Franky (voice)
Horrorman (voice)
The stage this time is Baquel Carnival! It's a fun festival held in Obake Town, a cute and fun city of ghosts that can be transformed into anything! Children truly enjoy the amusement park-like glamorous and exciting Baker Carnival. However, only the ghost boy Dolorin, who is not good at transforming, can not enjoy it, so he is alone. Such Dolorin deepens the bond while encountering Creampanda. They head to Ozomashi no Mori in search of the cloak that has the most transformational power in the world, but Baikinman appears there and rampages to mess up the Baker Carnival with the power of the cloak! Can Anpanman and others protect the fun Baker Carnival from Baikinman?
The last movie of HE-LOW trilogy.
配音 / 演员
Franky (voice)
「祭り屋」と呼ばれる万博の主催者ブエナ・フェスタからの招待状を手にしたルフィたち麦わらの一味。導かれるまま会場に着くと、華やかなパビリオンが所狭しと並び、世界中から海賊たちが群がる、大きな盛り上がりをみせていた。そこには勢揃いした“最悪の世代”キッドやベッジ、ホーキンスにボニー、さらにはバルトロメオ、キャベンディッシュの姿も!全員の目的はただ一つ、万博の目玉「海賊王(ロジャー)の遺した宝探し」。 宝を手に入れ名を上げたい海賊たちによるお宝争奪戦の火蓋が切られた! しかし、海賊たちが熱狂する万博の裏では、別名「最悪の戦争仕掛け人」フェスタの凶行が張り巡らされ、海賊たちを一網打尽にしようとスモーカーたちによる海軍の潜入捜査までもが動き始めていた―――。 時代の覇権を左右するお宝争奪戦が熱を帯びる中、突如、元ロジャー海賊団「“鬼”の跡目」と呼ばれた男ダグラス・バレットが乱入。 ルフィたちの前に恐るべき脅威となって立ちはだかる! 事態の収束を諮る海軍は大将“藤虎”イッショウ、“黄猿”ボルサリーノ、さらには王下七武海“海賊女帝”ハンコック、“世界最強の剣士”ミホークをも召集し、狂乱する海賊と激突!加速する戦乱にはさらに“元王下七武海”クロコダイル、“革命軍参謀総長”サボ、“CP-0”ロブ・ルッチまでもが其々の目的のため姿を現した! 乱戦極まる様相に、遂に海軍は“バスターコール”を発動! お宝争奪戦と海賊万博は予測不能の大混乱へと陥って行く!!
Franky (voice)
A girl named Olga is pursued by both the World Government and a man named Mad Treasure, as she is the only one who knows the location of the Pure Gold, a substance that can buy the entire world. Olga ends up sailing with the Straw Hat Pirates, and they journey to find the Pure Gold on the lost island of Alchemi, which is located inside the stomach of a large angler fish named Bonbori.
Franky (voice)
『ONE PIECE 〜アドベンチャー オブ ネブランディア〜』(ワンピース アドベンチャー オブ ネブランディア)は、2015年12月19日に土曜プレミアム枠で放送された、テレビアニメ『ONE PIECE』のスペシャル番組[1]
Sabo visits a grave-site where he reflects back on his childhood with his brothers Luffy and Ace. After a flashback of his past Sabo travels to the Kingdom of Dressrosa and meets up with a fellow member of the Revolutionary Army to discuss their next mission. Unbeknownst to Sabo, Luffy and his crew are also on the island searching to destroy an artificial Devil Fruit factory.
Franky (voice)
『ONE PIECE 〝3D2Y〟 エースの死を越えて! ルフィ仲間との誓い』(ワンピース スリーディーツーワイ エースのしをこえて! ルフィなかまとのちかい)は、2014年8月30日に土曜プレミアム枠で放送された、テレビアニメ『ONE PIECE』のスペシャル番組[1]。
On a test-run of the Mini Merry, Usopp tells Brook the story of the Going Merry, a ship that served the crew well. However, to the Straw Hats, the Going Merry was not just a ship: It was a priceless, irreplaceable friend. *Scenes have been recreated with brand-new animation.
Franky (voice)
A two-part crossover special featuring characters from Dragon Ball Z, One Piece and Toriko.
Gaston (voice)
As Luffy and the crew were attacked by several marine warship they were forced to use Coup de Burst to escape. Crash landing on an island the crew decided to explore while some repairment is made. Upon meeting an wax artisan and learning the truth behind the island Luffy offer his help.
Naoki Uemura (voice)
東都スタジアムでサッカー観戦を楽しんでいたコナンたち。その頃、毛利探偵事務所に大規模爆破を予告する電話が架かる。阻止するには犯人が残した謎の暗号を解読するしかない。蘭が新一に助けを求めた電話で犯行予告を知ったコナンは、暗号解読に乗り出す。次のターゲットは? 犯人はなぜ、小五郎を狙うのか? やがて解読に成功したコナンは同時に“あること”を知る。それは、この事件に仕掛けられた恐るべき陰謀であった!
2011年3月19日に公開された日本のアニメーション映画。漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第11作目。 ある日、ルフィの大切な麦わら帽子が無くなってしまった。麦わら帽子をくわえた大ワシを追い、麦わらの一味は争奪戦に挑む。
Franky (voice)
2009年12月12日に公開された日本のアニメーション映画。漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第10作目。 「偉大なる航路(グランドライン)」での航海を続ける麦わらの一味のもとに、ルフィたちの故郷である「東の海(イーストブルー)」でいくつもの島が襲われているという衝撃的なニュースが飛び込む。一味は旅を中断して「東の海」へ戻ろうとするが、そこに空飛ぶ巨大な海賊船が現れた。その船に乗っていたのは、かつて海賊王ロジャーの時代に暴れていた伝説の大海賊金獅子のシキだった。 ナミの気象センスに目をつけたシキは、ナミを誘拐。ルフィたちはシキの能力によりサニー号と共に空飛ぶ島メルヴィユに落とされ、離散してしまう。メルヴィユは、凶暴な動物たちが住む弱肉強食の世界だった。奪われた仲間を取り戻すため、「東の海」を守るため、海賊王と鎬を削った伝説の男との戦いが始まる。
Koichiro Iketani
2008年3月1日に公開された日本のアニメーション映画。漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第9作目。 新たな愛船サウザンドサニー号で航海を続けるルフィたち。そんな中、突然ナミが高熱で倒れ、一行は医療大国として知られるドラム王国を訪れる。だが、現在この国にいる医者は、魔女のDr.くれはただひとりになっていた。聞けば黒ひげ海賊団の襲撃を受け、医療を独占する国王が医師団を連れて逃亡したのだという。一行はくれはの住む雪山の頂上を目指すが力尽き、チョッパーと名乗る奇妙な青っ鼻のトナカイに助けられるが……。
Mr. 2 Bon Clay / Bentham (voice)
2007年3月3日に公開された、漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第8作目。 砂漠の王国アラバスタを目指す麦わら海賊団。大海原を突き進む愛船ゴーイングメリー号の甲板には、不安な面持ちの王女ビビの姿があった。彼女の母国アラバスタは、謎の秘密結社の暗躍によって崩壊の危機に陥り、ビビは敵の正体を探るため国を出ていたのだ。ついに黒幕が国の英雄と思われていたクロコダイルと知ったビビは、旅の中で友人となったルフィたちの協力を得て、父である国王に真相を知らせるべく帰路を急ぐのだが…
Smith Toren (voice)
西暦2015年。白鳥座宙域で航行中であった「るくしおん」艦隊が、謎の宇宙怪獣の襲来により全滅した。それから6年後、宇宙怪獣の襲来に備えて沖縄に、宇宙パイロット養成学校「沖縄女子宇宙高等学校」が設立された。その生徒の中に「るくしおん」艦長の娘、タカヤノリコの姿があった…。「私もいつか宇宙パイロットになって、父のいた宇宙に出る!」 厳しいコーチの特訓の中で、メキメキを才能を発揮していくノリコ! 今、パイロットのトップになるための、そして地球を守るための、辛く険しい戦いの幕が上がる…!!
Bunshichi Tawara
Mitsuomi Takayanagi and Maya Natsume both want to become stronger. On there way to becoming the best they learn that there are many things going on behind the scenes, and Shin, Maya's brother, may be the cause of all of it. Mitsuomi feels that he is the only one that can stop him. A retelling of what happened in the past of tenjou tenge, in movie form.
Mr. 2
Jango / Mr. 2
「ONE PIECE」のキャラクターたちが、サッカー戦を繰り広げる短篇アニメ。監督は境宗久。本作は『2002春東映アニメフェア』の一作として公開された。
Kouichirou Iketani
Killer Boxer Boribaru (voice)
ロンダーズ囚人のボリバルに立ち向かうタイムレンジャー。しかし、災魔一族の生き残りであるピエールの力でボリバルはパワーアップしてしまう。 ロンダーズファミリーに加ったピエールは、タイムレンジャーに逮捕された囚人たちの親族も強化。タイムレンジャーはゴーゴーファイブと共にロンダーズに立ち向かうが、各自別々の時代に飛ばされてしまう。
Iketani Kouichirou
Zahhard (voice)
Hamel (voice)
While on their quest to stop the Demon King, the violinist Hamel, the pianist Raiel, the magess Flute and the female warrior Sizer stop in a small kingdom and destroy a rampaging monster. While giving the four a heroes' welcome, the king and queen explain that their daughter has been kidnapped by a monster living in a nearby castle. They agree to go and rescue the hostage princess and defeat the monster. However, the enemy's castle is heavily guarded...
An elite police crime fighting team is formed using convicted criminals. Using their first hand knowledge of the criminal mindset, the Wild 7 are first sent after a gang of Bank robbers. Then in Wild Biker Knights they are sent after a huge crime syndicate that has many high powered government officials in its deep pockets.
Bouya Harumichi is a new transfer student to Suzuran all-boys high school, a place where only the worst delinquents assemble. Due to its large amount of delinquents who are hated by the general people for their inauspiciousness, similarly to crows, it is also known as "Crows High School." Harumichi is an insanely strong fighter but has an irresponsible personality. How will he act in this new environment where everyone is a delinquent?
Taison Maeda's Teiken High School class goes on a field trip to the Kansai region of Japan, which is where Taison is from. Taison's little brother Youkou sent a message to Taison & his older brother Fujio that their father, Monson, is sick and that they should return home to visit him. This trip back will also allow Taison to put some closure on his past regarding his friend Naoto & his ex, Haruka.
Straight to video
Robert Ryan (voice)
In 2061 CE, humanity's indiscriminate pollution of space has substantially hindered the development of space travel. In response, an international federation has designated the sun as a natural incinerator, federally establishing a treaty with the goal of first processing hazardous waste on Jupiter and forming the space environment defense force Cosmo Ecology. However, polluters evading surveillance networks continue to illegally dispose of radioactive waste directly into the sun. As a result, increased solar flare activity is on the verge of turning the Earth into a desert.
Sofue (voice)
Takatou Masaki is the second youngest of four sons, and seemingly a delinquent by nature. His hot temper has put a wedge between himself and his strict father, gotten him kicked out of one school, and tossed him at a school notoriously horrible for the one thing he's truly good at, basketball. A chance encounter with the willful Yuuki Kanako may serve as a catalyst for change, as the indefinable connection she feels with him draws them together...
Date, Kazuki (voice)
When the Shinogara finest warrior murders their leader, who`s also his father, his ninja enemies land a fatal blow. With only minutes left, Hayate transfers his soul into his sister`s body...but how long can two souls occupy the same body
A Silicon Valley whiz kid, billionaire creator of the most intelligent computer on Earth, has got bigger problems than being on the cover of Time magazine. The thing is, the corporation he works for is planning to use his ideas to take over the world. As if that weren't enough, they're planning to wipe the slate of humanity clean and install their own race of preprogrammed superbeings in their place. The unwitting prototype?...
Born of legendary origins, the young Madara has grown up in obscurity as an apprentice blacksmith. An encounter with the demonic Mouki reveals his destiny, and catapults him into the middle of a mystic quest. Madara fights for revenge with the help of freedom fighters, magical swords and Kirin, the master of the Majin. His goal is to defeat his brother and then overthrow his father, the despotic Miroku.
Lester / Wong Dai (voice)
Judau Ashta / Double Zeta (voice)
The first theatrically release of the SD Gundam series. Contains two shorts, "The Storm-Calling School Festival" and "The Tale of the SD Warring States: The Chapter of the Violent Final Sky Castle".
Judau Ashta
Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk. II delivers with more tongue-in-cheek humor than the first series. In "The Rolling Colony Affair," a colony is hosting a cabaret show featuring the girls of Gundam. But the show turns disastrous when men and mobile suits go crazy over the girls, sending the colony rolling out of control. A parody of the videogame RPG genre, "Gundam Legend" has Amuro, Kamille and Judau sent on a perilous quest to rescue the princess of the Zeta Kingdom from Char Aznable and his vicious Zeon MS forces.
Oda Nobunaga
The year is 1580, and the unholy armies of Lord Nobunaga Oda spread across Japan, murdering all who oppose them. Narrowly escaping the slaughter of her clan, a young ninja steals into the shadows. She is the last of her kind, and the dagger she wields is one of three mystical blades that can end Lord Oda's rule. On her quest to overthrow the tyrant, she is joined by two other renegade ninja, possessors of the sacred sword and spear. Together, these shadow warriors must unite their weapons and skills to fulfill the Prophesy of the Enchanted Swords... or die trying.
Hyoo Hino's birth was rocky. That, in itself, induced mental disorders to his mother, Kanae. Raised by his aunt right until reaching 17 years of age, he curses the day he came to this world and entertains suicidal thoughts. However, a girl, named Hibiki Uchida, became the beacon of his miserable life. She herself suffered from a tumultuous relationship with her ex-boyfriend, Kazuya, and even considered ending her life...
Subordinate (voice)
Kosuke and Rikimaru: Dragon of Konpei Island was a 45 minute long anime TV special produced by J.C. Staff and broadcast on Japanese television in 1988. Similar to Dragon Ball, it was a martial arts adventure story featuring villains that could have stepped out of the Red Ribbon Army, typical Toriyama mecha, and a clone of Son Gohan's Haiya Dragon.
Junpei Touma (voice)
Akira, Junpei, Keiko and Kumiko are members of the Rutz Detective Agency, and are always ready for a good case. When a mysterious murder places a top secret floppy disk in the hands of Junpei, the gang suddenly has a conspiracy on their hands of grandiose proportions. Not only have they made an enemy of politicians and shady characters, but also the munitions manufacturer company Yotsuboshi itself! With murder attempts, rampaging machinery and kidnappers to handle, the group must race against the clock to foil the evil scheme before it's too late!
A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.
Judau Ashta / ZZ Gundam
A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.
Kosuke Kanamori
Teenager Kanemori Kousuke is a secret agent for the international VN spy network. Using his computer hacking skills, he tracks international criminals. Later he goes after Neo-Nazis to the Arctic were they try to raise a U-boat with a sinister secret.
Hyoudo Riki / Byoudo (voice)
When the school Karate club's star fighter quits and decides to go pro, he unwittingly fulfills an ancient interdimensional prophecy and becomes demon king of his dimension. Soon his high school becomes a battleground for demon slaying samurai, interplanetary law enforcement, and even his own traitorous demon minions. Well animated fight scenes ensue.
The planet Libertia was once known as “the planet of death”, until humanity built three giant mirrors and created what seemed like an ideal land. It is on this planet that Professor Grace and his granddaughter Alcia live peacefully… until their home is attacked by Guild soldiers looking for the professor and for Legaciam – a special Armor that can resist extreme heat, allowing it to go to areas where humans would not survive normally. Alcia, who was at the time piloting Legaciam in order to help her grandfather with the testing, manages to get away… barely. But the Guild is determined to get Legaciam by any means necessary...
Makoto is the driver of a rag-tag Formula X racing team competing in the bottom rung D-Class, with aspirations of one day making it to A-Class. When a mysterious benefactor sees potential in them, he offers his engineering services and shiny new engine to help them compete in the Open Cup. This yearly event is open to all classes and the winner automatically earns A-Class standing.
Isao Murakami
In times of olde, God gave mankind the ten commandments, and a message that has been lost to the centuries. In the present, Koichiro Kamishiro is a modern day Indiana Jones who scours (and often destroys) ruins for hints of the past, until one day he runs across a box filled with two crystal triangles. Having inadvertently run across the key to God's lost message, Kamishiro suddenly has a lot to deal with including assassination attempts by the KGB and the CIA, aliens hell-bent on destroying the Earth and the love of several women!
K.K (voice)
Muscat Tyler is the 108th prince of the Galaxy Empire, who is known as the eccentric persons. He travels around the universe accompanying a Walking Arsenal, K.K, and Lu of the Light Wing Race, the strongest creature in the universe. Where they go, there is a trouble.
JJ (voice)
God's two daughters Cherry and Lemon have been tasked with finding the lost treasure of Heaven, referred to as Love. Together with their guardian Berry, their search takes them to a planet where stuffed animals have come to life, putting them in direct conflict with Cecilian and the nefarious Treasure Connection.
Torel (voice)
Shogo Yahagi (voice)
Eric (voice)
Antoinette, an android of burnished chrome living on a distant Earth outpost, is equipped with a heart -- or at least the programming for one. As Antoinette searches for the true meaning of humanity, she confronts Proud, the planetary governor. Living up to his name, the governor is obsessed with laying his hands on a weapon that will allow him to control the universe and it's up to Antoinette and her creator, Dr. Watson, to thwart him.
Nam Shurugi