Yôko Kamon

Yôko Kamon

出生 : 1980-03-06, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan


Yôko Kamon


Mitsu Tamatsubaki
After the Great Kanto earthquake in 1923, a troupe of female sumo wrestlers arrive in Tokyo.
アガサ・クリスティ 二夜連続ドラマスペシャル「パディントン発4時50分」
車窓から並走する列車の殺人現場を目撃する…というドラマチックな幕開けが読者に鮮烈な印象を与えた、“ミステリーの女王”アガサ・クリスティの傑作『パディントン発4時50分』。  主人公は、アガサ・クリスティが生み出した人気キャラクター、“ミス・マープル”。  原作では鋭い洞察力により難事件を解決に導く老婦人として描かれていますが、今回、日本版にアレンジするにあたって、“元敏腕刑事にして危機管理のプロ”という華麗な経歴を持つデキる女、天乃瞳子(あまの・とうこ)に大胆に生まれ変わります!  ある夕方、瞳子の義母が『特急オリオン』に乗っていたところ、並走していた『寝台特急朝霧』内で男が女性の首を絞めているのを目撃。すぐさま通報したものの、寝ぼけていたとして車掌も警察も取り合いません。  そんな義母の汚名を返上するため真相究明に立ちあがった瞳子は、犯人が車内から死体を投棄したものと推理。死体が投げ込まれたのは、沿線に広がる豪邸の敷地内だと考え、“ある人物”をその屋敷に潜入させます。  しかし、その豪邸には、一筋縄ではいかない曲者の社長一族が顔を揃えていました。はたして、“消えた死体”の行方は…!? そして、なんと屋敷内でさらなる殺人事件も発生! 複雑に絡み合う一連の事件の真相とは…!?  列車ミステリーの要素はもちろんのこと、豪邸に舞台を移して次々に起きる殺人事件を、頭脳明晰な“和製マープル”天乃瞳子は、どう解き明かしていくのでしょうか…!?
強奪 6億円.....
The movie is an adaption from a manga with the same name written by Shungicu Uchida. It's an unique psychological suspense about a woman who is addicted to dating websites, but she ends up encountering there more than she expected and that might cause her own collapse.
農家の嫁 三十五歳、スカートの風
Married into the love of a peasant family (Yoko Kamen-decorated), one day, when she was out, she happened to see a leaflet of a new member of the "Morning Morning Girl Group" audition. Since she was young, she had been eager to be the "Morning Morning Girl Group", and she reported dance lessons without telling her husband. Fortunately, she was selected for the second audition, but her husband discovered that she had an affair with the dance teacher. Ai decided to put aside her life as a farm daughter-in-law and ran away with her dance teacher after she ran away from home.
Reika Kawashima
Joshû 611: onna-tachi no gyakushû
It doesn't matter who you are or what you've done. Once you're inside Japan's most notorious women's prison, the only way to get out is to play the system by its own twisted rules. Crooked guards? Bribe them. Corrupt administrators? Blackmail. And when all else fails, find an outside ally with inside connections to stage an escape. But when conflicting schemes overlap and collide, everything goes up in flames and it's the inmates who will burn. One third of the way into her sentence for the possession of illegal drugs, Reika, prisoner number 48, discovers that she's up for parole. Better yet, she's gathered enough dirty laundry on the warden and his cronies that she might be able to walk free, but only as long as nothing upsets the delicate status quo. Too bad that a former lover is setting up a jailbreak at the same time, and now the ultimate fate of Reika, Saya and the other inmates hangs on the outcome.
女囚611 ~獣牝たちの館
It's called the House of Evils, where beasts in human flesh prowl the corridors and the most dangerous residents aren't the luscious inmates, but the predatory guards. For the crime of assaulting her lover, Saya Mizushima has been sentenced to three years in the most brutal prison facility in Japan. It wasn't supposed to be a life sentence, but unless the woman now known as Inmate 611 can learn how to hold her own against both the ruthlessness of her fellow inmates and the brutal harassment of the guards, she's got little chance of walking out with both mind and body intact. Stripped, shackled, but not yet broken, an international chain gang of red hot models and actresses lead by Akira Kiuchi, Harumi Nemoto , Youko Kamon, Yoshimi Asada and Kei Mizutani prepare to march into the flames of the damned in HELLHOLE: INMATE 611!
A gangster, Tetsuo Onijima (Hakuryu), attacks and imprisons a hostile giant organization
難波金融伝 ミナミの帝王25 誘惑の華
The Bat / Kiyoko
悲しきヒットマン 蒼き狼
ブリード 血を吸う子供
Children born with special power. They seek blood for eternal life. And tonight, the victims ...!