Shingo Katori

Shingo Katori

出生 : 1977-01-31, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


Shingo Katori (香取 慎吾) is a Japanese actor, singer, television host, radio personality. He was the youngest member of SMAP, one of the best-selling boy band in Asia. Following the group's disbandment at the end of 2016, Katori pursued his solo career. He left his agency, Johnny & Associates in 2017, together with two other SMAP members, Goro Inagaki and Tsuyoshi Kusanagi and entered CULEN, a Japanese talent agency. On 22 September 2017, they launched a new project, "atarashiichizu" ("新しい地図", meaning "New Map") as their common fan site, supported by various Japanese leading creators. Since then, Katori has been extending his activities also into artistic fields.


Shingo Katori
Shingo Katori


Yujiro Tamura
日本はなぜ、あれほど凄惨な戦争へと突き進んだのか-。 開戦前の昭和9年、一人の海軍将校がロンドンに降り立った。その男は、のちに真珠湾攻撃を指揮することになる提督・山本五十六。国家の命運を背負い、アメリカをはじめとする列強との軍縮交渉に臨もうとしていた。 「交渉が決裂すれば、日本は国際社会でさらに孤立する」。アメリカの絶大な国力を知り、戦争は避けるべきだと考える五十六は、ぎりぎりまで決裂回避への道を探り続ける。しかし、軍備拡大を目指す本国の海軍首脳部から、「結論ありき」の交渉を命じられて・・・。 優先するべきは、国民の命か、国家の誇りか。 組織の中で板挟みになり苦悩の末に、五十六が下した「ある決断」とは? 太平洋戦争の始まりから80年。NHKの独自取材で明らかになった、海軍内部の極秘文書にもとづく実録ドラマ。 山本五十六を演じるのは、香取慎吾さん。国民から「英雄」と呼ばれるようになる以前の、海軍という組織のなかでもがき続けた、新たな「山本五十六像」に挑みます。 80年あまり封印されてきた実話に基づく、開戦秘話にご期待下さい。
アクション&ファンタジー&ラブ&ミュージカル、オールジャンルムービー!恋に落ちたピアニスト、歌を喰われたアーティスト、息子を亡くした父親、そんな彼らが迷い込んだ、美しき世界とはーー。極悪でバカで泣けて踊れる、クソ野郎だ らけの4つのストーリー。 Episode. 01 ピアニストを撃つな!、Episode. 02 慎吾ちゃんと歌喰いの巻、Episode. 03 光へ、航る、Episode. 04 新しい詩。全力で走る女、フジコ。フジコを追う不気味なマスクをした極悪人「マッド・ドッグ」。彼らが向かう先には天才ピアニスト。歌を食べて生きる少女「歌喰い」と歌えなくなったアーティストの不思議な関係。失った息子の右腕を探す旅を続ける夫婦。2人が沖縄の海で出会ったのは…?夜な夜なクソ野郎たちが集まるダンスフロアで繰り広げられるショー。
アクション&ファンタジー&ラブ&ミュージカル、オールジャンルムービー!恋に落ちたピアニスト、歌を喰われたアーティスト、息子を亡くした父親、そんな彼らが迷い込んだ、美しき世界とはーー。極悪でバカで泣けて踊れる、クソ野郎だ らけの4つのストーリー。 Episode. 01 ピアニストを撃つな!、Episode. 02 慎吾ちゃんと歌喰いの巻、Episode. 03 光へ、航る、Episode. 04 新しい詩。全力で走る女、フジコ。フジコを追う不気味なマスクをした極悪人「マッド・ドッグ」。彼らが向かう先には天才ピアニスト。歌を食べて生きる少女「歌喰い」と歌えなくなったアーティストの不思議な関係。失った息子の右腕を探す旅を続ける夫婦。2人が沖縄の海で出会ったのは…?夜な夜なクソ野郎たちが集まるダンスフロアで繰り広げられるショー。
Misugi Akira
Misugi Akira and his lovely companion Maria arrive in Tokyo on a special mission. It seems Akira is there to pick up Ito Kaori, whom he has known since Kaori was a child, so that she can join his and Maria's clan... of ageless vampires! But before Akira can get to the rendezvous point, the one-time doctor is distracted by a woman making a suicide attempt. Finished with that, he hurries to get Kaori only to find her dead... from a local serial killer who fancies himself to be a vampire. When one of the police detectives on the case, Saeki Shoji, starts digging into Kaori's death, the links he finds all seem to lead straight to Akira and Maria. So now the pair decide their best course of action is to try and track down the serial killer themselves as soon as possible...
Creative Director
TOMOHISA YAMASHITA TOUR 2013 -A NUDE- is the third DVD release by Yamashita Tomohisa. It includes his performance in Tokyo on December 19th, 2013. The tour featured 29 shows and covered 20 different cities. It was performed from October 5th to December 19th, 2013. The tour was produced by Katori Shingo, who made a special appearance at the Tokyo performance on December 18th.
TOMOHISA YAMASHITA TOUR 2013 -A NUDE- is the third DVD release by Yamashita Tomohisa. It includes his performance in Tokyo on December 19th, 2013. The tour featured 29 shows and covered 20 different cities. It was performed from October 5th to December 19th, 2013. The tour was produced by Katori Shingo, who made a special appearance at the Tokyo performance on December 18th.
世にも奇妙な物語 '13秋の特別編
Gift of SMAP
Plenty of charm! Plenty of volume! All the best parts of the concert! The Tokyo Dome performance of the nationwide tour "GIFT of SMAP -CONCERT TOUR'2012-" recorded in its entirety.
踊る大捜査線 THE FINAL 新たなる希望
Tomonori Kuze
2012年12月、湾岸署が管轄内で行われている国際環境エネルギーサミットの警護で慌ただしい中、その会場内で誘拐事件が発生、数時間後に被害者は射殺体で発見された。捜査会議が開かれるが、使用された拳銃が警察が押収した物の一つだと発覚したことから、その隠蔽のため、全ての捜査情報を鳥飼に文書として報告し、所轄には極秘状態という異例の捜査体制となる。 やがて捜査本部はある一人の男性に注目。本庁に類が及ばないよう、現場を知る所轄を信頼しているからと言葉巧みに湾岸署刑事課強行犯係を誘導して、この男を任意同行させ、捜査本部による自白強要によって被疑者に仕立てて事態収束を図るが、青島はそんな上層部達の不審な動きに気付いていく。そんな中、第二の殺人事件が発生、被害者が当時交渉課課長時代の真下も関わった6年前の誘拐殺人事件の被告で無罪判決を受けていたことが判明する。一方、独自に動いていた青島は鳥飼の策により、先だって捜査本部が逮捕した被疑者に対する「誤認逮捕」「自白強要」という冤罪を着せられて辞職勧告にまで追いやられ上層部に警察手帳を奪われる。一方で室井も事件の捜査本部長の任に就いた後に青島の責任を取る形での辞職が決定されてしまう。 そして真下の息子が誘拐される第三の事件が発生。警察手帳を取り上げられてしまった青島だったが、誘拐事件の発生を知り室井に報告し共闘を進言。室井はこれを受け入れて青島に捜査への参加を命令する。青島は室井からの命令を受けて人質救出・犯人逮捕に奔走。一方、捜査本部を率いる室井は本庁・所轄問わずに集められた情報から事件の真相へと近づいていく。
LOVE まさお君が行く!
Hideki Matsumoto
Go, Masao! describes the relationship between people and their dogs. Comedian Hideki Matsumoto and a labrador retriever named Masao are selected to appear on the travel corner segment of a TV animal program. Until Hideki Matsumoto and the labrador retriever Masao become popular, they help each other.
friends もののけ島のナキ
Naki (voice)
こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所 THE MOVIE 〜勝どき橋を封鎖せよ!〜
Kankichi Ryotsu
A blind master swordsman attempts to lead a quiet life with his wife but he is provoked back into battle.
Tadano Kenji [Street musician]
Sukiyaki Western Django
A nameless gunfighter arrives in a town ripped apart by rival gangs and, though courted by both to join, chooses his own path.
Monkey King Son Goku
THE 有頂天ホテル
Kenji Tadano
Kanzo Hattori
Kanzo Hattori, an apprentice Ninja, leaves his home town of Iga for his final training. He must go to the city of Edo (Tokyo), and the first person he meets shall be his master, whom he must protect with his life, whilst upholding the ninja code. Also while in Edo, Hattori must find out why their rivals, the Koga Ninjas, are flourishing while the Iga Ninjas are dying out. Hattori's master is Kenichi, a 9 year old boy. Kenichi is an introvert and not very popular boy, so he never plays with the other children from school. Kenichi also has a secret crush on a young lady called Midori, yet he's too shy to speak to her. Though as he watches Hattori trying his best, he too begins to try. Meanwhile, people are being found unconscious, their bodies completely unmarked. All the victims have a tattoo (the Koga Ninja crest) and are found with a throwing knife lying close by.
Smap! Tour! 2002!
Release of the 2002 SMAP tour, Drink! Smap! Tour filmed at Tokyo Stadium
Rolling Bomber Special
Katori Shintarou
Rolling Bomber Special is a Web Original that tells the story of Katori Shintaro, and his quest to destroy the world...if the "heroes" of this story are to believed. See, a Sentai team calling themselves Earth Defender Freshman is onto his schemes and will stop at nothing to protect the world and everyone in it.
SMAP Short Films
Short films by top CM directors and CG creators: MUSIC POWER GO! GO! ダモン君の巻; BUS PANIC!!!; GAME SHINGO; 治療; Good-bye, cruel world; ROLLING BOMBER SPECIAL; 菅原さん ・コンセント ・トイレ ・のれない ・脱出不可能. Produced for and aired together as TV special of SMAPxSMAP
世にも奇妙な物語 SMAPの特別編
Ichirou Tadano
1.「エキストラ」香取慎吾 2.「13番目の客」草彅 剛 3.「BLACK ROOM」木村拓哉 志賀廣太郎 樹木希林 4.「僕は旅をする」稲垣吾郎 桜井幸子 5.「オトナ受験」中居正広 広末涼子
Soichiro Kanzaki
スペシャル 古畑任三郎 vs SMAP
Shingo Katori
Furuhata is called in to investigate a murder committed by the well-known Japanese boy band SMAP.
香港大夜総会 タッチ&マギー
Shibata / Maggie
The members of SMAP play former high school classmates who were members of the Ekiden team 6 years ago. This drama depicts the changes in character over the past 6 years and the members future endeavors.
It contains the performance of " SEXY SIX SHOW " by SMAP from July 24th to August 30th, 1994 at Nippon Budokan . Only the first production of VHS received "SMAP PREMIUM VIDEO" (documentary work of the tour, not yet DVD). Track List: OPENING, Theme of 006, Working people, Hey Hey Every time there is a big one, Original smile, Let's do our best, Major, Let's fall in love, Mysterious Japan, First summer, The blue sky, Goodbye summer rain, SMAP NO.5, How to enjoy traffic jams, Let's go to the sea from now on, More about you, Even if it's pain, My refrigerator, M ・ A ・ S ・ H, Subway Kids, Scarface Groove, ZIGZAG Back Street, $ 10, KISS OF FIRE, Adieu, Nightless Girl, Every Day you lose or find, Original smile, My Childhood Friend-Radio in the mirror, Mirror of the heart, Make the weather right now, Stormy Town, Run! Run! Run!, Let's do our best, Can't Stop !! -LOVING-, Kimi Iro Omoi, ENDING (Can't Stop !! -LOVING- [Symphonic Version])
サムライスピリッツ 破天降魔の章
One hundred years after their deaths, six legendary holy warriors are reborn to seek justice against the former comrade who betrayed them into the hands of an evil god! The six warriors search the feudal province of Edo questing for the last Saint Soldier, Haohmaru, and their sworn nemesis Shirou Amakusa. Will the followers of the divine light triumph over the forces of darkness, or is history destined to repeat itself? Before their hundred-year journey has ended, six samurai will prove that the only thing stronger than their holy blades is the steel of their wills!
The Golden Trio of junior high school soccer players, Toshi, Kenji and Kazu, enroll at the new Kakegawa High School merely because they want to play with Kubo, the legendary player who learned his superb soccer techniques in Germany and who helped the Kakegawa team, which then consisted of freshmen only, win eight place in the all-Japan....
1992.1 SMAP 1st LIVE「やってきましたお正月!!」コンサート
" 1992.1 SMAP 1st LIVE" Came on New Year !! "Concert " (1992.1 SMAP First Live "Come on Oshogatsu !! Concert"), VHS on March 14, 1992 , DVD on December 24 , 2003 This is SMAP 's tour VHS / DVD released by Victor Entertainment . Track list: Opening, Can't Stop !! -LOVING-, Run! Run! Run!, Straight for the Heart, Can't Stop !! -LOVING-, KISS OF FIRE, Shake U Up, Subway Kid, Angel's secret, Goodbye lover, The ally of justice is unreliable, SMAP control corner, Baby Baby Baby, Fragment of heaven, Let's Fight, medley, Dirty hero!, Don't Cry Baby, I'm in love with your eyes ~ LOVE FOR SALE ~ BAD DESIRE ~ ALLELUIA ~ DANCING QUEEN, Vehicle, Sad wish-HOLD ON I'M COMING, STANDBY ME, CROSS TO YOU, Daybreak, Stormy Town, LOVE BLUE, Encore-Mayakashi (Instrumental), Can't Stop !! -LOVING-, The ally of justice is unreliable, Can't Stop !! -LOVING- (Instrumental)
Shingo Katori Live Tour 2021 20200101