Ryuta and Mineo Komatsu are brothers, both yakuza (gangsters). Mineo, although complicit in crime, even murder, wants out of the gangster life, hoping to become a successful singer instead. Ryuta loves his brother, but Mineo's possible defection presents problems for the gang, and Ryuta realizes he must kill his brother if he wants to survive.
The fourth entry in the Company President Series
Adachi's Assistant Hayami
With one of the busiest film industries in the world, Japan was able to submit several films into competition at the 1957 Berlin Film Festival. One of the best of these was Arashi, directed by Hiroshi Inagaki of Rickshaw Man fame. Anticipating Hollywood's Table for Five by nearly a quarter of a century, the film concerns the efforts by a recently widowed high-school teacher to raise his four children alone. Chihu Ryu is terrific as the central character, while Izumi Yukimura is even better as Ryu's eldest daughter. For reasons unknown, Arashi is often omitted from "official" lists of Inagaki's films.
Radio Operator (uncredited)
After years on the road establishing his reputation as Japan's greatest fencer, Takezo returns to Kyoto. Otsu waits for him, yet he has come not for her but to challenge the leader of the region's finest school of fencing. To prove his valor and skill, he walks deliberately into ambushes set up by the school's followers. While Otsu waits, Akemi also seeks him, expressing her desires directly. Meanwhile, Takezo is observed by Sasaki Kojiro, a brilliant young fighter, confident he can dethrone Takezo. After leaving Kyoto in triumph, Takezo declares his love for Otsu, but in a way that dishonors her and shames him. Once again, he leaves alone.
Radio Operator (uncredited)
Story about a poor Japanese woman living near an American army base who resorts to prostitution.
1953 Hiroshi Inagaki movie.
An Ishiro Honda film.
Zhou Yongxiang (Xiulang's husband)
Jidai-geki by Kiyoshi Saeki
製作は「青春会議」の藤本真澄。原作は源氏鶏太の「ホープさん」「三等重役」の二作より「風雪二十年」の猪俣勝人がシナリオ化したもので、監督は「結婚行進曲」の市川崑、撮影も同じく飯村正である。出演者の主なものは「呼子星」の小林桂樹、「青春会議」の杉葉子、小泉博、「慶安秘帖」の島崎雪子のほか河村黎吉、沢村貞子、斎藤達雄などである。 東洋鉄業に勤める若原俊平は通称「ラッキーさん」。庶務課から秘書課へ抜てきされ、給料の前借をして全部同僚に奢ってしまうというような男。同じ課の泰子は彼にほのかな好意を感じました。泰子の父町田さんは、秋葉社長にタイプが似ているので、冠婚葬祭にはよく社長の替玉をつとめます。東洋鉄業の元社長、奈良財閥六代目庄右衛門の令嬢由起子さんの美容院開店祝いに行ったときも、社長の替玉であることを白状した上、お葬式の帰りであることまで白状して大失敗を演じました。秋葉社長はこの失態をつぐなうため由起子さんのお婿さんを世話しようと季節はずれの社員大運動会を催しました。若手独身社員は我こそと大はりきりでしたが、由起子さんには若原が気に入ったらしく、由起子さんを想っていた近藤と、若原に好意を寄せていた泰子とは失望を感じました。そしてその失意がこの二人を結びつけましたが、一方由起子さんは奈良財閥のため銀行家勝田家の令息と結婚することになり、ラッキーさんの若原は一人淋しく釧路所長に栄転して行きました。
Saburo and Keiko fall in love with each other but the tide of war separates them.