Marilyn Galsworthy


Bond Girls Are Forever
Stomberg's assistant (archive footage)
Through vintage film clips of past Bond movie epics, and with the participation of several former "Bond Girls" as interviewees (among them Dr. No's Ursula Andress and Diamonds Are Forever's Jill St. John), the documentary traced the evolution of the typical James Bond heroine from decorative damsel in distress to gutsy (but still decorative) participant in the action.
Dinner at The Sporting Club
John Thaw plays Vinny Mathews a small time boxing promoter who struggles with his conscience as to whether or not to provide a fighter for a Sporting Club promotion, a fighter he knows is unfit against an opponent who is way out of his league. However Mathews needs sponsorship and this would be the ideal opportunity to mix with the "frilly shirted" sportsmen who enjoy their lavish lifestyle as fighters slug it out as the steak is served!
Stromberg's Assistant
核ミサイルを搭載した英潜水艦「レンジャー」とソ連潜水艦「ポチョムキン」が突如消息を絶った。調査を命ぜられたボンドはエジプト・カイロへ飛び、そこで同じ目的でソ連が派遣したKGBの女スパイ、アニヤと出会う。 共同で任務に当たるが、事件の直前、オーストリアでボンドに差し向けられ、返り討ちにあったソ連の殺し屋が彼女の恋人だった。「この任務が終わったら、あなたを殺すわ」そう言われたボンドは彼女と共にアメリカ海軍の潜水艦に乗り込み、怪しいとにらんだストロンバーグ海運のタンカーに接近する。 ストロンバーグは米ソを核攻撃し、世界を壊滅させ、海の世界を作ろうとしていた…。