Tayori Hinatsu

出生 : 1959-02-07,


高校エロトピア 赤い制服
Kikuko Kikuchi
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
好色美容師 肉体の報酬
The story follows Marao, a sex consultant assistant, as he spends his days having sex. A Nikkatsu Roman Porno film adaptation of Nakano Yu's play "Sexual Beauty Techniques," serialized as a manga.
団鬼六 縄化粧
Takita's assistant
Kanako meets a BDSM artist, who teaches women an extreme form of erotic submission - how to act like a dog. It's rough and he even brings a real dog for her, but she goes with it. This improves her and her geeky husband's marriage.
Rie Tazawa
WIP-themed Nikkatsu Roman Porno film.
Naoko Katayama
Three young boys drunkenly rape a woman named Emiko, the wife of a man they've developed a friendship with. She dies of heart failure during the attack. Her chicken farmer husband, incapable of dealing with her death tends to her corpse as though it were still alive completely unable to accept her demise.
Roman Porno from 1977. One day, school student named Jun, suffering from exam hell, meets a dazzling woman named Naoko...
新宿乱れ街 いくまで待って
The story of a group of artistic people centred around a bar in Shinjuku.
実録不良少女 姦
港マコの自伝『横浜ざんげ録―遊び人の世界』を、出倉宏が脚色し藤田敏八が監督したロマンポルノ。クリエーションが音楽を担当した。 十五歳で初体験し学校を辞め、十六歳で同棲相手の子供を出産したマコ。失業中の時夫と生まれたばかりの太郎を養うため、マコは横浜のスナックで働いている。しかし時夫が他の女と浮気をしたことから同棲を解消、育児が難しいため太郎を実家に預けることにした。一人になったマコは、かつての恩師である矢崎と結ばれるが、矢崎は渡米してしまう。学校に通っていたころの友人あさと再会したマコは、以前スナックで飲み逃げした市役所の職員を発見。男の家に押し入り、妻をいたぶるのだった。