今も荒野を彷徨って、親友マイクとその兄ジョディを捜しているレジー。彼は、愛車:1971年型クーダを見つけ出し、悪夢と現実の境界を乗り越え、トールマンが仕掛けた様々な罠もくぐり抜け、遂にマイクとジョディと再会を果たす。そんな3人の前に、トールマンが現れる。そしてトールマンは3人に対して、衝撃の事実を語り始める・・・。そんなトールマンが操る殺人銀球:シルバー・スフィアは、すさまじく巨大化しており、地球を破壊しようと企んでいた! そしてここに最後の戦いが始まる! !
Suspicious Diner
A new drug promises out-of-body experiences, but users are coming back changed forever, and an otherworldly invasion of Earth is underway.
Brother Beau
In 1977 a group of young, horny, out of control Christians are spending a fun filled weekend at the mountain lakeside Happy Day Bible Camp. One by one these youthful sinners pay a BLOODY penance for their misdeeds. Flash forward 7 years, when another youth group of Bible toters return, lead by "Father Richard Cummings" (Reggie Bannister), "Sister Mary Chopper," (Tim Sullivan) goes bloody murder after the camp - emphasis on CAMP - with stand out performances by folks like Gigi Bannister, Jessica Sonneborn, Troy Guthrie, Deborah Venegas, Jay Fields, and Jeff Dylan Graham. In the end, Bannister and Troup must face down the a transvestite serial killing nun in a fight to the death, and call upon the higher graces of the infamous Ron Jeremy as "Jesus" guide them through! A hilarious campy equal opportunity offensive film that will have you DIE laughing!
"The Attackman" refers to the players on a Lacrosse team positioned to score the most points in this aggressive sport. And Lacrosse means everything to Jordan Simms and Chris Wheatley, two high-school seniors from different religious traditions who come to realize, as a life-changing game nears, that their parents' values aren't the same as their own.
Everything you ever wanted to know about Phantasm is right here in this 97-minute feature with interviews from Don Coscarelli, producer Paul Pepperman, Angus Scrimm, Reggie Bannister, Michael Baldwin and Bill Thornbury.
Hearse Driver
Bubba Ho-tep tells the "true" story of what really did become of Elvis Presley. We find Elvis as an elderly resident in an East Texas rest home, who switched identities with an Elvis impersonator years before his "death," then missed his chance to switch back. He must team up with JFK and fight an ancient Egyptian mummy for the souls of their fellow residents.
Young filmmakers trying to hawk a movie titled "Bradykillers" about a serial killer who goes after victims Marcia, Jan, and Cindy meet their screen idol, William Shatner. The two young men, who idolize him and in their fantasies have seen him as a shadowy fairy godfather figure, are alarmed at the reality of the middle-aged non-Captain Kirk man that they meet.