Akira Otaka
出生 : 1957-11-15, Aichi, Japan
One day, Ezawa Jun, who has trouble with work and in love, gets a ryukin from a goldfish scooping game at a festival. However, she is actually a beautiful girl and she suddenly turns into a human form and appears in front of Jun. Called Ryu, she is looking for the legendary black ranchu and asks Jun for his help. The two strangers begin living together and growing closer. Their fate goes in an unexpected direction.
Akira Kayama
A young couple is devastated when their son is killed by a falling tree during a windstorm. As the distraught father begins to look for answers into his son’s death, what appears to be a tragic accident turns out to have been the result of multiple blunders by multiple people.
Wisecracking Makino shows up from Japan and meets Shima, a yakuza living quietly in Taipei. Makino says he knows about the incident that prompted Shima to come to Taiwan. Shima finds out that someone wants Makino dead, and they both head for Hualien, a city in eastern Taiwan.
《関東【山王会】 vs関西【花菱会】》の巨大抗争後、大友(ビートたけし)は韓国に渡り、日韓を牛耳るフィクサー張会長(金田時男)の下にいた。そんな折、取引のため韓国滞在中の【花菱会】幹部・花田がトラブルを起こし、張会長の手下を殺してしまう。これをきっかけに、《国際的フィクサー【張グループ】 vs巨大暴力団組織【花菱会】》一触即発の状態に。激怒した大友は、全ての因縁に決着をつけるべく日本に戻ってくる。時を同じくして、その【花菱会】では卑劣な内紛が勃発していた……。
Takamori Minamiyama
渡辺小五郎(東山紀之)ら、仕事人たちの裏家業は休みを知らない。今宵の「的」は、若い娘を毒牙にかける悪人たち。最近の江戸では、きれいな着物で絵師のモデルになれると少女たちをだまし、食い物にするあくどい商売が横行しているのだ。ところが、翌日、小五郎が相棒の同心・結城新之助(田口浩正)と現場に戻ると、昨夜の「仕事」では覚えのない死体が発見される。なんと南町奉行所の同心だという。お菊(和久井映見)やリュウ(知念侑季)は、前回から仲間に加わった仕事人・瓦屋の陣八郎(遠藤憲一)の仕業ではないかと疑うのだが?そんななか、本町奉行所に幕府から大目付 預かりの役人・朝比奈藤十郎(安田顕)が派遣されてくる。奉行所内のムダを省くためリストラをおこなうと宣言した朝比奈は、結城の真面目な性格を見込んでリストラ候補を選べと命じる。最近、年頃の長女・お絹(浜辺美波)との仲がギクシャクして悩んでいた結城は、公私で難題を抱えるはめに。ひょんなことから再会した幼なじみの絵師・鬼頭進之助(寺島進)にグチをこぼすものの、冷たく突き放される。一方、お絹は油問屋の初音屋にいた。ここもまた、若い娘を食い物にするあくどい商売人の巣であった。誘われるまま絵師たちの前に連れて来られるお絹。そこには、あの鬼頭進之助の姿もあったが、絵師として日銭を稼ぎにやってきていた経師屋の涼次(松岡昌宏)が、ヤクザ者の弥助(温水洋一)から大金を渡され、お絹の春画を描けと言われてしまうのだった。そのころ、奉行所では、結城の先輩の同心・河原崎長七(尾美としのり)が、奉行所にムダな人員などいないことを示すために、一致団結して大きな成果を上げようと提案する。リストラ要員の選定に頭を抱えていた結城も大賛成し、初音屋に大々的な手入れをすることが決まった。しかし、この手入れをきっかけに、結城は思わぬ陰謀の餌食となり、窮地に追い込まれ……。表の相棒のピンチに、どうする、小五郎!?
One evening, a married couple comes to the Itami Law Office. Narumi Suzumura, six months pregnant, and her husband Takuya have come to ask Itami to take the case of Narumi's mother, Kimiko Torii, indicted for the murder of her second husband, company president Takefumi Torii. Kimiko married Takefumi 19 years ago, making him Narumi's stepfather. The couple are questioning whether Kimiko had the intent to kill...
Yosikazu Kono
『松本清張 黒い福音〜国際線スチュワーデス殺人事件〜』のタイトルで、2014年1月19日21:00- 23:24 (JST)にテレビ朝日系列『日曜エンターテインメント』枠で、「テレビ朝日開局55周年記念 松本清張二夜連続ドラマスペシャル 昭和の二大未解決事件」の第二夜として放送された。
The story involves an aloof thief, a young man who turns to God after his father’s suicide, a manipulative marriage councilor, a man who recently lost his job, and several others whose lives become intertwined in various unexpected ways.
Shintaro Fujinami
Physician Koichiro Kiby loses interest in work and begins drinking in a local park after the death of his wife. One day he encounters a girl who knows intimate details about his life. Now, he must unlock her mystery in this fantasy drama.
Jun, a 16-year-old teen, refuses to stand while the national anthem is being played at his graduation ceremony. This event will totally change his life, as he involuntarily becomes the new hero of a rebel anti-system youth. Singer Muy's pop music and his friend, Nozomi, with whom he shares his sadness and hatred for the society that surrounds them, help him bear his terrible loneliness.
Mr. Nonomura
Tatsuo Tsuboi
A seasoned detective is called in to rescue a politician held hostage by a lunatic. In a brief moment of uncertainty, he misses the chance for action. Leaving his job and family without explanation, he makes his way to a mountain forest, encountering a peculiar tree called Charisma.
Garbage Man
After seeing her husband off to work, the young author identified only as Yoshiko sets off to read the large collection of letters she received from other young authors. These are often letters containing samples of their work for critique. One large envelope contains a letter. The letter-writer does not provide his name. The letter is a confession of crimes. The letter-writer has no family or friends, and claims to be "ugly beyond description". He is a chair maker and loves his work and all the chairs he creates, even going so far as to claim some sort of intangible connection to his work.
Junzo's secretary
A famous businessman's links with organized crime are looked into by the Zero Division of the Tokyo Police, with the investigation being headed by a highly trained, extremely violent and very beautiful female officer. When not having shoot-outs with the crime syndicate thugs trying to kill her, she spends most of her time in her apartment, wearing lingerie and taking showers. A sub-plot involves the businessman's S&M-obsessed daughter.
A man inherits an old building in Shinjuku as a heritage from his relatives. However he didn't expect the building was a gay-only inn. It also turns out that his relatives have a lot of debt. The troubled man realizes he has no choice but to sell the building. The inn's residents reject that idea as this was their place for hanging out and loving freely. They call it their utopia. The man has a hard time understanding them, but as he is witness to their intimate moments a lot he does gain an interest. Meanwhile, a real estate agent who aims to buy land appears.