

出生 : 1970-03-24, Ichikawa, Chiba, Japan




Yaeko Sakaguchi
Takashi's Mother
Takashi Hayama is a third year high school student. He falls in love with Azusa Oribe at first sight and they begin to date. One day, Azusa tells Takashi "people who meet me, forget about me several hours later." Takashi doesn't believe Azusa, but by chance he realizes that he forgot about Azusa. So he won't forget Azusa, Takashi begins to leave a note for himself and Azusa.
Tamotsu Inukai is a married middle-aged man with a wife, daughter and son. Mr. Inukai has a strong dislike for dogs, but while he is working on the island his family takes in a Samoyed dog to fill in the father's absence, the family decides to raise the dog. At first Mr. Inukai opposes the family taking the dog in, but he can't persuade his family to abandon the dog. When Mr. Inukai arrives back in Tokyo, he now has to has to live with the Samoyed dog. Can he?
According to an urban legend, a girl named Hikiko Mori was taunted and bullied relentlessly by her classmates, eventually resulting in her accidental death. Holding a grudge against all bullies, her spirit now haunts her former school, slowly gathering the strength to exact vengeance on the living. A group of frightened school girls decide to investigate the rumors further and what they find convinces them that they have to stop the spirit of Hikiko-san before it’s too late
パーク アンド ラブホテル
There is an old love hotel in Tokyo's Shinjuku district where couples can rent a room by the hour for romantic assignations. However, few of its regular customers seem to come there for sexual encounters; the hotel has become a hangout for rootless teenagers, senior citizens looking for a place to relax, and kids that play under the watchful eye of its owner...
現在、都市生活を営む人々の多くは、心に何らかの闇を持っている。そして、そこから来る症状とは? 伊良部総合病院の地下にある神経科に勤務する精神科医・伊良部一郎(松尾スズキ)は、病院の跡取り息子。ヒョウ柄のシャツとブーツに白衣という出で立ちも怪しいが、性格はいい加減、お気楽、マザコン、無茶、凶暴、患者への対応はテキトーで話を聞いてないし、ともかくメチャクチャである。いつも一緒にいるお色気ナースのマユミちゃん(MAIKO)は、ほとんど伊良部をシカトしているが、趣味が注射という所だけは共通。そんな伊良部が最近ハマっているのが、近所のプールで泳ぐこと。プールで泳ぐことに夢中になっている男がここにもひとり。大型アウトレットモールの開発担当・大森和雄(田辺誠一)。妻一人、愛人一人、そして仕事もできる男だ。現在抱えているプロジェクトはそれなりに忙しく、気も遣う。ストレスを感じる日々が続くようになり、偶然見た雑誌の特集記事の影響で、何となく水泳を始める。そのお陰で体調は少しずつ落ち着く。しかし、そのうちにまた忙しくなり水泳ができなくなると、てきめんに体調が悪くなる。自分ではストレスを解消するためにプールに通っているはずが、徐々に「プール依存症」に。だんだんとその症状はエスカレートし、徹夜仕事のちょっとした合間にも、プールに向かってしまう有様。一方、中堅メーカーに勤務する営業マン・田口哲也(オダギリジョー)は、ある日突然、24時間勃ちっ放しという「継続性勃起症」に悩まされるように。泌尿器科に駆け込み、たらい回された末に、伊良部の元にたどりつく。女性に対してはっきりモノがいえない、自己を発散する事ができない性格。そんな田口に対して伊良部はあっさり言う。「何か心に引っかかることがあるんじゃないですか?」。妻・佐代子は同僚と浮気をし、自分の元を去った。しかし、いまだ妻への想いは捨てがたいのか、夢を見たりしてしまう。そんな自分が情けない。しかしどうすることもできない。何をやっても治らない勃起。彼は心に引っかかりを持ったまま会社へ行き、さらには接待旅行で温泉まで行く羽目に…。取り巻く状況は悪化する一方で、病気が治る気配がない。そんな田口に対してまたしても伊良部は言う。「その別れた女の所へ行って、おもいっきり文句を言ってやろう」と…。
Set in the 1990s, this film uses black humour to cast a sharp, satirical eye at the problems facing modern Japanese families. Hiroshi accidentally hits a young woman with his car and flees in panic. He confesses to his wife, Yoko, who persuades him to keep quiet as his arrest would mean the end for their already troubled family. Their daughter is having an affair with a married man, their son is being bullied and refusing to go to school and their grandfather is becoming more difficult. Yoko urges the family to move the car into the living room in order to destroy the evidence by taking it apart. Hiroshi finally decides to do the honest thing but a series of bizarre incidents then ensues...
Based on the comic by Mako Takami.