Wu Gang

Wu Gang

出生 : 1962-12-08, Beijing, China


Wu Gang


Hunting Poison: The Lightning Strike
Deputy Director Yang
A Hustle Bustle New Year
Wang Ziliang
The new year is approaching, the middle-aged screenwriter Wang Ziliang (Wu Gang) alone is burdened by layers of stress, dealing with multiple issues such as career, family, and interpersonal relationships, feeling "sad in the new year". The biggest wish of his mother (Wu Yanshu) is to go back to her hometown for New Year's Eve dinner with her four children. However, the complicated adult world involves the children. When mother is injured in an accident, the family's relationship dropped to a freezing point, and the conflicts between the three generations were pushed to the forefront... After choices and trials, the children returned to family's love and realized that "home is where mother is." No matter how difficult life is, there will be no years that can't be passed.
Salute to the Heroes
In 1950, the Korean War broke out, the war on both sides of the Yalu River, a new serious threat to China's security. Countless outstanding young people have joined the Chinese People’s Volunteers to defend their hard-won happy homeland and the new China.
Yuan Weimin
After 12 years, the Chinese women's volleyball team again reached the Olympic final. The ups and downs of the Chinese women's volleyball team for more than three decades have slowly spread away.
A City Called Macau
Duan Kai Wen
A story of four women set amidst the Macanese gambling industry.
Super Me
Brother Qiang
Sang Yu is so exhausted from trying to stay awake. Every time he closes his eyes, a demon chases and kills him in his dreams. One night Sang realizes he has a special power: he can bring treasures from his dreams into reality. Almost overnight, he becomes a rich man. But his wealth also attracts the attention of a ruthless gangster.
Six Years, 6 Days
戦狼 ウルフ・オブ・ウォー
He Jianguo
アフリカ、マダガスカル海域。一人の男が、海賊に襲われた貨物船を救出した。男の名はレン。元特殊部隊「戦狼」の精鋭だ。とある事件から軍籍を剥奪されたレンは、反政府 勢力に殺害された恋人・ロンの敵を討つべく、この地に渡っていたのだ。しかし、その最中、反乱が勃発。命からがら護衛艦に避難したレンだが、戦闘地域に民間人が取り残されているという話を耳にし、単独、戦地に舞い戻る。
Youth Dinner
The triumphs and travails of six members of two single parent families in 19th century Yunnan.
楊貴妃 Lady Of The Dynasty
Guo Lishi
Better and Better
Sun Xiangcheng, a self-styled professional fan organiser, is called from his home village of West Well Valley by his mother Yuanfang. Thinking he's highly connected with celebrities, she asks him to help organise the village's New Year celebrations
Mark of Youth
Four students in a class are scheme to skip out on the College Entrance Exam.
White Deer Plain
Lu Zilin
In the White Deer Village in Shaanxi Province the two most important families - Bai and Lu - and their sons have always lived together in peace. But the turmoil leads to a fierce struggle for land ownership.
The Bullet Vanishes
Police Chief Jin
One rainy night in an arms factory near Shanghai, a young female worker accused of stealing a box of bullets from the ruthless Boss Ding is violently killed in a game of Russian roulette. Half a month later, a series of inexplicable deaths takes place in the factory, where the victims are shot but no bullets are found. Rumors of a deadly curse begin to spread in the factory, terrorizing the workers there. So, eccentric police inspector Song Donglu and his hot-blooded, gunslinging partner Guo Zhui are sent in to investigate the mystery of the phantom bullets...
The Great Magician
Butler Liu Kun Shan
In the years after the Revolution, China broken up into fiefdoms held by warlords, who are busy fighting each other. One warlord has imprisoned a girl and wants her to be his seventh wife, but he's too honorable to force her. The local revolutionaries wants to kill him and bring back the republic. But when a stranger returns from abroad with mastery of magic to recover the girl he loved, who is tricking whom and who will win at the end?
No Liar, No Cry
The film is set in the desert, and tells a tale between a mine owner and several money-mad people who want to buy his mine. The mine owner spends 10 years trying to find gold in the mine, while fending off people's attempts to take it over. In the end, the forces of nature and human triumph over greed. Actress Zhang Xinyu (poster cover) of China attends the Tokyo International Film Festival's opening green carpet event in Tokyo on 22 October 2011. Her latest movie, 'No Liar, No Cry' participated in the nine-day-long film festival.
CJ7: The Cartoon
As the animated version of Stephen Chow's 2008 hit comedy CJ7, CJ7: The Cartoon loosely adopts the original plot of how a father and a son accidentally pick up an alien named CJ7. The film has a newly developed story line during which CJ7 protects the environment and saves the earth.
The Message
elder Liu
1942, Nanjing (Nanking). Following a series of assassination attempts on officials of the Japanese-controlled puppet government, the Japanese spy chief gathers a group of suspects in a mansion house for questioning. A tense game of "cat and mouse" ensues as the Chinese code-breaker attempts to send out a crucial message while protecting his/her own identity.
The Founding of a Republic
Wen Yiduo
The tale of one man who fought against the tyranny of a ruler and led his people in battle in the ultimate sacrifice for his country.
Iron Men
Fei Er Ye
清朝崩壊後の中国。政府の元高官・邱如白 の後押しを受け、伝統に縛られない京劇の新たな女形役者として売り出した梅蘭芳。伝統墨守派の師匠・十三燕 との演技対決に勝利した彼は、大きく飛躍する。だが成功の一方、彼は、如白や妻からの口出しに反発を覚えるようになっていた。そんな中、彼は男形の人気女優・孟小冬 との愛をひそかに育む。
Trouble Makers
Ye Guangzhong
The story of four simple men living in Black Well Village in rural Yunnan province who decide to finally run the criminal Xiong Brothers out of their homes.
Brutality Factory
Modern China. On a bright sunny day, in a building site, an industrial complex is being deconstructed. Night falls. The ruins of the factory are empty and silent. Phantoms appear, voices are heard, telling their stories…. From the anthology The State of the World.