Akinobu Shinoyama

Akinobu Shinoyama


Akinobu Shinoyama


Shima's Ex-bandmate
インディで注目の女性デュオが、付き人とともに全国巡回解散ツアーへ。そんな3人が抱える互いへの一方通行の思いを、小松菜奈、門脇麦のW主演で描く。秦基博、あいみょんの音楽が彩る青春ロード・ムービー。  解散を決めたインディーズの人気女性デュオが、付き人の青年とともに解散ツアーへと繰り出すさまを小松菜奈、門脇麦、成田凌の若手実力派3人の共演で描いた音楽青春ロード・ムービー。監督は「害虫」「黄泉がえり」の塩田明彦。劇中で小松菜奈と門脇麦が“ハルレオ”として歌う楽曲を、それぞれ人気ミュージシャンの秦基博とあいみょんが提供。突然解散を決めた人気デュオの“ハルレオ”。孤独だった2人が出会い、路上から始めて今やライブハウスを一杯にするまでに成長した。そんなハルレオを影で支えていたのが元ホストのローディ兼マネージャー、シマ。順調かに思われた3人の関係だったが、いつしか危うさを孕み始める。そしてついに解散を決意したハルレオは、シマとともに最後の全国ツアーへと旅立つのだったが…。
"GS Wonderland" is about the 1960's Group Sounds bands - A Japanese pop movement inspired by the Beatles and other mid-1960's Brit Pop. Three young men set out to start their own band "The Diamonds" when they are signed to a recording contract during their very first rehearsal. Things turn for the unexpected when their agent brings Mick (Chiaki Kuriyama) into the group as their keyboardist.
哀憑歌 ~NU‐MERI~
There's something wrong at the Pacific Institute...something wrong and evil. For young Mari, whose family has worked in the finishing industry for generations, her studies in advanced genetics and marine bio-engineering represent not just her own future, but that of her entire family. But when her friend Nanako is mysteriously discovered dead, Mari's dreams turn into her worst nightmares! Because not only was Nanako's body covered with fishbites, she was also growing scales! Now, as a new wave of deaths and tragedies engulf the Pacific team, it becomes all too clear that someone....something...has a new future in mind for all human kind. For centuries man has taken from the ocean, never dreaming what might lurk beneath the waves; now the revelation has begun...and this time, we're the sushi!