Ed Perkins

Ed Perkins


Ed Perkins is a Grierson award winning documentary filmmaker living and working in London, trading as Stroma Films Limited. In 2015, Ed was named as a BAFTA Breakthrough Brit. Ed has directed, filmed and edited for National Geographic, BBC, Channel 4, The New Yorker, Stateless Media, Vanity Fair, The Guardian and Focus Features. After graduating from the University of North Carolina as a Morehead-Cain scholar in 2009 - where his student documentary ‘For God's Sake’ won ‘Best in Show’ at the Carolina Film Festival and ‘The Eva Marie Saint-Jeffrey Hayden Humanitas Award’ - he then developed and directed a series of TV documentaries for National Geographic Channel as well as directing the behind-the-scenes documentaries for ‘Project Nim, ‘The Eagle’, the BAFTA winning ‘The Imposter’, and the Academy Award winning ‘Seaching for Sugar Man’. Two of Ed's short films have won Vimeo "Short of the Week" and "Staff Pick" accolades, and 'If I Die on Mars' was featured on the frontpage of The Guardian website and has had more than 1,000,000 views over multiple platforms. In 2015 Ed finished directing his first feature documentary Garnet’s Gold, which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival 2014, won a Grierson Award for Best Newcomer, won Best International Documentary awards at Docville and Jozi Film Festival, and was nominated for Best Documentary Feature at both Tribeca and the Edinburgh International Film Festival.


Ed Perkins


The Trouble with Mr Doodle
This is the story of an extraordinary boy born into an ordinary family in an unremarkable English town and how a childhood passion threatened to take over his life, his home and his mind.
イギリスのダイアナ元皇太子妃の半生を描いた初の劇場用ドキュメンタリー。1981年にチャールズ皇太子と婚約する数週間前から1996年の突然の死までの約16年間にスポットを当てる。 チャールズ皇太子とのなれそめ、歴史に残るロイヤルウェディング、息子たちの誕生、離婚にまつわる様々なスキャンダル、政治さえも動かした慈善活動、そして衝撃的な事故死と世界中が悲しみに暮れた葬儀。当時のニュース映像やホームビデオなどあらゆるアーカイブから厳選した映像をつなぎ合わせ、ダイアナの生きた軌跡をありのままに振り返っていく。 監督は「本当の僕を教えて」でアカデミー短編ドキュメンタリー賞にノミネートされたエド・パーキンズ。
イギリスのダイアナ元皇太子妃の半生を描いた初の劇場用ドキュメンタリー。1981年にチャールズ皇太子と婚約する数週間前から1996年の突然の死までの約16年間にスポットを当てる。 チャールズ皇太子とのなれそめ、歴史に残るロイヤルウェディング、息子たちの誕生、離婚にまつわる様々なスキャンダル、政治さえも動かした慈善活動、そして衝撃的な事故死と世界中が悲しみに暮れた葬儀。当時のニュース映像やホームビデオなどあらゆるアーカイブから厳選した映像をつなぎ合わせ、ダイアナの生きた軌跡をありのままに振り返っていく。 監督は「本当の僕を教えて」でアカデミー短編ドキュメンタリー賞にノミネートされたエド・パーキンズ。
In this documentary, Alex trusts his twin, Marcus, to tell him about his past after he loses his memory. But Marcus is hiding a dark family secret.
Black Sheep
After the high-profile killing of Damilola Taylor, Cornelius' family move out of London. But when they discover their new town is run by racists, Cornelius takes a drastic step to survive.
Black Sheep
After the high-profile killing of Damilola Taylor, Cornelius' family move out of London. But when they discover their new town is run by racists, Cornelius takes a drastic step to survive.
Garnet’s Gold
Twenty years ago, Garnet Frost nearly lost his life hiking near Scotland’s Loch Arkaig. The near-death experience still haunts him to this day, and, in particular, a peculiar wooden stick he discovered serendipitously right before he was rescued. Believing the staff (as he calls it) is actually a marker for a fortune hidden nearly 300 years ago, Garnet embarks on a treasure hunt to search for the lost riches. But beneath the search for gold lies a poignant pursuit for life’s meaning and inspiration.
Comic Store Heroes
Follow the lives of staffers Gerry, Thor and Alex as they deal with all manner of geeks and enthusiastic customers while simultaneously planning their mega-booth for New York Comic Con, their biggest day of the year.