The series follow the story of a high school boy who lives in Tokyo, and his childhood friend, Hakatano Donko-chan, who is from Hakata and really talks in Hakata dialect! People around her sometimes get confused because of it, but her dialect makes them smile!
“Sakura no Ame” is a song viewed more than 4.2 million times in “niconico” video sharing website in Japan. After the release of the song by Vocaloid-virtual-idle Hatsune Miku, this heart touching song became a standard for graduations and now it has become a live-action movie. The story is based on a best seller novel “Sakura no Ame” (PHP Institute, February 2012) which 200 thousand copies are printed and was inspired by the song itself. Many characters such as teachers and students seen in the story are inspired by the song sung by a 16 year-old high school student, Vocaloid, Hatsune Miku.
First Lieutenant Shun'ichi Maki of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force is a prestigious F-15 Eagle jet pilot (or "driver" as he is called in the film). A lifelong fan of flying since he was a child, being a pilot is his ultimate dream. Unfortunately, his duties distance himself from his wife, Yoko, who always ends up being neglected, and his son, Tsugumu, who has a congenital blood disease and has a high risk of dying at a young age.Maki decides to quit the Air Force to devote more time to his family and to spend whatever is left for his son. He takes a part-time job as a commercial tour guide run by a kindly group of people who allow him time to work and to also take care of his family.