Salim Khan's Lawyer
A special crimes investigator forms an unlikely bond with a serial killer to bring down a global child sex trafficking syndicate.
Man on train
In an attempt to stop rhino poaching, railway chef Sonny Frank and a ten year old boy called Fearless kidnap the ambassador of a South-East Asian country.
Captain Pietie
Based upon the book written by South African author Leon van Nierop, and the 1980s TV series it spawned, this drama focuses on the mysterious disappearance of celebrated writer Jacques Rynhard (Armand Aucamp), and the investigative hunt for him launched by journalist Carina Human (DonnaLee Roberts). Christia Visser, Rolanda Marais and Jacques Bessenger co-star.
A story of love and friendship set against the violence of Apartheid in South Africa. It is a story of the ups and downs of the lives of the three main characters, and how their lives intersect over the years.
An Afrikaans sex comedy which follows the adventures of a third-year student and his buddy at their holiday job. Desperate to lose his virginity, he hooks up with a hot babe for some hanky panky, only to discover that her ex boyfriend does not understand the 'ex' part and wants to get violent. The plot (and cast) is rounded out by some really weird characters, all contributing to the general mayhem and laughs.
Hendrick Booyens
MNU Mercenary
1982年、南アフリカ共和国のヨハネスブルク上空に突如宇宙船が出現した。しかし、上空で静止した巨大な宇宙船からは応答や乗員が降りる様子はなく、人類は宇宙船に乗船しての調査を行うことを決定。知的生命体との接触に世界中の期待が集まる中行われた調査であったが、船内に侵入した調査隊が発見したのは、支配層の死亡と宇宙船の故障により難民となった大量のエイリアンであった。 乗船していたエイリアンたちは地上に移り、隔離地区である「第9地区」で難民として、MNU (英:Multi-National United) と呼ばれる超国家機関による管理・監視のもとで生活することになったが、文化や外見の違いから人間とエイリアン達との間では小競り合いが頻発する。人間達のエイリアンへの反発や差別は強まり、やがて彼等に対しては「エビ」(外見がエビ[=PRAWN]に似ているため)という蔑称が定着するようになった。 そして宇宙船出現から28年後、ついにエビ達を新たに用意された彼ら専用の居住区域である第10地区に移住させることが決定し、MNUの職員であるヴィカスは、立ち退き要請の同意を得るため第9地区を訪れるが、エイリアンの家で見つけた謎の液体を不注意により浴びてしまう。
A mad-cap Afrikaans comedy set in a small town on the platteland. The plot revolves around a dog, and a diamond, and the assorted people who would like very much to get their hands on that diamond.
The misadventures Vaatjie Venter, a talented pastry chef and the top student at the hotel school where he is training. Vattjie becomes the lead candidate to win a scholarship to train under world famous master chef Pierre Cousteau in Paris. But Vaatjie's charmed life is tested to its limits when his jealous classmate James tries to prevent Vaatije from winning the opportunity of a lifetime.
Shattered illusions are hard to repair -- especially for a good-hearted zebra named Stripes who's spent his life on a Kentucky farm amidst the sorely mistaken notion that he's a debonair thoroughbred. Once he faces the fact that his stark stripes mark him as different, he decides he'll race anyway. And with help from the young girl who raised him, he just might end up in the winner's circle.