Crew members recount the production of the 1961 gothic film The Innocents.
Script Supervisor
A British diplomat to a West Indian island nation finds his idyllic existence thrown into chaos when a large American drilling company finds a huge source of natural mineral water there.
Script Supervisor
世界は冷戦真っ只中。ジェームズ・ボンドの007復帰トレーニングから物語は始まる。マティーニとフォアグラ、キャビアで怠惰になった身体を鍛えなおすことを新着したMに命令された007。たまたま本部から斡旋されたロンドン郊外の治療施設でボンドはスペクターの女殺し屋ファティマ、そしてアメリカ空軍に所属するジャックの秘密特訓を目撃する。そしてその数日後、ジャックは米空軍より核弾頭搭載巡航ミサイルを2機盗むことに成功する。 この事件を追うボンドは地中海へ向かい、世界的な大富豪のラルゴをマークする。世界の海を豪華クルーザー「空飛ぶ円盤号」(クルーザー全長87m、アドナン・カショーギ所有)で移動しながら慈善活動を行なうビジネスマンだが、裏の顔は秘密結社スペクターのNo.1(スペクターNo.2=首領は白猫を抱くブロフェルド)であった。そして彼のそばにはジャックの妹であるドミノがいた。
Script Supervisor
Following the banning and burning of his novel, "The Rainbow," D.H. Lawrence and his wife, Frieda, move to the United States, and then to Mexico. When Lawrence contracts tuberculosis, they return to England for a short time, then to Italy, where Lawrence writes "Lady Chatterley's Lover."
English vicar Dr. Syn becomes a scarecrow on horseback by night to thwart King George III's taxmen.
A young Englishman dreams of escaping from his working class family and dead-end job as an undertaker's assistant. A number of indiscretions cause him to lie in order to avoid the penalties. His life turns into a mess and he has an opportunity to run away and leave it all behind.
An US airman stationed in the UK strikes down his commanding officer. Believing he killed him, the airman goes on the run with a girl. They run into a couple that looks like them and a mix up happens.
A man who served prison time for intent to molest a child tries to build a new life with the help of a sympathetic psychiatrist.
A wheelchair-bound young girl returns to her father's estate after ten years, and although she's told he's away, she keeps seeing his dead body on the estate.
A 22-year-old factory worker lets loose on the weekends: drinking, brawling, and dating two women, one of whom is older and married.