Zach Denbrough
Sentry Lieutentant
21世紀末の世界大戦により人類は大量の化学兵器を使用した。その結果地上の大半は居住不可能となり富裕層はヨーロッパを中心としたブリテン連邦(the United Federation of Britain、通称UFB)に住み、貧困層は反対側のオーストラリアを中心としたコロニーに居住する事になり、コロニーの住民はUFBの労働力の為にフォールと呼ばれる巨大なエレベーターに乗りUFBに通勤し働いていた。やがてUFBからの独立と解放を目的とするリーダーのマサイアスを中心としたレジスタンスと呼ばれる反体制派のテロ活動が盛んになり、UFB代表のコーヘイゲンはロボット警官のシンセティックの増産を唱える。
UN Security Guard
Nebraska cop Kathryn Bolkovac discovers a deadly sex trafficking ring while serving as a U.N. peacekeeper in post-war Bosnia. Risking her own life to save the lives of others, she uncovers an international conspiracy that is determined to stop her, no matter the cost.
Additional Voice Talent (voice)
Dr. Bob Bradley
Shortly after graduating from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism, Geralyn Lucas lands her dream job working for 20/20. Lucas is then diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 27 and has a dilemma - whether to have a lumpectomy or the potentially safer mastectomy.
Small town girl Celeste Blodgett moves from Bangor, Maine to Manhattan when she gets a job with the New York Examiner, but hears there it's only fact checking, with little prospects for real journalism. Her welcoming young flat neighbor Kyle Halley in an interior designer, who helps her to give her apartment a make-over. At a party she learns her cousin is gay and goes by the new name Dana Harrison; he promises to teach her the city way with a fashionable image transformation, which succeeds with the help of various gay friends. Now she's ready for social life, hoping to impress her boss, reputedly womanizing magazine section editor Mitch Tanzer. He accepts to read her work, but says he can't use it because it's unethical given their personal relationship- then she finds reality is different.
Marty Anderson
In the not so distant future mankind has squandered their resources. A team of specialists is sent to the nearby asteroid field to retrieve an asteroid that will serve to replenish some of our natural resources. However, unbeknownst to the team, there is a killer on board determined to take control of the asteroid and destroy all mankind.