Sound Director
螺旋王を倒し、地上で平和な生活を満喫する人類。僅か7年もの間に急速な文化の発展と人口の拡大を続ける人間達は、暗い地下暮らしを忘れ傲慢になっていった。人民を統率する為に新政府を設立したシモンたちに、ロージェノムが遺した言葉が重く圧し掛かる。そして100万人目の出産が確認されたその時、人間達は自らをアンチスパイラルと名乗る謎の敵からの空襲を受ける。 カテドラル・テラを制御可能にして地球への激突を喰い止めたシモン達。シモンがニアに贈った指輪を頼りにアンチスパイラル母星の位置を掴んだ大グレン団は、カテドラル・テラを超銀河ダイグレンと改名、全ての戦いに決着を付けるべく敵母星へと向かう…。
Sound Director
Sound Director
Sound Director
Oliver is a young priest of that Vasaria order, and a devout servant of his church. He has grown up with legends of a god who dwells on G, a distant island so forbidden that even speaking its name brings certain damnation! When Oliver saves the mute girl Ohiri from slavery, their destinies become intertwined and they set out on a perilous journey to G. Actually a silenced sorceress from the forbidden island, Ohiri is involved in a deadly game of survival that brings her and Oliver face to face with treacherous dark elves, powerful elementals, and a quest filled with plot twists, magic, and wonder.
Music Producer
An archaeological expedition finds the mummified bodies of Genghis Khan and his army somewhere in Mongolia. Unaware that the location is cursed, the explorers wake up the former ruler of the Mongolian empire. He warns the intruders that a large calamity will befall the world in one thousand days. The only ones who can prevent this from happening are three persons who bear wolf-shaped arrow scars. They must join forces and kill the "three emperors" so that the Khan's soul can once again sleep for a thousand years.