William V. Ranous

William V. Ranous

出生 : 1857-03-12,

死亡 : 1915-04-01


William V. Ranous


The Hindoo Charm
Advised by his friends to seek a second wife so that his children, Helen and Dolores, may know a mother's care, Sir Edward Tilbury marries Phyllis, the daughter of Lady Olivia Gower, a leading social light in Calcutta.
The Lonely Princess
Prince Raffaello
A young American millionaire in Venice falls in love with the beautiful princess Ione.
Delayed Proposals
A Passenger
t is sometimes decidedly difficult to get a little privacy on shipboard. Several times Jack Hardy almost reaches the proposal point with Marion Van Sickles, but each time the fates are against him. Marion and her mother are on their way home from a vacation in Europe and board the boat at Liverpool at the same time as Jack, who is very much struck by Marion's appearance. After a little flirtation on the boat, he believes that his feelings are returned and is about to propose. Just then mama comes along with Count Brainlesse, whom she wishes to marry Marion. The proposal is postponed. Again and again Jack tries to come to the point, being constantly interrupted by someone, either the count or mama, or the grouchy owner of the deck chair he has taken. First the grouch, then mama, and then the count, get sea-sick and at last Jack has Marion alone. Alas, the time has not yet come.
The Skull
Just as the bead clerk and his assistants are closing up the jewelry store for the day, a package containing a very costly necklace arrives by special messenger. The large safe deposit vault has been closed for the night and the time clock set. The head clerk is fearful to leave the necklace in the store and so decides to take it home. His actions have been closely watched by one of the junior clerks, with sinister and stealthy glances.
Alixe; or, the Test of Friendship
Alixe is courted by many admirers. Her most persistent companion is Morton Shaw. Arlington Tappan also loves Alixe, and urges her to give up her associations with Shaw. She does so and is very happy until Arlington becomes more absorbed in his business affairs.
Getting Up a Practice
Mr. Irving, Emily's Father
Becoming impatient waiting for patients, young Doctor Bob Lyons is about discouraged. To add to his misery, his sweetheart's father, Mr. Irving, distinctly objects to Emily, his daughter, marrying Bob until he has a practice.
Getting Up a Practice
Becoming impatient waiting for patients, young Doctor Bob Lyons is about discouraged. To add to his misery, his sweetheart's father, Mr. Irving, distinctly objects to Emily, his daughter, marrying Bob until he has a practice.
The One Good Turn
A political crime film in which a militant, anarchist father allows his political ideals to prevail over human dignity. The father uses his young daughter to carry out an attack on Princess Louise. After his wife foils the attack and he is arrested by the police, he steps back from his fanaticism and repents.
The Little Minister
Rob Dow
To start a little in advance of our story, Lord Rintoul, of the English nobility, finds a little Gypsy girl three years old, who had been deserted by her parents. Fifteen years later, Gavin Dishart, the Little Minister, receives an appointment, his first, at Thrums, Scotland. This was made possible through the self-sacrifices of his widowed mother, to educate him for the ministry. The community of Thrums is made up of weavers, who work hard, have little and accomplish much. They are ultra-religious and look upon their pastor with such reverence that he is a little lower than the angels. While naturally intelligent, they are grounded in dogma and intolerance. Just after the Little Minister takes charge of the "Auld Licht Kirk" and the Manse, the weavers resent a reduction, by the manufacturers, in their pay and a strike is declared.
The Anarchist's Wife
In this Vitagraph short, anarchism threatens to ruin lives and families. Luigi and Rosa are a couple with an adorable child, but trouble is afoot – Luigi has become an anarchist!
The Signal Fire
A short romantic drama in which a captain and his wife are separated by a shipwreck. The woman ends up on a desert island with another man, and they have a relationship. When they are saved by the captain, he decides to stay behind on the island, alone.
The Higher Mercy
No matter how absorbed with affairs of state, Abraham Lincoln was always ready to give audience to his little son Tad. Little Tad, playing at the boat landing of the White House lake, falls into the water and is saved from drowning by a young fellow named Jasper Brinton. When young Brinton carries Tad into the White House, the president is very grateful to him and says if there is anything that he can do for him at any time he will be glad to do it. Young Brinton's mother is an enthusiastic supporter of the Federal cause, and when the war breaks out, she urges her son to join the Union army. He has an inherent dread of danger and naturally hesitates. He finally enlists. On the battlefield his natural fear takes possession of him.
Tommy's Sister
Left with two small children, Mrs. Morgan finds it difficult to make both ends meet. Polly, her daughter, does the housework. Tommy is looking for a situation to help his mother. He applies for one in the office of Hervey and Porter, real estate, etc. Porter refuses him because he has had but little experience, but Jack Hervey, touched by the boy's earnestness and hard story, takes him on.
The Heart of Esmeralda
Esmeralda Foster, an attractive girl, is very much impressed with Duncan Miller, a crafty country swain, who makes love to Esmeralda because of her father's wealth.
Yellow Bird
The Indian Chief
Disregarding the sanctity of "Song Bird's" feelings, John Strong, a young surveyor in the pioneer forests of the west, makes love to the Indian maiden whenever he chances to meet her, until she longs and looks for his coming and going, and finds that he has made himself part of her life.
Yellow Bird
Scenario Writer
Disregarding the sanctity of "Song Bird's" feelings, John Strong, a young surveyor in the pioneer forests of the west, makes love to the Indian maiden whenever he chances to meet her, until she longs and looks for his coming and going, and finds that he has made himself part of her life.
Yellow Bird
Disregarding the sanctity of "Song Bird's" feelings, John Strong, a young surveyor in the pioneer forests of the west, makes love to the Indian maiden whenever he chances to meet her, until she longs and looks for his coming and going, and finds that he has made himself part of her life.
An Eventful Elopement
Emphatically opposed to Jack Moss, old Mr. McGillicuddy puts the ban on his marriage to his daughter Dolly. The old gentleman is adamant to the appeals of the young lovers and interposes his interference on every occasion, when they get together. McGillicuddy is seized with an attack of the gout, which handicaps him, and it is then Jack arranges with Dolly to elope.
The Serpents
Wending their way and locating in a land far from the contentions through which they passed a few weeks before, Eric and Chloe are located in a garden spot of primeval beauty, surrounded by all the imposing grandeur of nature. Chloe is pursued by the covetous desire of Haakon, a false friend, who strives by subtle charms to lure her from Eric, who in turn is tempted by Linda, her cunning and beauty, to desert Chloe and live with her.
Vanity Fair
Lord Steyne
A silent short film telling the classic story of Becky Sharp.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The worlds first screen adaptation of a Shakespeare play.
Love’s Strategem
The Father
A short romance starring Florence Lawrence.
King Lear
King Lear
An impressively tactile, if slightly over-ambitious, adaptation of King Lear from Vitagraph Studios.
King Lear
An impressively tactile, if slightly over-ambitious, adaptation of King Lear from Vitagraph Studios.
Julius Caesar, an Historical Tragedy
Biographical drama, adaptation of Shakespeare's play.
Antony and Cleopatra, a Love Story of the Noblest Roman and the Most Beautiful Egyptian
Octavius Caesar
A short film based on William Shakespeare's play of the same name. It was the first film to dramatize the ill-fated romance between Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII of Egypt.
Richard III
Vitagraph production of Shakespeare's Richard III.
Richard III
Richard III
Vitagraph production of Shakespeare's Richard III.
The Gentleman Burglar
Arsène Lupin
The Proposal: The gentleman burglar walking with his lady love. They admire the grandeur and beauty of nature. He proposes and she accepts. She does not suspect his occupation. Turning Over a New Leaf: The thieves' den. The gang drinking and playing cards. The gentleman burglar arrives. Announces his coming wedding. Apprises them of his decision to quit his life of crime. He bids them good-bye and departs. Engaged to Another: Reception hall of the girl's home. A rival lover sues for her hand. She informs him of her engagement to another. He leaves her in sadness. Two Years Later: The gentleman burglar returns with his bride to her father's house.
Macbeth, Shakespeare’s Sublime Tragedy
Macbeth usurps the Scottish throne by murdering his predecessor.
Francesca di Rimini; or, The Two Brothers
Francesca, surrounded by ladies-in-waiting at the palace. Her father enters, and together they read a letter from Lanciotto, asking for the hand of Francesca. Both are overjoyed at the union of the two great houses in marriage, and the daughter retires to dress for Lanciotto's arrival.
Spy: A Romantic Story of the Civil War
In the midst of the Civil War, a wife saves the day by swapping places with her captured and soon-to-be-executed husband.
The Haunted Hotel
A traveler stays the night at a rural inn, but gets no rest as he is tormented by various spectres and mysterious happenings.