Truck Driver
An Israeli counterterrorism soldier with a secretly fabulous ambition to become a Manhattan hairstylist. Zohan's desire runs so deep that he'll do anything -- including faking his own death and going head-to-head with an Arab cab driver -- to make his dreams come true.
Car Thug #2
Jerry Falk, an aspiring writer in New York, falls in love at first sight with a free-spirited young woman named Amanda. He has heard the phrase that life is like "anything else," but soon he finds that life with the unpredictable Amanda isn't like anything else at all.
Officer Cleary
When petty thieves discover that mobsters are scheduled to pick up $1 million from a local deli, the gang decides to swoop in and steal the cash.
Woody Allen stars as Val Waxman, a two-time Oscar winner turned washed-up, neurotic director in desperate need of a comeback. When it comes, Waxman finds himself backed into a corner: Work for his ex-wife Ellie or forfeit his last shot. Is Val blinded by love when he opts for the reconnect? Is love blind when it comes to Ellie's staunch support? Literally and figuratively, the proof is the picture.
Police Station Cop
犬猿の仲の男女が恋の催眠術にかかってしまったら……? という設定のロマンティック・ラブ・コメディ。ミステリー風味も効いたおしゃれな作品だ。ウディ・アレン監督・主演作。
Cookie Store Customer
Club Manager
1930年代、ジャズ全盛期のシカゴ。ジプシージャズの天才ギタリストのエメット・レイは、崇拝するギタリストジャンゴ・ラインハルトの演奏が世界一で、自分は2番目に天才だと信じている。そんな彼は音楽に生きる反面、裏社会でも顔が通じ、娼婦の元締め、女遊び好きと自堕落な人生を送ってきた。 彼はニュージャージー州の海辺で友人ビルとの賭けに負け、仕方なくナンパした小柄で口のきけない女性ハッティと付き合うようになる。エメットの弾くギターに心惹かれたハッティは彼を愛すようになり、はじめは遊びのつもりだったエメットも辛くあたりつつも、素朴で優しい彼女に惹かれていく。 しかし、上流階級の女性ブランチに出会い惹かれた彼はハッティと別れ突然結婚するが、2人の共通点は派手好きなところ位で愛には乏しく、ブランチはいつしかジャズクラブの用心棒アルと不倫するようになっていった。
Policeman on Campus
This film tells the story of a successful writer called Harry Block, played by Allen himself, who draws inspiration from people he knows in real-life, and from events that happened to him, sometimes causing these people to become alienated from him as a result.
Fight Fan
Escaped Convict
A New York girl sets her father up with a beautiful woman in a shaky marriage while her half sister gets engaged.
Boxing Trainer