flees with the boy to look after him and make an attempt at everyday life. The people after the boy, unexpected encounters with long-lost family members, and his vengeful nature are standing in the way of his future.
Two kids, fourteen-year-old Eriko and her thirteen-year-old brother Daigo, suddenly find themselves trapped in a parallel universe. Most things are the same as in their own world, but their parents are missing from home and are only contactable when using one particular phonecard.
"Gina K" tells the story of the daughter of a famous stripper, who reveals her family history so she can stand proud as a vocalist. On stage she's feverish, but when she comes down she's just another girl.
Hibi tells about mother who does pottery and lives rather simple life, growing her children up. She does remarkable job in pottery, finding a new way to make natural pottery in her own tunnel kiln. Then, her son gets leukemia. And entire family has to fight hard to find a donor who has matching bone marrow.
七子と七生 ~姉と弟になれる日~
Nanako is an ordinary high school girl who lives with her mother, who is a taxi driver. One day, suddenly she has a younger brother - Nanao, the son of her late father's mistress. While Nanao's mother is being put in jail, Nanako's mother decides to take care of him. Nanako doesn't like it at all. Everything Nanao does irritates her. Shortly afterwards, Nanako's mother becomes very sick. In fact, she doesn't have much time left. Since she is in hospital, Nanako is forced to live with Nanao alone...
Commencing well-respected Nippon director Kazuo Kuroki's sixth decade behind the camera, "A Boy's Summer in 1945" (literally "A Beautiful Summer in Kirishima") is a lyric, novelistic drama set in the countryside in the last days before Japan's surrender ending WWII. Striking a welcome retro note in its languid pacing and delicate handling of seriocomic ensemble threads, handsome production is a natural for fests. It might also prove a cornerstone for retrospectives or ancillary releases of works by a helmer ("Preparation of the Festival," "Ronin-gai") who's long been appreciated at home but has won just limited attention abroad.
Man's Wife in TV Drama
Takashi and four of his classmates, fourth-grade students, cannot succeed in doing a back pullover around a horizontal bar. Their gym teacher warns them: they have one week to succeed; if they resign now, then, tomorrow, facing life difficulties, they will always run away and become bums. Furthermore, all five must succeed, if one of them cannot do it, then all of them fail. Takashi is really worried and wonders if he won’t be always the loser who couldn’t succeed in the back pullover bar exercise.
Momotarō Zamurai III
Momotaro carries this sword into battle against injustice in shogunate Japan. Aided by ninja he must now wage a furious battle against the terrible “Ran” clan, villains in league with Ohara Ukon, a bitter samurai nursing a grudge against the shogunate. Together the ruthless conspirators will threaten the foundations of shogunate rule over Japan. Only the relentless slashing sword of Momotaro may save the nation from the Ran clan's army of killers.
Michiko Hamazaki
岩手県釜石市で、一之助の市民大学の講演会にかこつけ釣りを楽しんだ“釣りバカ”コンビ。運転免許のない伝助の替わりに、車の運転をした一之助が、市の役員に運転手と間違えられ、伝助を社長に仕立てる。伝助は鈴木建設社長として講演会でワルノリ・スピーチをしてしまう。 一方、釜石の旅館の仲居・澄子(久野綾希子)の優しさにふれた一之助。そのまま運転手と偽って、遠野に渓流釣りデートと洒落込むが・・・
Michiko Hamazaki
浜崎家に誕生した、待望の赤ちゃん・鯉太郎(上野友)の顔を見るため、伝助の母・たき(乙羽信子)が九州から上京。たまたま居合わせた一之助と、鯉太郎のオムツのことで大げんか。 ある日、みち子さんが同窓会に行くため、たきに鯉太郎を預けるが、生憎ギックリ腰となり、仕方なく伝助は息子を会社に連れてゆく。ところが、仕事中、好奇心旺盛な鯉太郎が鈴木建設本社で行方不明になってしまう・・・。
Michiko Hamazaki
念願かなって、めでたく懐妊したみち子さん。定期検診につきそい出産に立ち合う伝助は、例によって仕事は二の次。また、伝助と一之助の良き仲間である太田丸の船長・太田八郎(中本賢)は、しっかり者の妹・町子(佐野量子)と幸せな日々を過ごしている。 ところが、鈴木建設営業三課に勤める一之助の甥・和彦(尾美としのり)は、仕事よりも趣味に生きる自由人の伝助に憧れ、浜崎家に出入りするうちに、町子と交際を始める。しかし、それが面白くない八郎は和彦と大ゲンカ。理解のない兄貴に反発した町子と和彦は、ついに駆け落ちしてしまうが・・・
Aya, a young Japanese war bride, arrives in a small Australian town during the 1950s. She and her husband, Frank, are very much in love. Yet somehow Aya still feels more comfortable with the Japanese-speaking Mac, a close friend of Frank's, whose wartime experiences left him with a deep regard for Japanese culture. But Frank wants Aya to forget her Japanese past. Aya finds work in a Japanese restaurant and has a short affair with an Australian-Japanese businessman. With her marriage falling apart, Aya leaves Frank.
Michiko Hamasaki
終戦の年に一之助が赴任していた思い出の地、上伊豆町・星ヶ浦(架空の土地)で釣りバカコンビは、かつて一之助と訳ありだった女性の娘・雪子(五月みどり)と釣り船を共にする。カラオケ教室の先生をしている雪子は、美しい星ヶ浦を愛し、建設会社によるリゾート開発の反対運動に参加している。 一方、伝助とみち子さんは幸せな毎日を過ごしているが、唯一の悩みは“子宝に恵まれない”ことだった・・・。
Mutsuko Miyabayashi
Michiko Hamazaki
重役たちの無能さに、嫌気が差した一之助。ある日、前原運転手(笹野高史)に東京駅まで送らせて、ついに消息不明となる。心配した一之助の妻・久江(丹阿弥谷津子)が、伝助に捜索を依頼。魚心あれば釣り心。そこは釣りバカ。独自のアンテナを発揮して、太田八郎(中本賢)の運転する車で伝助が向かったのは、釣りのメッカ愛知県伊良湖岬。 そこで一之助は、ワケありの美人・間宮弥生(原田美枝子)と一緒に過ごしていることが伝助にバレてしまい、一悶着となるが・・・
Michiko Hamazaki
釣りをこの上なく愛する浜崎伝助(西田敏行)は、鈴木建設四国支社高松営業所・営業課に勤務の釣りバカ社員。終(つい)の住処と女木島に一軒家を購入、釣り三昧の日々を過ごしていた。 ところが、本社人事部のコンピューターの入力ミスで、東京本社・営業部・営業三課に配属させられてしまう。やがて伝助と、鈴木建設創業者で社長の鈴木一之助(三國連太郎)が、ひょんな事から知り合い、釣りを通じての秘密の関係が始まる・・・
Noe Ito
Set in the Taisho era, which might be regarded as Japan's Hippie Phase, Hana no ran is a story about fashionable people without impulse control. Much of the action centers on a popular woman writer, the real-life poet Akiko Yosano, and her experiences among the literati of early 20th century Japan. Because of her independent, anti-war and often erotic poetry, she was a lightning rod for revolutionaries and other extremists, many of whom were destined to glamorous, yet ultimately pointless, deaths. The closest parallels might be the Byron/Shelley group or the people drawn to the Beat Generation.
The adventures and tribulations of a group of students during the years following the II World War.
Young Kinu Yamabe is drawn to low-born Onimaru, who is vital and charismatic, but viewed by his father as a demon. After her first period, Kinu suffers the fate of any women born near the Sacred Mountain: she must leave the Mountain and serve as a priestess.
野風の笛 鬼の剣・松平忠輝 天下を斬る!
Tadateru Matsudaira, the sixth son of Ieyasu Tokugawa, was exiled for not taking part in the attack on Osaka Castle. 10 years before his exile expired, he was attacked in a clandestine Yagyu operation believed to have been ordered by his older brother Hidetada. In order to correct his brother's true intentions, Tadateru broke the law and went all the way from Hida Province, where he was exiled, to Edo Castle. However, the Yagyu do not stop trying to kill Tadateru...
Tokei - Adieu l'hiver
Ayumi Ishida won the Blue Ribbon for the Best Actress.
The story of a Japanese man who as a 16-year-old went to Maui to work in the sugar cane fields in order to support his family back in Japan. Now 89 and still living in Hawaii he is visited by his granddaughter who brings him a letter from his disinherited and recently dead son. This brings back memories of his life with his wife and family following the attack on Pearl Harbor, in particular of his son who had gone off to join the war for the Americans.
Riko Miura(三浦理子)
Kato is a small time TV producer. He has a wife Masako, and a young son Taro. Kato also has a friend Yamazaki who he knew since college. Yamazaki has a girl friend Riko who lives with her younger sister Yuko who's an actress. Yamazaki is a lyric writer/womanizer and he starts to have an affair with Masako, but he's still going out with Riko.
Yayoi Mimura
Ayako Hanamori
A young man living on growing tomatoes in a greenhouse in a residential area. Tomato cultivation is as doomed as his personal life where he tries to keep alive his romance with the eccentric Kaede and parents selected fiancee Ayako.
Tragedy about a terminally ill girl.