Nobuyuki Sugaya


ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 妖怪特急!まぼろしの汽車
Director of Photography
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 おばけナイター
Director of Photography
地下幻燈劇画 少女椿
Director of Photography
After losing her parents, young flower selling Midori is put up by a fairground group. She is abused and forced to slavery, until the arrival of an enigmatic magician of short stature, who gives her hope for a better future.
Director of Photography
Akira, Junpei, Keiko and Kumiko are members of the Rutz Detective Agency, and are always ready for a good case. When a mysterious murder places a top secret floppy disk in the hands of Junpei, the gang suddenly has a conspiracy on their hands of grandiose proportions. Not only have they made an enemy of politicians and shady characters, but also the munitions manufacturer company Yotsuboshi itself! With murder attempts, rampaging machinery and kidnappers to handle, the group must race against the clock to foil the evil scheme before it's too late!
Director of Photography
It's the 22nd century and Shambhala city reporter Youko and her android boyfriend, bodyguard and cameraman Pete are hunting the enigmatic criminal Mr. X. Their search leads them to the Rainbow Tower, were Youko is taken hostage and Vito must battle to save her by destroying the program of the Tower's central computer to prevent X's escape.
魔法のスターマジカルエミ 蝉時雨
Director of Photography
An OVA that both summarizes and continues the Mahō no Star Magical Emi TV series.
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 妖怪大戦争
Director of Photography
御存知「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」、劇場公開作品第2弾! ド派手なアクションシーンやコミカルなドタバタ劇を効果的に組み合わせた、切れ味鋭い妖怪エンターテイメントだ。より幅広い層の関心を得るため、当時話題になっていたハレー彗星をストーリーに取り込むなど、作品の隅々にまで楽しい工夫が凝らされている。また、人気の高いバックベアードがスクリーンに初登場。期待通りの迫力と威圧感を見せてくれる...
Akira is a lonely middle school boy, ignored by his classmates and bullied by his teacher. He falls in love with the image of a girl on a coffee advertising poster and names her Lunn. Through his "friendship" with Lunn, he gradually finds the strength to pursue his own dreams.
大型ポリティカルフィクション『ルサルカは還らない』などの人気漫画家・御厨さと美の原作による、OVA黎明期の美少女SFアニメ。21世紀末、スペースコロニー“フロンティア”を管理する、スーパーコンピュータ“アーティフィーンド”が突然、自我に目覚める。地球の歴史と人類の文明を精緻に膨大に修学したアーティフィーンドは、過った種であると人類への憎悪を自覚。軍事衛星の核ミサイルまで制御して、その照準を地上に向けた。コンピューター学者ザカライアセン博士、ドハティ教授とともにコロニーに来ていた16歳の美少女ノーラ・スコラは、持ち前の行動力と闘志でアーティフィーンドの制止を図るが? 同じ一族の子孫や先祖という設定も活用して、さまざまな時代で活躍する、原作者のコミック世界=御厨ワールドを代表するスーパーガール、ノーラの未来編のOVA化。作画監督は、テレビアニメ版『北斗の拳』や劇場アニメ版『地球へ…』で活躍する須田正己が担当。
タイムスリップ10000年 プライム・ローズ
Director of Photography
This is a fantasy story about a sword and the magic of a girl warrior, Emiya, in a fictitious world. A strong country, Guroman, attacks and overtakes the country of Kukurit, though the particulars of when and where this happens are not given. As a means of keeping the peace, the two countries exchange their third prince and princess, respectively. Prime Rose, the third princess of Guroman, is placed in the custody of a noble family of Kukurit under the name of Emiya.
宇宙戦艦ヤマト 新たなる旅立ち
100万年地球の旅 バンダーブック
Camera Operator