Kenji Sakaguchi

Kenji Sakaguchi

出生 : 1975-11-08, Tokyo, Japan


Kenji Sakaguchi (坂口憲二 Sakaguchi Kenji, born 8 November 1975) is a Japanese actor. He has appeared in more than thirty films since 2000. He is the son of former professional wrestler Seiji Sakaguchi and the brother of current professional wrestler Yukio. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Kenji Sakaguchi
Kenji Sakaguchi
Kenji Sakaguchi


最後から二番目の恋 2012秋
世にも奇妙な物語 ~21世紀21年目の特別編~
  『ドッキリチューブ』真壁洋輔(坂口憲二)はドッキリの映像をインターネットで配信する「ドッキリチューブ」というネットサイトの運営者。真壁はアクセス数をのばすために、常に刺激的な映像を求めるのだったが、自身にある恐怖が襲いかかる...。   『分身』田崎守(大森南朋)はお見合いで志保(杏)と結婚。守は志保が本当に自分を愛しているか、疑問視していた。そこで、守は志保の愛を確かめるため、架空の人物になりすまし、志保とメール交換を始めるが...。   『通算』山岡武(松平健)は定年真際のベテラン刑事。ある日、出勤すると「通算10000回目の出勤」を祝われる。それからことあるごとに自分の通算を祝われる。初めは戸惑う山岡だが、徐々にそれが楽しくなっていき...そして彼がラストで迎える驚愕の"祝福"とは...!?   『缶けり』藤村幸子(永作博美)が小学生の時、神社の境内で缶けりをして遊んでいると、友人の一人が行方不明に。その後友人は境内近くの井戸で遺体で見つかった。そして30年後、亡くなった友人の姿を見たという知人が次々と不審死を遂げるのだった...。   『ペッツ』サクラ(谷村美月)はヨークシャテリアの犬。桃子(国仲涼子)に飼われていたが、とある事情で捨てられてしまう。絶望するサクラだが、野良犬仲間に入り、何とか生活していくが...。
スマイル 聖夜の奇跡
Masaya Inotani
Heartwarming human drama about a former tap dancer who trades in his tap shoes to woo a figure skating instructor. But by a twist of fate, he finds himself coaching a local ice hockey team of hapless youths and leading them to a championship
CHiLDREN チルドレン
Muto Shunsuke
The bestseller based on Kotaro Isaka, starring Kenji Sakaguchi, directed by Takashi Hara! Muto, who works for a family court, is involved in a bank robbery case with his senior at work, Jinnai. It is released safely, but Muto falls in love at first sight with Miharu, who was held hostage with him. Jinnai predicts Muto that he will meet her again and fall in love, and teaches Miharu's whereabouts. Meanwhile, the day after the incident, Muto was in charge of a boy named Shiro Kihara, who was guided by shoplifting. However, there was something wrong with Shiro's appearance toward his father. Then, Muto learns about Shiro's amazing secret, and the development itself begins suddenly...
Naoya Ito
『トリック 劇場版』の堤幸彦監督が、山本周五郎賞を受賞した荻原浩の同名小説を渡辺謙、樋口可南子共演で映画化したドラマ。若年性アルツハイマー病に突如襲われた50歳の働き盛りのサラリーマンと、そんな夫を懸命に支えようとする妻との絆を綴る。 広告代理店に勤める49歳の佐伯雅行。仕事も充実し、一人娘の結婚も控え、公私ともに忙しくも幸せな日々を送っていた。ところが最近になって急に物忘れが激しくなり、不安になって病院を訪れた佐伯は、そこで衝撃の事実を告げられる。医者が下した診断は“若年性アルツハイマー”というものだった。やり場のない怒りと不安に苛まれる佐伯。だが、そんな夫を妻の枝実子は静かに受け止め、2人で一緒に病と闘い続けようと覚悟を決めるのだった…。
キャッチ ア ウェーブ
Seigo Yoshioka (Kenji Sakaguchi) is a teacher that became mute after a kendo accident. He feels lost after the accident and eventually decides to teach again on a small island where his mother was born. The children there on the island quickly name him "Kikansha Sensei" (Teacher Locomotive) after learning he is mute. The parents on the island are mostly hostile to Seigo Yoshioka, believing he is incapable of teaching their children. But with Seigo Yoshioka's determination and kindness, a strong bond develops between the students and the mute teacher, which then changes the parents' opinions of Seigo Yoshioka. Suddenly, tragedy then strikes ...
Hirayama Koichi and his wife Michiko eloped from Osaka to Okinawa, where they lived happily with their five children. When war erupts, their eldest son is drafted into the Imperial army. As fighting spreads, the family takes refuge far from the city, but soon, child after child is drafted to serve in various branches of the military and in organizations supporting the war cause. Koichi himself is faced with a moral dilemma when he is ordered to kill a wounded American soldier.
Kubozuka plays Araki Ryunosuke who starts working at a host club called "club NO.1" to pay his debt.