In this fast paced action-thriller, daytime's top star Susan Lucci plays two roles: both a crack FBI agent and the elusive killer-for-hire who she stalks in a deadly game of hide-and-seek. Each driven by an obsession to succeed, the perfectly matched competitors hurtle full-speed through a risky game od double-cross to an unexpected and deadly finish line.
Mimi, a free spirited girl out shopping, is given a mysterious box by a dying man, who instructs her not to give it to his killers. While being chased by the thugs who killed him, she meets Howard, an uptight dental student, who enlists his private detective uncle to help them find out the truth about the box.
Follows the rivalry between a small-town Southern sheriff and a small-town delinquent who steals cars and then destroys them with the sheriff’s daughter by his side.