Yekaterina Kmit

Yekaterina Kmit


Yekaterina Kmit


A woman and a young girl in different cities are struggling to find their way in this world. Will their paths intersect and will that change their destinies?
Little People of the Bolshevik Lane, or I Want Beer
Comedy with elements of the absurd about the absurdity of life, unfulfilled dreams and the mysteries of the Russian soul. The unfortunate Bit about that is after he kicked his wife and threw favorite, decided to be a dwarf and live under the gas stove.
Ispolnitel Prigovora
В основу сюжета фильма положены реальные события. Бывший "афганец" Юрий Кирсанов жил без особых проблем: отдельная квартира, любимая и любящая жена, замечательный сын. Но вот однажды он становится свидетелем накала митинговых страстей, где погибает его друг. А затем Юрий узнает, что его жена и сын вследствие оплошности врачей заразились СПИДом. Решение к Юрию приходит мгновенно...
Rats Corner
Klim, illegally convicted of karate training, returns home after five years in prison. Finds shelter with a caring uncle Pasha. But the desire to find the one who sent him on a “five-year vacation”, and even killed a friend, makes Klim stir up the “rat corner” of corrupt cops and local bandits. But the truth is treacherously bitter.
Group of Cossacks are coming to Moscow to buy an ox. Moscow turns out to be a devilish hole crowded with witches. Some local witch seduces one of the Cossacks, Kolka Smagin and robs him of his eyes, giving him alien blue ones instead. Now Kolka and his uncle Zarubin are ready to start World War III in order to get the eyes back. The quest begins.
Za posledney chertoy
An ex-convict Viktor Dremov, who is also an ex-boxer, tries to mend his ways and start a new life but his former girlfriend is marrying another man (some old antiquarian), while local thugs rob him of his car and press him constantly trying to make him work for them. Being framed and hunted he should kill them all before he becomes a broken or a dead man.
Okhota na Sutenera
Двое приятелей Вова и Боб ограбили квартиру Нины - любовницы директора рынка. Всю вину молодчики свалили на бывшего любовника и сутенера Нины Стаса Шапкина. Шеф не стал впутывать в эту историю милицию, он поручил заняться этим делом своим людям. Бандиты пытают Стаса, требуют отдать пропавшую сумму. В конце концов, бедняге приходится занять деньги у всех своих проституток и отдать вымогателям.
Rendez-vous House
A few women, wives of a big communist bosses are blackmailed into prostitution but no one is trying to escape this business.
4:0 Tanechka Ahead
A new young teacher Tatyana Ivanovna takes a problematic 5th"B" class and wins with the score 4:0.