Eddie Powell
出生 : 1927-03-09, London, England, UK
死亡 : 2000-08-11
1995 documentary film that examines that 60's craze and focuses in particular on the two 1960's Doctor Who films starring Peter Cushing (the Cushing Doctor) -- Doctor Who and the Daleks and Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 AD which both feature the Daleks. Interviews cover the making of the films and their fans.
Two teenagers Jimmy and Rose spend their vacation at the small Irish sea-resort Bray. Out of boredom they observe other people and imagine wild stories about them. One day they observe the blonde Renee, and Jimmy is immediately fascinated by her and even follows her home. She, too, seems to like him, but for a mysterious reason keeps him at a distance.
A young Norwegian boy in 1850s England goes to work as a cabin boy and discovers some of his shipmates are actually pirates.
Brian and Charlie work for a gangster. When the boss learns they want to "leave" he sets them up to be killed, after they help rob the local Triads of their drug dealing profits. B&C decide to steal the money for themselves, but when their escape doesn't go to plan, they have to seek refuge in a Nuns' teacher training school.
舞台は1938年。冒険家として、また考古学教授として多忙な日々を過ごすインディ・ジョーンズに、大富豪ドノヴァンから相談が持ちかけられる。イエス・キリストの聖杯の所在を示す重大な遺物を手に入れたが、調査隊の隊長が行方不明になり、それを探して欲しいというのだ。 最初は渋っていたインディだったが、その行方不明になった隊長というのが自分の父、ヘンリー・ジョーンズであると聞き、仕方なく依頼を承諾。父が最後に消息を絶ったヴェネツィアに向かった。
When Peter Plunkett's Irish castle turned hotel is about to be repossesed, he decides to spice up the attraction a bit for the 'Yanks' by having his staff pretend to haunt the castle. The trouble begins when a busload of American tourists arrive - along with some real ghosts.
Buster is a small time crook who pulls a big time job. When he finds that the police will not let the case drop, he goes into hiding and can't contact his wife and child. He arranges to meet them in Mexico where he thinks they can begin again, but finds that he must choose between his family and freedom.
00メンバーらによるジブラルタルでのNATOの演習訓練中、「スパイに死を」との標札とともに、004が殺害された。訓練に参加していた007ことボンドは暗殺者を追跡。死闘の末に暗殺者を倒す。 その後、ボンドはソ連が支配する東側のチェコスロバキアにいた。ソ連の重要人物コスコフ将軍から、ボンドを名指ししての亡命の協力依頼が英国情報部に入りその任務のために現地へ潜入していた。先に潜入していた同僚のソーンダースとともに、クラシック演奏会場から脱出したコスコフを援護する。
Dr. Lauren Slaughter, a research fellow at the Arab-Anglo Institute in London is utterly frustrated by her job. To supplement her income, she starts moonlighting at the Jasmine Escort Service, where she has more control over men and money than she does at the office. On one of her 'dates', Lauren meets the politician Lord Bulbeck who is trying to mediate a peace accord between the Arabs and Israelis. Bulbeck falls in love with his escort, and unwittingly, Lauren becomes a pawn in some very dirty politics.
S.A.S. Man (uncredited)
Dr. Lauren Slaughter, a research fellow at the Arab-Anglo Institute in London is utterly frustrated by her job. To supplement her income, she starts moonlighting at the Jasmine Escort Service, where she has more control over men and money than she does at the office. On one of her 'dates', Lauren meets the politician Lord Bulbeck who is trying to mediate a peace accord between the Arabs and Israelis. Bulbeck falls in love with his escort, and unwittingly, Lauren becomes a pawn in some very dirty politics.
Alien Warrior (uncredited)
After his sister is turned into a werewolf and subsequently killed, Ben White decides to help the enigmatic Stefan Crosscoe fight the growing population of lupine monsters, along with the lovely Jenny Templeton. Traveling to Transylvania, Ben, Jenny and Crosscoe attempt to hunt down the powerful werewolf queen, Stirba, and must face her furry followers, as well as other supernatural forces.
Mummified Guard
ソ連国内でアメリカ製の半導体チップを持ち出した003が雪原で遭難。遺体から半導体チップを回収したボンドはソ連軍に追われるが、スキー&スノーボードで振り切って任務を果たす。 003の死体から発見されたのはマイクロチップ。このチップは従来のものと違い、核爆発で発生する強力な磁気にも対抗できるものだった。製造元のゾリン産業が怪しいとにらんだ英国情報部はボンドにゾリンの内偵を命じる。そこでボンドはチップの製造元であるゾリン社を調査する。 社長のマックス・ゾリンが所有する常勝の競走馬を調査するうちに、その馬からはマイクロチップに制御されたステロイド供給装置が見つかる。ゾリンを追ってサンフランシスコに潜入したボンドは彼がシリコンバレーを壊滅させ、マイクロチップ市場を独占しようとしていることを知る。
世界は冷戦真っ只中。ジェームズ・ボンドの007復帰トレーニングから物語は始まる。マティーニとフォアグラ、キャビアで怠惰になった身体を鍛えなおすことを新着したMに命令された007。たまたま本部から斡旋されたロンドン郊外の治療施設でボンドはスペクターの女殺し屋ファティマ、そしてアメリカ空軍に所属するジャックの秘密特訓を目撃する。そしてその数日後、ジャックは米空軍より核弾頭搭載巡航ミサイルを2機盗むことに成功する。 この事件を追うボンドは地中海へ向かい、世界的な大富豪のラルゴをマークする。世界の海を豪華クルーザー「空飛ぶ円盤号」(クルーザー全長87m、アドナン・カショーギ所有)で移動しながら慈善活動を行なうビジネスマンだが、裏の顔は秘密結社スペクターのNo.1(スペクターNo.2=首領は白猫を抱くブロフェルド)であった。そして彼のそばにはジャックの妹であるドミノがいた。
A prince and a fellowship of companions set out to rescue his bride from a fortress of alien invaders who have arrived on their home planet.
ボンドは中南米某国のトロ将軍に変装し、将軍が管理する高性能偵察機を破壊すべく侵入する。本物の将軍に見つかり一旦は拘束されるが、CIA女性アシスタントのビアンカの誘惑で敵兵を惑した隙に超小型ジェット機(通称:アクロスター)で逃走。地対空ミサイルに追尾されるものの、前述の偵察機の格納庫内をすり抜けた直後にミサイルが格納庫を直撃、結果的に任務に成功する。 その頃、東ベルリンでピエロに成りすましサーカス団に潜入していた009は『レディーの卵(ファベルジュの卵)』(ロシア皇帝献上品)を持ち出したのを見つかり、投擲ナイフを特技とする双子の兄弟ミーシカとグリーシカにやられ、ベルリン英国大使館公邸に『卵』を持ち込み死亡する。
Steerage Passenger (uncredited)
The Titanic disaster as seen through the eyes of one couple in each of the three classes on board.
Stunt Coordinator
Romanticized adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 classic. Count Dracula is a subject of fatal attraction to more than one English maiden lady, as he seeks an immortal bride.
The Alien (uncredited)
Hood (uncredited)
When ex-con artist Harry claims that a secret treasure is hidden inside Candleshoe, an English estate, he creates an elaborate plan to find and steal the prize. By convincing a girl named Casey to impersonate the estate owner's long-lost granddaughter, Harry hopes to uncover the treasure's location. But when Casey has a change of heart, she must follow the clues and find the treasure, in order to save Candleshoe and stop Harry before it is too late.
核ミサイルを搭載した英潜水艦「レンジャー」とソ連潜水艦「ポチョムキン」が突如消息を絶った。調査を命ぜられたボンドはエジプト・カイロへ飛び、そこで同じ目的でソ連が派遣したKGBの女スパイ、アニヤと出会う。 共同で任務に当たるが、事件の直前、オーストリアでボンドに差し向けられ、返り討ちにあったソ連の殺し屋が彼女の恋人だった。「この任務が終わったら、あなたを殺すわ」そう言われたボンドは彼女と共にアメリカ海軍の潜水艦に乗り込み、怪しいとにらんだストロンバーグ海運のタンカーに接近する。 ストロンバーグは米ソを核攻撃し、世界を壊滅させ、海の世界を作ろうとしていた…。
Whitby Inn Man kilied by Dracula (uncredited)
Dracula is searching for a woman who looks like his long dead wife.
The Prince of Darkness casts his undead shadow once more over the cursed village of Kleinenberg when his ashes are splashed with bat's blood and Dracula is resurrected. And two innocent victims search for a missing loved one... loved to death by Dracula's mistress. But after they discover his blood-drained corpse in Dracula's castle necropolis, the Vampire Lord's lustful vengeance begins.
Three elderly distinguished gentlemen are searching for some excitement in their boring borgoueis lives and gets in contact with one of count Dracula's servants. In a nightly ceremony they restore the count back to life. The three men killed Dracula's servant and as a revenge, the count makes sure that the gentlemen are killed one by one by their own sons.
Fighting Man in Tavern (uncredited)
Aristocrat Julian Markham keeps his disfigured brother, Sir Edward, locked in a tower of his house. Occasionaly Sir Edward escapes and causes havoc around the town.
In the shadow of Castle Dracula, the Prince of Darkness is revived by blood trickling from the head-wound of an unconscious priest attempting exorcism. And once more fear and terror strikes Transylvania as the undead Prince of Darkness stalks the village of Keineneburg to ensnare victims and satisfy his evil thirst.
The Goat of Mendes (uncredited)
The powers of good are pitted against the forces of evil as the Duc de Richelieu wrestles with the charming but deadly Satanist, Mocata, for the soul of his friend. Mocata has the knowledge and the power to summon the forces of darkness and, as the Duc de Richelieu and his friends remain within the protected pentacle, they are subjected to ever-increasing horror until thundering hooves herald the arrival of the Angel of Death.
The Inquisitor
An eclectic group of characters set sail on Captain Lansen’s leaky cargo ship in an attempt to escape their various troubles. When a violent storm strikes, the ship is swept into the Sargasso Sea and the passengers find themselves trapped on an island populated by man-eating seaweed, giant crabs and Spanish conquistadors who believe it’s still the 16th century.
Man in Casino (uncredited)
秘密組織スメルシュによって各国の諜報部員が次々と抹殺されて行く。英情報部は、007のコードネームを後輩に譲り今では隠居生活を営む元祖ジェームズ・ボンドにスメルシュ打倒を依頼するが……。ショーン・コネリーの007が人気を博していた当時、唯一版権が製作会社イオン・プロになかった『カジノ・ロワイヤル』をプロデューサー、チャールズ・K・フェルドマンがコロムビアで映画化した一大パロディ。笑いは泥臭く全く洗練されていないし、5人の監督の個性が裏目に出たのかシーンによっての落差が激しく、お世辞にも良く出来た作品とは言い難いが、とにかく賑やか。呆けて見るにはこれ以上の映画はないだろう。バート・バカラックの音楽は絶品、大ヒット主題歌“愛のおもかげ(Look of Love)”も素晴らしくサウンドトラックの充実が最大の魅力。
The Mummy
Archaeologists discover the final resting place of a boy king, removing the remains to be exhibited in a museum. By disturbing the sarcophagus they unleash the forces of darkness. The Mummy has returned to discharge a violent retribution on the defilers as the curse that surrounds the tomb begins to come true. One by one the explorers are murdered until one of them discovers the ancient words that have the power to reduce the brutal killer to particles of dust.
Doctor Who and his companions are hurled into the future and make a horrifying discovery: the Daleks have conquered Earth! The metal fiends have devastated entire continents and turned the survivors into Robomen.
Thug (uncredited)
The lost city of Kuma is ruled by the cruel, arrogant, beautiful queen, Ayesha, gifted with eternal life. She lures Leo Vincey into her world, seeing in him the reincarnation of the lover she long ago murdered in a fit of violent jealousy. Against all advice Leo is determined to stay and Ayesha persuades him to bathe in the flame of eternal youth... with disastrous consequences.
2nd Arab (uncredited)
Those who have interfered with the Tomb of Ra-Antef are in terrible danger. Against expert advice, American showman and financial backer of the expedition, Alexander King, plans a world tour exhibiting this magnificent discovery from the ancient world but on the opening night the sarcophagus is void of its contents. The mummy has escaped to fulfill the dreadful prophesy and exact a violent and bloody revenge on all those who defiled his final resting place.