Mysterious woman
At the end of the 20th century, the Earth Defense Force continued to protect the earth from aliens and monsters that invaded one after another. Returning to the origin of his successful work "Earth Defense Girl Iko-chan". With AKB48's Haruka Katayama and SDN48's Kayo Noro as cast members, nine unique beautiful girl members fight against the invaders to defend the earth.
Madoka Hagiya
高校1年生の荒方透留(標 永久)は親戚の家に下宿しているが、何とこの家は全員女性のパラダイスだった!ある日、夕食に嫌いなイクラが出され、恐る恐る食べてみたところ、体が透明に。不思議な能力を身に付けた透留は、密かに思いを寄せる次女の良江(栁本絵美)のムフフな秘密を覗こうと動き出す。そんなある日、隣家の陽子(村上友梨)宅へ出掛けたまま良江が行方不明になり...。
Three men are possessed by the spirits of ancient samurai determined to build their master's castle, even if they must use cardboard.
Waiting woman