Ciaran O'Grady

Ciaran O'Grady


Ciaran O'Grady


Redemption of a Rogue
Stunt Coordinator
Jimmy carries a leather, black doctor’s bag around with him containing the rope he plans to hang himself with. He returns home to the fictional town of Ballylough to the cold austere beauty of West Cavan to seek salvation for sins committed in the past before saying goodbye.
The Legion
Noreno, a half-Roman, is entrusted with the mission of crossing the snowy mountains of Armenia, swarming with Parthian patrols, to seek help for his slowly dying men.
ふたりの女王 メアリーとエリザベス
Saving the Titanic
Leading Fireman
In the hours after the Titanic struck an iceberg 100 years ago, a team of shipbuilders and engineers raced against time to save the stricken vessel. Based on eye-witness accounts, this film reveals what went on below decks in the hours before the Titanic sank, telling the previously relatively unheralded stories of engineers who fought courageously to hold back the power of the sea and keep the power systems running, even when they learned that all was lost. Most of these men died but their actions bought enough time to save many lives. This drama-documentary tells a poignant story of self-sacrifice by the Titanic's engineers, stokers and firemen in the face of impending death.
A Christmas Carol
On the anniversary of Jacob Marley's death, his business partner Ebenezer Scrooge finds unwelcome company in the form of three spirits from Christmases Past, Present and Yet to Come.
Dawn of the Dragonslayer
The story of Will, a shepherd's son whose land is ravaged by a dragon.