Kunio Shimizu

出生 : , Japan


愛欲生活 夜よ、濡らして
A woman endures the life of a prostitute for a yakuza pimp.
桃尻娘  ピンク・ヒップ・ガール
Tôru Kinoshita
Yuko's boyfriend dumps her just after they have her first sexual experience, so she runs away from her Tokyo home to the western coast of Japan in order to straighten out her feelings. Following behind her on her journey is her friend Rena, who is trying to track Yuko down and find out if she is all right. As Rena traces Yuko's steps, always missing her by a day or two, she discovers that her friend has decided to drop her inhibitions and begin enjoying herself with every man she encounters.
Asao Kitajima
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Shingo Kanai
A policewoman is attacked, handcuffed and raped while on night patrol. Rather than report the incident, she determines to find and punish the rapist herself.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
女子大生 (秘)SEX診断
(秘)ハネムーン 暴行列車
Young Man A with Motorcycle
Hisako Ōuchi (Naomi Tani) is the sexually-frustrated wife of the older art academy Professor Ōuchi (Minoru Ōkochi). Ōuchi is a repressed conservative who disdains modern art, and expels Kazuo Kobayashi (Tachiki Bessho), a student who specializes in SM painting. Hisako becomes obsessed with the expelled student, and has an affair with him. Kazuo and Hisako retire to a cabin in the countryside where they indulge in SM activities.
Tomomi and Hiroshi are on their honeymoon. During the seaside drive, she happens to see a girl being sexually assaulted. This sparks old memories of a rape which had deflowered her when she was much younger. Then, by coincidence, shortly after the couple arrives in the resort town, Tomomi spots the man who had raped her. He’s now working as a hotel bartender. Even though she immediately remembered him, the man obviously does not recognize her. Tomomi takes advantage of his ignorance to scheme a revenge plot against him. While her husband is off sightseeing, she convinces the bartender to accompany her into the mountains “for some private sex games” where she leaves him to freeze to death.
宇能鴻一郎の 上と下
A frustrated married woman has to deal with her husband's frequent business trips. One day, she decides to turn her home into a boarding house to attract young men.
実録不良少女 姦
Bar man
港マコの自伝『横浜ざんげ録―遊び人の世界』を、出倉宏が脚色し藤田敏八が監督したロマンポルノ。クリエーションが音楽を担当した。 十五歳で初体験し学校を辞め、十六歳で同棲相手の子供を出産したマコ。失業中の時夫と生まれたばかりの太郎を養うため、マコは横浜のスナックで働いている。しかし時夫が他の女と浮気をしたことから同棲を解消、育児が難しいため太郎を実家に預けることにした。一人になったマコは、かつての恩師である矢崎と結ばれるが、矢崎は渡米してしまう。学校に通っていたころの友人あさと再会したマコは、以前スナックで飲み逃げした市役所の職員を発見。男の家に押し入り、妻をいたぶるのだった。
Shingo Kidokoro
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
ホテル強制わいせつ事件 犯して!
Yuichi Murotani
The lovely Ryoko is attending a Japanese University on an exchange program. She’s pretty, vulnerable, shy and full of mysterious secrets. Meeting up with her long-time friend Rumiko, Ryoko shuns her aggressive lesbian advances by saying she’s still a virgin. Rumiko is surprised at this revelation and, over the next few days, she takes Ryoko on a series of misadventures to help her with her sexual awakening...
横須賀男狩り 少女・悦楽
(秘)温泉 岩風呂の情事
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
宇能鴻一郎の むちむちぷりん
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Model A
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
嗚呼!!花の応援団 役者やのォー
“Get them all – girls, school credits, money – without an effort!" These are the rumors that freshman Hachirota Kawachi heard about the pep squad; his reasons for instant enrollment. Hachirota may fall a few screws short of a hardware store, but when it comes to yakuza ties, he has plenty. He is the direct descendant and heir to the notorious Akushin-kai gang. Although this was enough information to keep the pep squad seniors quiet, it’s not quite enough for Aota.
学生情婦 処女の味
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
女高生(性)白書 肉体収容所
Nikkatsu Roman Porno.
トルコ最新テクニック 吸舌
東京(秘)ナイト・レポート 熱い樹液
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
キャンパス・エロチカ 熟れて開く
Roman Porno from 1976.
ルナの告白 私に群がった男たち
Roman Porno from 1976
Naomi Tani plays bar-owner Aki, whose entire world appears to be crumbing whenever she discovers her husband is having an affair along with her own mama. Truly the only individual she can trust is Iwasaki, the woman club supervisor. One time, she asks Iwasaki to accompay her to a company meeting with a trader Hanamatsu, the owner of a mannequin factory. At the warehouse, Miss Aki is abnormally aroused when she sees Hanamatsu toching the mannequins. She allows by herself to be seduced by the businessman…
女教師 童貞狩り
Tokuko Watanabe plays Hikaru, a female teacher at an all boy's high school. Yata is a mysterious student who transfers from another school. Seemingly, he's the younger brother of a boy who com-mitted suicide because of an obsession with teacher Hikaru. Obviously, as these stories go, Yata wants to avenge his brother's death. So one day, he recruits two more boys and the three of them rape Hikaru on the roof of the school. At first, the violated teacher shrugs off the incident with a "boys will be boys" altitude. But then, when she realizes revenge was the motive, she stalks them before they can do any more damage.
女教師 童貞狩り
Tokuko Watanabe plays Hikaru, a female teacher at an all boy's high school. Yata is a mysterious student who transfers from another school. Seemingly, he's the younger brother of a boy who com-mitted suicide because of an obsession with teacher Hikaru. Obviously, as these stories go, Yata wants to avenge his brother's death. So one day, he recruits two more boys and the three of them rape Hikaru on the roof of the school. At first, the violated teacher shrugs off the incident with a "boys will be boys" altitude. But then, when she realizes revenge was the motive, she stalks them before they can do any more damage.
宇能鴻一郎の 濡れて立つ
Yasuoka, Student
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
主婦の体験レポート 新・おんなの四畳半
Hideo Jinbo
Roman Porno from 1975.
Shigeo Ōtsuki
The young and beautiful Yuki decides to leave her husband. She goes back to the place where she grew up. There she is initiated to S&M & bondage. But is it really the perfect cure to forget all about her past and regain happiness?
新・団地妻 夫婦交換
Man of the Toilet Paper Exchange
A tragicomedy that happened to three couples who switched partners, turning sex into a simple game to break off marital relations, gripped by a painful mood!
白い牝猫 真昼のエクスタシー
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
トルコ(秘)最前線 密技96手
Tamaki is reunited with her wayward brother Yoichi when he rescues her from a gang-bang by three hoodlums. Then Yoichi seduces Yuni the daughter of his sister's boss, and they run away with a million yen from the till. Tamaki's former husband visits her as a customer but he still can't get it up so she has to keep on working. Yoichi and Yumi come home to face the music with all their money gone. Toshiro the massage parlor operator has his hoodlums run the boy out of town, and since he isn't Yumi's real father he gets ready to seduce her himself. Just as Toshiro is taking the frightened Yumi into a room, there's a yell of "Fire!" and people start running. Yumi gets away. Tamaki, with her fire whistle in hand, smiles as she leads Toshiro to bed.
レスビアンの女王 続・桐かおる
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
主婦の体験レポート 続・おんなの四畳半
Roman Porno from 1975.
A high school student is captured and sexually tortured.
After the director's message, "I visualize the romance of Roman Porn and I attempt to share that image," a loosely-connected series of softcore sex scenes unfolds. The plot concerns Kyoko, a young Japanese woman married to a man in France. When he abandons her, she returns to Japan. With her sexual appetite now at a high pitch, she engages in sexual escapades with a wide assortment of people, including old friends, both male and female, and an entire soccer team.
Jirô Shiga
"Jealous" man-killer Mayumi (Hitomi Kozue) is sent back into solitary confinement after being re-arrested for the murder of the doctor who fingered her for a botched surgery. After emerging from solitary confinement to find an all-new gang of bullies picking on a meek, young female prisoner, Mayumi is now a much harder soul who takes no attitude from anyone, and she turns savage when the poor girl is enslaved by Yakuza.
Two semi-slackers with an ultra-intimate friendship work, slack and drink in a freezing Hokkaido town.
女教師 少年狩り
Miss Yamagami is beautiful with a willowy figure and slender legs. She seems out of place teaching in an all boys school. The young school marm is fully aware of her power over the impressionable boys in school and it satisfies her vanity. She stirs up their nameless longings until they are carried away and resort to acts on which Miss Yamagami had not counted on.
In pre-war Japan, Yumiko, an aristocratic lady, accompanied by her maid, travels to Tokyo to visit her brother. Unaware that her brother has become involved in anti-governmental activities and left the city, the two women are captured, raped and tortured by the military police. Two years later, during the war, the government confiscates Yumiko's estate, turning it into a torture chamber for the inquisition of prisoners. Yumiko and her maid are among those who are subjected to sexual indignities.
女子大生 モーテル歌麿遊び
Roman Porno from 1975.
Roman Porno from 1975.
Roman Porno from 1975.
Gimme gimme gimme! Yusaku Matsuda and his gang are on the hunt for women, money and more money! The late legendary actor, Yusaku Matsuda, stars in this explosive motion picture about the hedonistic lifestyles of four roughnecks directed by Yukihiro Sawada. Takeo Natsuki (Yusaku Matsuda) was just released from prison. He was the leader of three rascals; all they did was cause trouble. When they meet a girl whose father is resisting a forced eviction to make way for a construction site, they come up with their own plans to solve the problem.
赤線玉の井 ぬけられます
十九歳のトメは、ドヤ街の近くで客をひく売春婦である。トメの弟の実夫は生まれながらの知的障害者で、年中、家でゴロゴロしている。母よねは、四十歳を過ぎた現在でも売春婦をやっているが、あふれることか多い。小料理屋「おそめ」では裏二階で、客に女を抱かせているが、トメに辞められて以来、収入が減ってしまったために、地廻りで“大人のオモチャ屋”をまかされている浅見に頼んで、トメに喝しをかけるが失敗してしまう。ある日、トメは手配写真の中にあった強盗殺人の顔にそっくりの男、寺坂に会って以来、彼に興味をもった。寺坂と同じボロ・アパートの住人、斉藤と文江は共稼ぎだが、正式の夫婦ではない。斉藤は会社の金を使い込んでしまった。思い余った文江は浅見に頼んで「おそめ」で働くことにした。銀二はよねの情夫で時折りトメの家にやって来る。ある日銀二は、よねの留守にやって来て、トメに金を払い二人は寝た。数日後、これがバレて母娘喧嘩になるが、後の祭り。ところが数日後、連れこみ旅館からの連絡で「年増はアカン、もっと若い娘」ということでトメが行ったが、そこにいた年増というのがよねだった。収まらないのはよねで、眼を吊り上げて旅館を飛び出し、焼酎をガブ飲みして大暴れ。数日後、久しぶりに家に帰ったトメは、よねがいるので、一瞬ギクリとするが、よねは弱々しい声で言うのだった。「お前に頼むしかないんや、どないにもならへん。堕ろそうと思ってるうちに、もう五ヵ月になってしまっとんのや」「うちらみたいに生んだらエーヤンか、そんなアホなこと知らんでェ」「お前らも生むんじゃなかった。金がないばっかりに」「生んで貰って迷惑しとんのは、こっちゃでェ!実夫、よう聞いときィ」「なンやてェ! このド阿呆!」「人でなしは生まれたときからや」……。トメはプイと外へ出ると、いつものように客ひきに精を出すのだった。
男女性事学 個人授業
Jun'ichi Hirasawa
Roman Porno from 1974.
日本モーテルエロチカ 回転ベッドの女
Gorô Komiya
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Roman Porno from 1973.
肉体犯罪海岸 ピラニヤの群れ
A gang of no-good youths calling themselves "Piranha" terrorize a seaside community by breaking into rich folks' mansions, stealing and raping everything in sight.
(秘)穴場情報 牝馬の吐息
Masao Kawamoto
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
恋の狩人 欲望
Toda, a disillusioned journalist that was once a part of the student movement, recalls his former youth when he meets a confident young woman through his work.
女高生 肉体暴力
Roman Porno from 1973.
女子大生 SEX方程式 同棲
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
おさな妻の告白 陶酔
Nobuo Yasuda
Roman Porno from 1973.
Keiichi Miyabe
Roman Porno from 1973.
女高生 SEX暴力
A conflict erupts between the girl gangs of Kinjou Gakuen High School and Shiiba Girls’ High School. Sex, fights and rock music ensue.
The movie was inspired by real life test driver Yukio Fukuzawa, who on 12 February 1969 lost control of his Toyota 7 at Fuji Speedway near Nakahinata, Japan and fatally smashed into a signpost. In the movie Kei Kiyama’s pop singer character meets Tôru Minegishi’s doomed racer when he happens along as she’s throwing her own records into the sea. From there things get even cheerier.
官能教室 愛のテクニック
Tormented by his first sexual stirrings, the teenager Isao dreams every night of his gym teacher Ikuko. He finally opens her heart but she rejects his advances. Frustrated, Isao invents all sorts of stratagies to disgust Ikuko´s fiance, a professor of chemistry in the same school. As his plan fails, he plans a radical solution...and the results turns out to be...
A department store girl is robbed of her cash register by a boy, but for some reason she cannot forget the boy's mysterious eyes, and time passes. One day, she discovers the eyes by chance, and relentlessly pursues the boy.
性豪列伝 死んで貰います
Roman Porno from 1972.
Kazuo Tanimura
Kiyoshi Yoshida plays Sotaro, a popular television performer, who manages a one-night stand with country-girl Yuko (Yuko Katagiri). She falls madly in love with him, and he enjoys the home-spun attention. When Yuko agrees to a prenuptial contract demanding her silence about the vows and permitting Sotaro the luxury of an "open marriage," they wed in a secret ceremony. However, after a couple weeks of Sotaro's womanizing, Yuko is unable to handle the situation and she attempts to kill both her husband and herself. The resulting scandal costs Sotaro his reputation and career; Yuko is sentenced to a 3 year jail term. But when she gets released, they get back together and try to establish the marriage on a "firmer footing."
極楽坊主 女悦説法
Roman Porno from 1972.
おんな天国 子だね貰います
Pinku from 1972.
Oshichi (Setsuko Ogawa), the daughter of a green grocer, is only seventeen years old but is known as one of the most beautiful girls in Edo. She is betrothed to Sakubei (Tatsuya Hamaguchi) but does not love him. One day, the whole city is flooded by one of the worst rain storm in its history. Oshichi, and her parents are given shelter at a temple where she meets Kichisaburo (Ryuji Mori), a young priest. It is love at first sight for both of them. The storm finally abates. Oshichi's parents decide to return to their home on the following day. That night, Oshichi gladly gives herself to Kichisaburo but they are found by her mother who warns them never to divulge their secret. Learning that her plan to move up the date of her marriage to the rich pawnbroker's son, Oshichi feels that she can never be united with Kichisaburo unless she takes things into her own hands.
Young man(若い男)
Roman Porno from 1972.
女高生レポート 夕子の白い胸
Yuko is an innocent high school girl who has a crush on her gym teacher. She and her friends have a sleep-over party which develops into a sexual dare-game involving eels, and a lesbian orgy. Now sexually-awakened, Yuko decides to seduce her teacher, but is raped in an elevator before she meets her teacher.
不良少女 魔子
Patronized by a gang ruling the city, Mako delinquently plays around a night club every night with her bad company. One night, a guy Hideo gets closer to her for one-night stand, and they consequently fall in love. However, Hideo is killed by the gang. Mako swears vengeance on her beloved's murderer.