Three down-and-out, complete strangers who answer a Craigslist-like ad to drive a car from Los Angeles to Washington, DC. As these unlikely companions bumble their way across the US, they record their epic adventure using iPhones. In the end, because of their unexpected, new-found friendships, each finds a new lease on life and our heroes live happily ever after
Three down-and-out, complete strangers who answer a Craigslist-like ad to drive a car from Los Angeles to Washington, DC. As these unlikely companions bumble their way across the US, they record their epic adventure using iPhones. In the end, because of their unexpected, new-found friendships, each finds a new lease on life and our heroes live happily ever after
A man and a woman are on the run from gangsters whom he has stolen $12.5 million. When the gangsters show up, he takes them supposedly to where the money is hidden but instead leads them into a trap at a backwoods crystal-meth factory. The gangsters and the drug dealers start a shoot-out for unknown reasons and both go gunning for Belushi. Meanwhile an unscrupulous cop is secretly having an affair with the girl friend and planning to make off with the money.
Five former cub scouts have a reunion and go camping on the mountain they never conquered. High jinks ensue due to their childhood enemies and a group of escaped convicts who mistake them for an FBI unit.
An irritable marketing executive, Neal Page, is heading home to Chicago for Thanksgiving when a number of delays force him to travel with a well meaning but overbearing shower ring curtain salesman, Del Griffith.