Chisa Yokoyama
出生 : , Sumida City, Tokyo, Japan
Biscuit Krueger (voice)
天空闘技場で開催されるフロアマスターによる戦い「バトルオリンピア」。その大会にズシが参加することでウィングに招待されたゴンとキルアは、ゲスト来場していたネテロ会長と再会を果たす。しかし大会開催直前、謎の秘密組織「影(かげ)」に天空闘技場を占拠され、不意をつかれたネテロ会長は「怨」によって念を封じられてしまう。 会長の救出に向かうゴンとキルアだが、「影」のメンバーや彼らによって怨能力を与えられたフロアマスターたちが立ち塞がる。果たしてゴンたちは「影」を打ち破り、ネテロ会長を救出できるのか。そして、「影」を率いる隊長・ジェドとネテロ会長との因縁とは…。
The year is 1578. It is a time of strife and civil wars. During violent struggles for power, there were special soldiers who stood beside samurais. They sacrificed themselves in the line of duty, always at the service of their samurai masters. They operated incognito, wearing camouflage at all times. These spies were called "SHINOBI". They had once been united, but were now divided into countless antagonistic factions. Jin's group is targeted by another group... Riku is Jin's subordinate and the new leader of his group.
Sakura Shinguji
For years the defence and safety of the Imperial city rested on the shoulders of Sumire Kanzaki of the Flower Troupe. But this, as with all things, must fade away. As the top star of the Imperial Operetta Company, Sumire was the power and the light from which her comrades drew their own strength and resolve. It was through her that the Flower Troupe found their courage... and through her that many happy memories were made. Now the curtain rises for one final performance as the star that once shined so brightly to grow faint. As the spotlight dims on one legend, another must come center stage.
Theme Song Performance
Sakura Shinguji
天地と椿の精・ハルナの切ない恋を描く。ある春の日、いつものごとくケンカをはじめた魎呼と阿重霞のもとから逃げ出す天地。そして彼はそのまま失踪してしまう。天地を探して日本中を旅する魎呼と阿重霞。ふたりはようやく天地を見つけるが、なんと彼は見知らぬ女性と同棲していた。天地を呼ぶ魎呼たちの声もむなしく、彼は女性と共に姿を消してしまう。天地の身に何が起こったのか? そして謎の女性の正体とは?
テレビアニメ『機動戦艦ナデシコ』の続編作品。テレビシリーズのラストから3年後が舞台となっている。 コメディー色の強かったTVシリーズと比べ、物語はシリアスかつハードなものとなっており、話も煮詰まったものとなっている(ただし要所要所にギャグが散りばめられている)。これはTVシリーズにおいて、主人公であるはずのアキトの成長をほとんど描くことが出来ていなかったため、それでは「余りに不憫だ」という監督の佐藤の意向で、彼の物語をルリの視点で追う形のものとなったためである。そのため、佐藤が脚本も手がけた。 加えてTV版ではスケジュールの関係で制作が駆け足だったことや、内容のウケ狙いに走りすぎ、「遊びすぎた」という反省点の元で立ち上がっている。プロデューサーの大月俊倫自身がもう少しシビアな内容を期待していたことと、(スタッフ内でもコメディ部分自体はアリとして)シリアスな場面も納得できる描き方をして欲しいという要望から、作品の総決算として制作された。 当時まだ無名に近かった仲間由紀恵が声優として出演していた(仲間は後日談で、声優としての仕事より取材・インタビューを受けていた時間の方が長かったと冗談半分で語っている)。 佐藤によるノベライズの予定もあったが、後に中止された。原稿の元データは一部を残し紛失しているようで、その一部は『機動戦艦ナデシコ・ノベルテ+』に収録されている。 1999年の第30回『星雲賞』映画演劇部門・メディア部門受賞作品。第21回『アニメグランプリ』グランプリ部門受賞作品。 キッズステーションの特番放送時にエンディング『Dearest』を短くしたバージョンが放映された。
Chiaki Enno
In Kanoesaru village every 60 years mysterious murders happen. Every time seven 17 year old girls are killed. The villagers believe it is the work of a demon who once saved the village so they keep quiet about it. However the current head of the Ibuki family calls an exorcist to save her 2 daughters. What is the truth behind the murders in Kanoesaru village?
Just when everything seems peaceful again for Yuna and her friends, a new enemy appears in the form of three robotic sisters. Yuna must once again become the Savoir of Light to fight this strong, new evil.
A sci fi\action monster movie from the writer of Guzoo: The Thing Forsaken by God and Battle Girl: Living Dead in Tokyo Bay.
Emera (voice)
Flute (voice)
While on their quest to stop the Demon King, the violinist Hamel, the pianist Raiel, the magess Flute and the female warrior Sizer stop in a small kingdom and destroy a rampaging monster. While giving the four a heroes' welcome, the king and queen explain that their daughter has been kidnapped by a monster living in a nearby castle. They agree to go and rescue the hostage princess and defeat the monster. However, the enemy's castle is heavily guarded...
"Mihoshi's Special," narrated by the title character, is a side story about Mihoshi's life as a Galaxy Police Officer. Mihoshi introduces her partner, Kiyone-an up-and-coming officer who believes that having Mihoshi as her partner could be the end of her career-and explains how they solved the case of the Missing Super Energy. Other characters from the Tenchi Muyo series return and have alternate roles in the special. While the storyline parodies various anime works, Mihoshi's Special explores Mihoshi's past and provides a glimpse at her probable future.
霊界が突如、未曾有の大洪水に襲われた。ぼたんはコエンマの命令で閻魔大王の秘宝「冥界玉」を持って霊界を脱出し、幽助に知らせるべく人間界へ。ボロボロの状態で皿屋敷中学の屋上へたどり着いたぼたんは、幽助に重根神社のひなげしに会うよう告げて気を失う。 幽助を探して屋上へやってきた螢子にぼたんを任せ、桑原と共に重根神社に赴いた幽助は、冥界鬼に襲われたひなげしを救い出し、ぼたんを預けた先である幻海の寺で、霊界の様子を見に行った蔵馬とも合流。そして霊界の異変が、かつて人間界を支配しようと企んで閻魔大王に消滅させられた冥界の仕業であることを知った。人間界での冥界の復活を阻止し、水没した霊界を復活させるため、幽助たちはひなげしの案内で霊鬼門に向かうことに。また、この話を寺の外で聞いていた飛影は事態を静観しようとしていたが、寺に雪菜が来たことで単独で霊鬼門の一つを目指す。 しかし、人間界に冥界を復活させようと企む冥界の王の一派によって霊鬼門は次々と奪われ、幻海の結界を破って寺に侵入してきた冥界の王・耶雲とその部下・頼光に襲われた幻海が負傷。そして、耶雲の力の源である「冥界玉」を隠し持っていたぼたんが幻海の寺からさらわれる。その際、幽助とともに寺に戻ってきた螢子、そして幻海とともにぼたんの看病をしていた雪菜も襲われたことで、単独行動していた飛影も一行に加わり、耶雲とその部下達を倒すべく死闘を繰り広げる。
Sasami (voice)
A few days after Kagato is defeated everything returns to normal. Ryouko finds Mihoshi and Sasami reading shoujo manga, which Sasami mistakes as guides on how to win a boy's heart... Earth style. So Ryouko decides to try out the ideas from the manga to win over Tenchi. But Aeka finds out what her rival Ryouko is doing and tries to take advantage of the same method. Naturally, the results are less than satisfactory for all involved...
Villgust is a peaceful world that exists parallel to ours. However, now an evil deity has been revived and has sent evil creatures to destroy many countries, which left darkness and terror to rule the world. The peoples' prayers and cries has reached out to the goddess Windina and in order to free the world from darkness she chose eight brave warriors to defeat the evil deity. Although blessed, these warriors are unaware at the path chosen for them, thus the two groups of Kui, Chris, Fanna, and Youta must meet up with Murobo, Remi, Ryuquir, and Bostov before they can follow the path chosen for them and defeat the evil deity.
Aida Nonoka
The story is about Aida Nonoka who is rescued from a drunken attacker by a judoist. She then resolves to become as good as her savior, hoping that one day to recognize him by the scar on his back. She then transferred into a new high school where she meets two older boys who could possibly the person to whom she owes her life and to give her heart. (Source: AniDB)
Jun Asuka (voice)
Jun's 18th birthday has been selected by family tradition to be the day that her husband is chosen. Many high-class families have come to try to marry into the physically and economically powerful Asuka dynasty, but Jun is not interested. With her servant Kratta in tow, she runs away from the groom-choosing party.
Robin (voice)
Sometime during the late 19th century, a young Asian girl has made a place for herself in a seaside town as the owner and operator of the Tenkai restaurant and boarding house.. Yet "Miss China," as the locals call her, is in the dumps. She's got a Mad Scientist named Breckenridge living upstairs who is chronically late with the rent, and she's pining for Jim, a handsome watchmaker's apprentice whom she mistakenly believes is pursuing the local flower girl. But this isn't our world. It is a world that has the Spirit of Wonder, where every so often, just occasionally mind you, amazing things happen. The Mad Scientist actually has come up with an incredible invention, and Jim has an unbelievable plan to use it to give Miss China the most beautiful ring in all the World.
Haruko Mitsuhashi (voice)
200 years after the events of Earth Chapter, the Earth is rebuilding and recovering. Foreseeing the return of a villain from the past, Catty pulls together the descendants of the heroes of Gallforce to escape the destruction that engulfs the Solar System.
Yayoi (voice)