Paul Carpenter

Paul Carpenter


Paul Carpenter


Reporter from the 'Express'
H.Gウェルズ"月世界最初の人間"が原作の1964年製作のSF映画。 人類初の月面着陸に成功。全世界が祝祭ムードの中、調査隊は月面にてイギリス国旗と1899年とサインのある置き手紙を発見する。サインの主はキャサリン・カレンダー。事情を聞くべく彼女を探すが彼女は10年前に他界。しかし医療施設で暮らす老齢のベットフォードという男から事の真相を聞くこととなる。 ここから映画はベッドフォードの回想へ。彼と彼の恋人ケート(キャサリン)、科学者カボール3人の月旅行の話が始まる。 月の映画と言えばメリエスの"月世界旅行"の方が知名度は高いし本作のことは知らなかったんだけどたまたま見つけたので借りてみた。 結論から言うと観て良かった。 特撮と初期のショボい合成技術が最高。変な着ぐるみの月の住人セレナイトはキモカワイイ。ウェルズの重力を遮るペーストという発想も自由で楽しい。子供みたいに冒険ものはやはりワクワクしてしまう。 そして、この映画宮崎駿監督インスピレーション受けてるんじゃないかな。て、勝手に思ってしまった。 月の住人の世界の仕組みや原動力、存在する昆虫(王蟲のような)はまるで風の谷のナウシカ。洞窟の中の光る石や重厚で幾何学的な模様の入った扉はラピュタを彷彿させる。この映画に好意を覚えるのは大好きな宮崎駿作品と重ねてしまったからかもしれない
Maigret Sees Red
Harry Mc Donald
Gangsters from the United States try to kill a key government witness whose testimony could help land an influential mobster in jail. It's up to detective Maigret to deal with the FBI and a series of underworld figures to save the life of the witness...
Dr. Crippen
Bruce Martin
A British physician stands trial for murdering his wife after he and his mistress are captured while fleeing to Canada.
Call Me Bwana
Col. Spencer
A returning moon capsule goes off course and lands in Africa where a little-known tribe finds it. Washington sends Matthew Merriwether to recover it—thinking he's an expert on the region—when in fact he's no such thing. However, a foreign power sends Secret Agent Luba to try and acquire the capsule for itself and, when Matthew and Luba reach their destination, they find that the tribe believes the capsule to be sacred and won't give it up.
Fight Commentator
In this crime melodrama, a Swiss woman finds herself unwittingly involved in a plot to steal from her employer, a London diamond merchant. Her boyfriend is behind the scheme. First he sends two accomplices disguised as German jewelers to see the boss. He is not fooled by their ruse and is killed while the woman is knocked unconscious. She awakens with amnesia and begins aimlessly wandering the London streets. Thinking that his girl has squealed to the police, her boy friend begins scouring the town to find her. Meanwhile, she is taken in by a boxer who returns to the ring to win the money needed to get her out of the country. Trouble ensues when her lover finally finds her after the match and begins beating on the exhausted fighter.
Policeman #1
A young man is charged with statutory rape.
Jet Storm
George Towers
Crisis in the air: A passenger aboard a commercial airplane flying from London to New York threatens to detonate a bomb over the Atlantic.
Intent to Kill
While resisting pressure from his upper-class wife to take a higher-paying job in London, a Montreal physician prepares to carry out brain surgery on a Latin American president. They don't suspect that a trio of assassins is also waiting, for their chance to carry out a political assassination on the operating table.
Undercover Girl
Johnny Carter
Nightclub employee Joan Foster (Kay Callard) assists the brother of a murdered reporter to expose a drug ring.
Black Ice
British B-movie adventure.
The Spies
Col. Howard
A doctor at a run-down psychiatric hospital is offered a large sum of money to shelter a new patient. Soon the place is full of suspicious and secretive characters, all apparently international secret agents trying to find out who and what the patient is.
The Hypnotist
Val Neal
Culver is a psychiatrist who uses hypnotism to treat his patients. When Carpenter, a test pilot, comes to see him complaining of blackouts that make his job difficult, Culver tries to mesmerise him into killing his wife.
Behind the Headlines
Paul Banner
Newspaper reporters compete with London police to solve a murder.
Fire Maidens of Outer Space
Capt. Larson
An astronaut and crew land on Jupiter's 13th moon and find a monster and women from Atlantis.
Women Without Men
Nick Randall
In love with a man who wants to marry her after he returns from a trip to sea, chorus girl Angela Booth tries to quit her seamy job and become a model citizen. When her employer refuses to dissolve her contract, though, they quarrel and she accidentally hits him. He presses charges, claiming she hit him deliberately, and she is convicted and sent to prison. As her fiance is at sea and out of contact, she is terrified he will think she has jilted him when she does not keep a New Year's date. A kindly old convict, Gran', notorious as a prison-breaker, agrees to engineer an escape for Angela...
The Narrowing Circle
Dave Nelson
A journalist is framed for the murder of a rival and has to prove his innocence, whatever the cost.
Pasaporte al infierno
Bob Reynolds
A forger (Carpenter) flees to Spain but his daughter is kidnapped by a ruthless gang.
The Hornet's Nest
Bob Bartlett
Before getting nabbed by the cops, a jewel thief hides a small fortune in stolen goods aboard an empty barge. But when he later returns to claim his loot, he runs into heaps of trouble with the boat's beautiful tenants and a pair of nosy old ladies. Directed by Charles Saunders, this amusing comedy finds the cunning criminal up against far stronger and more resilient adversaries than he ever anticipated. [Netflix]
Shadow of a Man
Gene Landers
After a fight, a drunk is found dead, but is the cause of death heart failure or murder?
One Jump Ahead
Paul Banner
Paul Banner, a "noozeman" of the Daily Comet in England, is an American working in England. He happens on a murder that leads him on a complicated trail.
Stock Car
Larry Duke
Katie attempts to save her father's failing garage, after he is killed during a stock car race. She is assisted by an American driver, Larry Duke, but unfortunately one of the creditors is determined to take the garage.
The Unholy Four
Bill Saul
Someone knocked out a man and left him for dead during a fishing trip in Portugal. That someone is either his fetching wife, or two business partners, all sporting guilty faces after his unexpected return. Two more murders and a frame-up befall the quartet before an inspector closes the case.
The Young Lovers
Gregg Pearson
A young employee of the British State Department falls in love with the daughter of a top Russian diplomat, much to the panic of their respective countries' officials, who suspect espionage. The cast includes David Knight, Odile Versois, Theodore Bikel and David Kossoff.
Diplomatic Passport
Ray Anderson
An American diplomat and his wife arrive in London, and are soon involved in a series of confusing and sometimes frightening events
Duel in the Jungle
Pan American Airways Clerk
An American insurance investigator is sent to Rhodesia to investigate the mysterious death of a diamond broker who drowned whilst diving off the coast. The broker was insured for $1 million so the insurers are suspicious.
Five Days
Paul Kirby
A man pays a hitman to kill him. Circumstances change and he tries to call off the hit but he has trouble getting the deal killed.
The Sea Shall Not Have Them
Lt Patrick Boyle, Sea Otter Pilot
During autumn of 1944, an RAF Hudson carrying a VIP passenger in possession of highly secret information is shot down and ditches in the North Sea. Fighting the elements and trying to keep up morale, the occupants of the aircraft's dinghy talk about their lives awaiting the rescue they hope will come. The film's title reflects the motto of the RAF's Air Sea Rescue Service, one of whose high speed launches battles against its own mechanical problems, enemy action, time and the weather to locate and rescue the downed crew and the vital secret papers they carry.
The House Across the Lake
Vincent Gordon
Sensuous and desirable, Carol Forrest has always attracted the attention of men. Expert in the art of manipulation and control she married an older man, loving only his vast wealth and continued to amuse herself with indiscreet affairs. But when neighbour Mark Kendrick lets slip that her husband intends cutting her out of his will Carol concentrates all her attentions on the unsuspecting Kendrick, obtaining his help to dispose of this irritating obstacle.
The Weak and the Wicked
Joe, Bab's boyfriend
Jean Raymond an upper class woman with a gambling addiction, is given a twelve-month prison sentence resulting from her inability to pay her debts. At first she is overwhelmingly depressed by life in the women's prison; gradually, however, her misery is relieved by the many close friends she makes there. This sympathetic drama traces the contrasting lives and often faltering progress of the inmates of a women's prison.
Face the Music
Johnny Sutherland
A famed trumpet player is suspected of murdering a blues singer. Using only two minor clues, he narrows the suspects to four people, but only after surviving poison placed on the mouthpiece of his trumpet!
Paul Carrington
An ex-convict, who was framed, struggles to clear his name.
Albert R.N.
The British inmates of a POW camp think they have an informer among them after several escape attempts fail. One of the prisoners constructs a dummy which they christen "Albert" and use at roll call in order to foil the German guards.
PO Morgan
A British coastal command pilot is charged with neglect when it is thought that he has sunk a British submarine rather than a German U-boat. Unable to live with his actions, he volunteers for a deadly mission. His girlfriend meanwhile tries to prove that he is innocent.
Uneasy Terms
Windy Nicholls
Private eye Slim Callaghan is summoned to the country home of a Colonel Stenhurst, but the latter is murdered before he can talk to the detective. Was one of the Colonel's three daughters responsible?
School for Secrets
Flt. Lt. Argylle
Wartime tale of a group of British scientists efforts to develop the first radar system. They did it just in time for it to be used in the Battle of Britain against the might of the Nazi Luftwaffe. Without it the little island could well have been overrun.