Hoshi Ishida

Hoshi Ishida

出生 : 1990-04-02, Tokyo, Japan


Hoshi Ishida
Hoshi Ishida


Sanae (An Ogawa) is a high school girl preparing to take university entrance exams. She isn't very good at socializing. She wants to hurry up and become an adult, but it isn't going very well. Over summer vacation, Sanae's sister comes home from college in Tokyo, and her parents decide to hire a housekeeper. Yusuke (Hoshi Ishida), is rough around the edges and a little scary. The people close to him find him a mystery. As Sanae gets to know him, she begins to feel they have something in common. A journey through sweet love and bitter memories.
るろうに剣心 最終章 The Beginning
Mochizuki Kameyata
Kaneko Ryu
流れ者で、 己の力のみを信じて生きてきた男、 金子龍。ある出来事により人生に絶望し、いっそ死のうかという時に須藤 という男と出会う。その男は ヤクザだった―。 その侠気に惚れ、ヤクザとしてもう一度生きる決心をした。須藤の後ろ姿を見ながら金子は「組を支えながら、弱い立場の人間を組(家族)に迎え入 れ たい。ソイツらが生きていていい場所を作ってやりたい」という想いを秘めていた 。
Yuji Koizumi
Young officer
Masanao Katsuragi
20XX年、12月23日未明。未曾有の事態が日本を襲う。沖ノ鳥島の西方450キロ、波留間群島初島に国籍不明の武装集団が上陸、わが国の領土が占領されたのだ。海上自衛隊は直ちに小笠原諸島沖で訓練航海中の第5護衛隊群に出動を命じた。その旗艦こそ、自衛隊初の航空機搭載型護衛艦《いぶき》だった。計画段階から「専守防衛」論議の的となり国論を二分してきた《いぶき》。艦長は、航空自衛隊出身の秋津竜太一佐。そしてそれを補佐するのは海上自衛隊生え抜きの副長・新波歳也二佐。現場海域へと向かう彼らを待ち受けていたのは、敵潜水艦からの突然のミサイル攻撃だった。さらに針路上には敵の空母艦隊までもが姿を現す。想定を越えた戦闘状態に突入していく第5護衛隊群。政府はついに「防衛出動」を発令する。迫り来る敵戦闘機に向け、ついに迎撃ミサイルは放たれた……。<かわぐちかいじ(『沈黙の艦隊』『ジパング』)原作による漫画『空母いぶき』を実写映画化! 西島秀俊、佐々木蔵之介はじめ日本映画界を代表する俳優陣が集結して贈る、超ど級のエンタテインメント大作ここに誕生!>
轢き逃げ 最高の最悪な日
Teru Morita
Shuichi is engaged to Sanae and they will marry soon. One day, Shuichi is driving a car and his friend Teru sits as a passenger. He is speeding because he is late for a meeting about his upcoming wedding ceremony. On the way there, he hits a woman and flees. The woman dies later and her parents Hikaru and Chizuko Tokiyama are grief stricken. Veteran detective Kozaburo Yanagi and rookie detective Shun Maeda investigate the hit-and-run case.
世にも奇妙な物語 ’18秋の特別編
Tamiya Yusuke
Yamauchi Masato
Takada Yohei
During the one-year memorial of his late beloved father, a soon-to-be father (Hoshi Ishida) struggles to reconcile his feelings of loss and receives support from his mother, sister and wife. -JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film
相棒-劇場版IV-首都クライシス 人質は50万人!特命係 最後の決断
Takiguchi Jun
英国で日本領事館関係者の集団毒殺事件が起こり、その唯一の生き残りだった少女が国際犯罪組織によって誘拐されたが、当時の駐英大使と日本政府はその誘拐事件を闇に葬っていた。 それから7年。国際犯罪組織バーズのリーダー=レイブンを長年追ってきた国連犯罪情報事務局・元理事のマーク・リュウが、香港から来日。特命係の杉下右京と冠城亘は、社美彌子からの指示で案内役としてリュウに同行していたが、リュウの部下が「天谷克則という男を調べてくれ」というメッセージを残して黒衣の男に殺害される。 外務省のホームページをハッキングした犯行グループは7年前に誘拐した少女=鷺沢瑛里佳の現在の姿を動画で公開し、約9億円の身代金を要求した。特命係の2人は周囲を巻き込みながら事件解決へと独自に動き出す。 世界の要人を招いて国際平和会議が開かれる予定の日本はテロに屈しない姿を示さなければならないが、今回の要求を無視すれば少女は国から二度棄てられてしまう。様々な思惑が交錯する中、右京は犯人グループの真の標的は東京・銀座での世界的なスポーツ大会の凱旋パレードだと気づく。 事件の鍵を握る“天谷克典”とは何者なのか? 黒衣の男の正体は国際犯罪組織バーズのリーダーなのか? 彼の本当の目的は?日本中が歓喜に包まれた凱旋パレードの真っ只中、右京は真犯人を追い詰めるが、その先には誰も想像してなかった“真相”と“未来”が待ち受けていた。
Kurata Tsuyoshi
In 2020, Japan is divided into North and South. Northern Japan became the area of conflict. Although in Southern Japan they still preserve peace, it is slowly changing into a threatening situation day by day. 18-year-old Southerner Yousuke, who lost his childhood friend as a deserter to the Northern War, spends his days in emptiness. One day he meets Kikuchi and gets to know about the drug 'Illuminations', which has the effect of time travel and is popular among kids.
After the death of his father, Chihiro goes to live with his older half-brother Togo and his girlfriend Satomi. Togo and Satomi greet him with open arms, but Chihiro feels loneliness. He attends his friend Naoya's interpretive dance practice-- and becomes more and more interested in Naoya's personal matters.
莫逆家族 バクギャクファミーリア
Wakabayashi Ren
"Blazing Famiglia" centers around a family of former teenage gangsters. Tetsu Hino (Yoshimi Tokui) was once the leader of the most feared motorcycle gang in the Kanto area. Now, Tetsu Hino is middle-aged man who is looked down upon by his rebellious son Shuhei (Kento Hayashi). One day, Tetsu and his old biker gang gather together again after the daughter of a member is assaulted. Tetsu, worried about his day to day life, nevertheless regains the passion from his biker days. Tetsu then finds out that Ken Igarashi (Jun Murakami) is the man behind the attack. Ken Igarashi has had a grudge against Tetsu for a long time.
High school student Tomoyuki (Hoshi Ishida), his father (Kazuhiro Sano), and Yuki (Miwako Wagatsuma), a girl that Tomyuki likes, gather together as a family and performs road shows out of their truck. A sense of loss, farewells, and relations are all brought out.
Korean photographer Baehwan and gay japanese hotel employee Ryu work together on a series of photographs. Their relationship crosses uneasily between friendship and love, while they also battle their own internal scars. Their salvation comes by their photographs which helps them find the meaning of their lives.
Young Young
Kanako joins a high school where she is reunited with her childhood friend, Eijun. Following the idea of Seiryo, Kanako's elder brother, they form a band. They aim to perform at the school festival, however, they are unable to get through the audition. The following year, they perform at a local music event, Yaeyama Band Tengoku, under a new band name.
Takumi Nishi
The experiences and relationships of five senior students at a rural high school, during the last year leading to graduation.
Young Toshio
In the near future of a Japan, the ancient 'Act of Vengeance' is revived and professional executioners are permitted to kill criminals by the requests from their victims. People who are to be executed are notified of the execution time and date in advance and they are allowed to have their own guard.
Yokokawa Seita
Samurai Justice: Assistance in a Duel
Nakajima Iori
The samurai Akiyama Daijiro is asked to help a young boy who tries to bring the man who murdered his father to justice. In the course of their quest they uncover a plot by one of the clan officials that could change the course of history.
Koichi Iwase
Two children, each abandoned by their families, come together in the wake of the Sarin gas attack in Tokyo. Based on the true events of the deadly gas attacks perpetrated by members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult on the Tokyo subway system.
Toshiya Kaji
Yosuke Sakagami
Yuji Kagaya
A Japanese film that tells the tale of the birth of VHS. It follows Kagatani Shizuo, an electronics employee who rallies his coworkers to save their jobs by increasing sales. They do this by developing the VHS standard. They battle with Sony and their standard and ultimately prevail.
Kubozuka plays Araki Ryunosuke who starts working at a host club called "club NO.1" to pay his debt.