Lucky, a small rubber duck (voiced by Christian Borle), prepares to leave the toy factory where he was born to be shipped to the store when, because of Code S (a faulty whistle), it is immediately trashed. By dint of pugnacity, he still manages to return a box of toys ready to board a boat. New twist of fate: Lucky inadvertently pass overboard! Then he will have to face all the dangers always pursuing the same goal: to find the perfect home.
Music Arranger
A man is accused of murder and manipulated into a web of deceit as his thought-to-be dead twin brother plots revenge on those who tried to kill him.
Original Music Composer
Rick, a dope fiend, believes his goal in life is to track down Ginger, a famous porn star who is currently staying in her Beverly Hills hideaway. Rick is obsessed with Ginger, watches her movies obsessively, and deals drugs on the side, all to the chagrin of his lover Tamara. He decides to seek out Ginger while on the road, and along the way picks up Jules, a neurotic virgin.