Based on the real events of The Donner Party tragedy. The Donner Party was a group of California-bound American settlers caught up in the western expansion of the 1840s. After becoming snowbound in the Sierra Nevada during the winter of 1846-1847, a number of the trapped settlers joined together in a final effort to reach California and organize a rescue party.
A world record orgy, wild sex scenes, ninjas... just a typical day at the office when you happen to work on a porn set. Director Chuck Steak is making his last film and wants to go out with a bang. With the help of veteran actress Roxy Free and the outrageously endowed Lance Long, they concoct the biggest and most absurdly complicated porn film ever made. But along the way, everything that can possibly go wrong does go wrong. Tempers flare, secrets are revealed and a hidden past is exposed, as all hell breaks loose during the climactic orgy scene. It's a wild ride in this rowdy and heartwarming tale of life in the adult film industry. Written by HBFilmworks
This shocking video presents the actual home video footage shot by Kentucky killers Dwayne Foote and Darla-Jean Stanton as they embark on a deadly rampage. Watch in awe as the heartless lovers stumble into a situation that triggers one of the most violent crime sprees America has ever seen. Recently discovered by the authorities, this footage is haunting in its immediacy.
17 robberies... 11 murders... 6 states...2 lovers...1 camera... A film crew sets out to find answers to the worst crime spree in years, and uncovers a secret they never dreamed.
A gang of bank robbers, led by the ultra-violent Snake Underwood, pull off a daring mid-day heist that leaves dozens of burning police cars and scores of innocent victims in its wake. Heading the investigation into the gang is the equally violent detective Kurt Bellmore and going by the book just isn't going to be enough...