Masashi Ebara
出生 : 1953-05-04, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Mr. Satan (voice)
relive the story of Son Goku and explore the world.
Mysterious Monster (voice)
Dramaturgy (voice)
Dramaturgy (voice)
それは3月25日―― 春休みのある日のこと。私立直江津高校に通う高校二年生・阿良々木暦は、偶然に学校一の優等生・羽川翼と知り合う。彼女の口から飛び出したのは、最近出没するという「金髪の吸血鬼」の噂だった。普段人との関わりを避けているものの、気さくな翼のことを好ましく思う暦。その夜、暦は噂の吸血鬼と遭遇する。“怪異の王”キスショット・アセロラオリオン・ハートアンダーブレード。金髪金眼の彼女は、四肢を切断され、周囲に血を撒き散らしながら、暦に助けを請う。求められるままに、キスショットに自分の血を与える暦。次に目覚めたとき、彼は彼女の眷属に生まれ変わっていた。戸惑う暦に、キスショットは告げる。「ようこそ、夜の世界へ―」と……。
Might Guy (voice)
Deus (voice)
Asura's Wrath tells the story of Asura, a demigod warrior who, during a battle to protect his planet, is betrayed and has his family kidnapped. Centuries later, Asura resurrects in search of revenge and to find her daughter again.
Dyrandoh (voice)
ゴーカイジャーがゴーカイガレオンで航行中、突如巨大な宇宙船が出現。その上に、白銀に輝くコンバットスーツの戦士が立つ。彼こそ全銀河にその名を知られる宇宙刑事ギャバンだった。ギャバンの圧倒的な強さでゴーカイジャーは敗れ逮捕されてしまう。 だが、ギャバンはザンギャックの狡猾な陰謀に巻き込まれており、ザンギャックはギャバンを用済みとばかりに魔空空間に閉じ込めてしまった。バトルの最中にギャバンと心を交わしたゴーカイジャーは有り得ない天変地異に満ち満ちている危険な魔空空間からギャバンを救うために飛び込んでいく。
Captain (segment "The Package")
The universe of the Halo video game series is expanded in seven short animated films from Japan's greatest anime directors and studios.
Alastor (voice)
Ganryu (voice)
Hohenheim (voice)
舞台は1923年のドイツ(ワイマール共和国)にあるミュンヘン。この頃のドイツでは、第一次世界大戦敗戦後の、インフレに伴う貧困に喘ぎながら、それでも人々は懸命に生きていた。 アニメ最終話で錬金術世界から現実世界へと飛ばされたエドワードは18歳になり、元の世界に戻る為にロケット工学を研究していたが、先の見えない現実に焦燥していた。その頃、エドの同居人で「自らの手でロケットを作りたい」と夢見るアルフォンス・ハイデリヒは、パトロンを得て念願のロケット製作に着手する。しかしその裏には謎の組織・トゥーレ協会の陰謀が隠されていた。 あるとき、街で行われたカーニバルに来ていたエドワードは一人の女性に出会った。彼女の名は「ノーア」。彼女には、自分が触った相手の心の中や記憶を観る事ができるという不思議な力があった。彼女は「ジプシー」と呼ばれる被差別民族で、自分たちのことは「ロマ」と呼んでいた。そんな彼女と出会ったエドワードは、次第にドイツで起ころうとしている壮大な計画へと巻き込まれてゆく。そしてそれは同時に、錬金術世界の破滅の危機をも意味していた。 一方、アメストリスで13歳に成長したアルフォンスは兄を探す旅に出る。アルはエドとともに旅した4年間の記憶を失くしていたのだった。そして大切な思い出とともに、希望が時に予想だにしない悲劇を引き起こすことになるということも忘れていた。「兄さんに会いたい」その純粋な想いの果てに悲劇が待っているとは知らずに…。 引き裂かれた兄弟、シャンバラを求める者。門の鍵を為す者、様々な人間の思惑と欲望を孕んで物語の幕は再び上がる。
Latios (voice)
Count Battler
航海を続けている麦わらの一味は、現在の海域に珍獣ばかりしか住んでいない王冠島と呼ばれる島があり、そこに黄金の力を宿した宝があるという話を耳にする。しかしチョッパーは、危険だからよそうと提案する。 そんな中突然、海底火山が爆発し、ゴーイングメリー号が空を飛んだ。そして一味がたどり着いた所こそ、その王冠島だった。
Ham and Egg (voice)
Luke Slayton
Tia arrives on the island of Marcleida with her trusted sword 'Grandeek,' which holds a spirit within that helps her on her quests. She is soon turned away however. Determined to get on the island, Tia searches for a way past the fences that guard the entrance, as another stranger arrives on the island to take on a mysterious job. Someone has been killing the inhabitants of the island and has the ability to appear and disappear at will. Seems the sword 'Aihorn' has been stolen and the spirit that resides within it seeks vengenance on those who killed its master 50 years before.
Berkeley Rose (voice)
Meet Dee Laytner and his half-Japanese partner, Ryo McLane, a pair of detectives from New York. Not only are these two always chasing down criminals, but Dee can't stop himself from trying to 'chase' Ryo. While on a trip to England, Dee hopes to make his feelings for Ryo known but uninvited guests and a string of murders gets in the way. The pair become involved in the local crime scene when Japanese Americans start turning up dead. Will Ryo be in danger?
Murano (voice)
Profesor Tsuchiya
Zengzi (voice)
Born in the Chinese state of Lu in 551 B.C., Confucius is raised by his mother after his father dies when he is only three. He marries at 19 and enters the service of the local nobility. At 32, he becomes tutor to the Prince of Lu's children, eventually becoming a politician at 51. His career peaks are the roles of Lu's justice minister and eventually prime minister. The land prospers for four years, but Confucius grows disenchanted with court intrigues. For the following 12 years, he wanders the neighboring states, offering advice to their rulers.
Undo N'gau (voice)
Yesterday, Chris's biggest problem was getting into a good college. Now, his spirit has been hijacked by wings of light, and transported into an ancient world. Summoned by an enslaved tribe to lead a bloody revolution, Chris must quickly adapt to his new surroundings... or die.
A trio of bad boys comes across some ghosts and monsters. They decide to visit a pharmacist in their town to ask for his advice because he is said to have power to communicate with the spirit world. The mysterious old man says “if you meet ghosts and they attack you, you should show the cards and chant some spell which I will give you...” . Then gives the trio three cards which have odd spells written on them. The boys bravely fight against the monsters following the pharmacist’s instructions, but...! Why do the ghosts and monsters appear only in front of the boys?
Professor Go (voice)
A spin-off of Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still
Ginrei and Tetsugyu take a wild west trip into the desert to find something that is at least semi-serious.
Professor Go (voice)
A spin-off of Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still
A wild and crazy adventure involving Daisaku defecting to BF (here Blue Flower), lots of drag and the apparent drinking of a Shizuma drive.
As the nations of the world begin to merge, world peace is threatened by the private armies of individual corporations. The Kuryu Group has just discovered a weapon that will tip world power in their favor. The Genocyber: a nightmarish combination of cybernetics and psychic potential. Many desire to control this monstrosity, but can its hatred be contained... Battle erupts, and the cyberpunk world of the future is about to explode with violence.
Professor Go (voice)
A spin-off of Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still
Ginrei notices that her China dress has gone missing, and she must solve this mystery quickly!
Ryūkō (voice)
An archaeological expedition finds the mummified bodies of Genghis Khan and his army somewhere in Mongolia. Unaware that the location is cursed, the explorers wake up the former ruler of the Mongolian empire. He warns the intruders that a large calamity will befall the world in one thousand days. The only ones who can prevent this from happening are three persons who bear wolf-shaped arrow scars. They must join forces and kill the "three emperors" so that the Khan's soul can once again sleep for a thousand years.
Inspector Fleisher (voice)
In 1905, Vergille Strauss is a young thief living in the small country of Apfelland. With the help of a local inspector named Fleischer, he rescues a girl from a group of foreign thugs. Her name is Frieda and she may be the key to a secret that is of great interest to other nations.
Terence Young (voice)
In 2061 CE, humanity's indiscriminate pollution of space has substantially hindered the development of space travel. In response, an international federation has designated the sun as a natural incinerator, federally establishing a treaty with the goal of first processing hazardous waste on Jupiter and forming the space environment defense force Cosmo Ecology. However, polluters evading surveillance networks continue to illegally dispose of radioactive waste directly into the sun. As a result, increased solar flare activity is on the verge of turning the Earth into a desert.
Professor Go (voice)
An adolescent with the ability to control a looming war-golem becomes entangled in the Experts of Justice's fight against the infamous group Big Fire.
Ishizu (voice)
Based on Akagawa Jirou's popular book series about hapless detective Katayama Yoshitaro who lives with his sister Harumi and their cat Holmes, which has a sixth sense when it comes to solve mysteries. In this stand alone OVA the aftershow party of Harumi's acting troupe becomes the showplace of murder and tragedy. Luckily Yoshitaro brought Holmes along.
Science Pressman (voice)
Dick Van Dyke
Car racing anime, based on the manga by Kaoru Shintani that serialised in Big Comic Superior from 1988 to 1990.
Chaos (voice)
Forgiven of her crime of looking into the past life of the one she loved, Yama Rikudou is a powerful being from the underworld sent to the human realm to hunt demons. She must eliminate the overflowing evil here in order to provide some balance to this world.
Raiden (voice)
In the late twentieth century, the Secret Security Force was formed to stop the actions of the communist terrorist group known as the Red May. Angel, a beautiful, yet cold woman, has recently joined the small anti-terrorist group. But her first mission will be a true test of skill, for members of the Red May are being found dead, murdered by gruesome methods. Who is causing these murders? And why? Written by Chuck "Dark-Side" Williamson
Kozaku (voice)
The first theatrically release of the SD Gundam series. Contains two shorts, "The Storm-Calling School Festival" and "The Tale of the SD Warring States: The Chapter of the Violent Final Sky Castle".
Teletraan I / Skywarp
Taking place after the Second Season of Transformers, Scramble City is a story in which the Cybertrons have built a secret lab hidden inside a mountain to build a new super robot, Metroplex to be a mobile base for them. As Ultra Magnus prepares it the Destrons find out its location and attack it. The Cybertron and Destron teams duke it out over the mountain then Metroplex comes out and beats all the Destrons but then out of the water comes Typticon! Can Metroplex defeat Trypticon???