A joyous family reunion becomes a hilarious nightmare as Madea and the crew travel to backwoods Georgia, where they find themselves unexpectedly planning a funeral that might unveil unpleasant family secrets.
A woman, who gets released from prison and reunites with her sister, discovers she is in an online relationship with a man who may be "catfishing" her.
Madea dispenses her unique form of holiday spirit on rural town when she's coaxed into helping a friend pay her daughter a surprise visit in the country for Christmas.
Yolanda is a woman who is anxiously waiting for her new husband to return from fighting in Iraq. Financial struggles force her to move back home with her parents Reverend Wallace and Hattie. It will take lots of laughter, love and prayers to keep the entire family together under one roof.
One weekend, Aunt Bam's nephew-in-law Stewart is granted a court-ordered visitation with his children. Although his new, much-younger wife Mona is a bundle of nerves, Stewart seizes the opportunity to reconnect with his children, whom he loves dearly. Then their mother, his ex-wife Gloria, shows up drunk. It will take Madea's partner-in-crime, Bam, to tame this situation and set a few things straight.
Upon returning to Los Angeles to attend his father's funeral, Damon (Alexander) soon learns that in order to claim his share of the family inheritance he must work alongside his brother, Mookie (Kain) — a former drug-dealer who had previously cost Damon a college scholarship — in keeping the family's long-running gas station in business for at least one year. As the siblings repeatedly butt heads over matters both great and small, they soon come to realize that it takes more than money to hold a family together.