Michiko Neya
出生 : 1965-10-04, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Taruho (voice)
エウレカが作り上げたスカブコーラル(珊瑚状の情報生命体)の中の仮想世界。 その崩壊とともに、仮想世界の人々がこの地球に姿を現して10年が経過した。この“大融合”の結果、仮想世界の人類は「グリーンアース」を、旧来の地球人類は「ブルーアース」を名乗り、水面下でさまざまな衝突を繰り返すことになった。そしてグリーンアース軍の高官デューイ・ノヴァクは、自分たちの尊厳を守るため、仲間とともに決起し、大規模なテロ計画をついに実行へと移す。 混乱の元凶として世界中から憎まれるエウレカは、国連の独立師団無任所部隊A.C.I.D.(アシッド)の上級戦闘員となっていた。この世界を平和に保つために生きる。それがエウレカの選んだ贖罪の道だった。そんなエウレカに、スカブコーラルを操る能力を持つ新たな“EUREKA”、少女アイリスを保護する命令が下る。最初は対立するばかりだった2人は、孤独な逃避行を通じて、次第に互いのことを理解していく。そして世界が危機に直面した時、エウレカは極限まで自らの力を振り絞って戦う。「アイリスとこの世界を守りたい」。エウレカの願いの果てに待つ未来とは――
Tooe Kanbaru (voice)
Taruho (voice)
Norimichi's Mother (voice)
After Araragi Koyomi graduated from high school, Kanbaru Suruga feels lonely because there's no one to talk about Oddities anymore. One day, she heard a rumor about Mr. Devil, who can realize people's wishes. She comes to meet that person, but it turns out to be Numachi Rouka - an old basketball rival of her. What can Kanbaru do to help Numachi
世界中の建造から自然までも、 謎の光線でのっぺら化してしまう。
そんな地球の危機に集まったいつもの8人は、 アメリカの親友トニーから、
Mako Sato
Adiane (voice)
Riza Hawkeye (voice)
舞台は1923年のドイツ(ワイマール共和国)にあるミュンヘン。この頃のドイツでは、第一次世界大戦敗戦後の、インフレに伴う貧困に喘ぎながら、それでも人々は懸命に生きていた。 アニメ最終話で錬金術世界から現実世界へと飛ばされたエドワードは18歳になり、元の世界に戻る為にロケット工学を研究していたが、先の見えない現実に焦燥していた。その頃、エドの同居人で「自らの手でロケットを作りたい」と夢見るアルフォンス・ハイデリヒは、パトロンを得て念願のロケット製作に着手する。しかしその裏には謎の組織・トゥーレ協会の陰謀が隠されていた。 あるとき、街で行われたカーニバルに来ていたエドワードは一人の女性に出会った。彼女の名は「ノーア」。彼女には、自分が触った相手の心の中や記憶を観る事ができるという不思議な力があった。彼女は「ジプシー」と呼ばれる被差別民族で、自分たちのことは「ロマ」と呼んでいた。そんな彼女と出会ったエドワードは、次第にドイツで起ころうとしている壮大な計画へと巻き込まれてゆく。そしてそれは同時に、錬金術世界の破滅の危機をも意味していた。 一方、アメストリスで13歳に成長したアルフォンスは兄を探す旅に出る。アルはエドとともに旅した4年間の記憶を失くしていたのだった。そして大切な思い出とともに、希望が時に予想だにしない悲劇を引き起こすことになるということも忘れていた。「兄さんに会いたい」その純粋な想いの果てに悲劇が待っているとは知らずに…。 引き裂かれた兄弟、シャンバラを求める者。門の鍵を為す者、様々な人間の思惑と欲望を孕んで物語の幕は再び上がる。
Mako Satō
1995年に「週刊ヤングマガジン」で連載を開始、TVアニメ化、劇場公開と幅広い展開により車ファンの間で人気を博した「頭文字D」のBattle Stage第1弾。拓海が走り屋として目覚め熱い走りを繰り広げる「1~3th Stage」よりバトルシーンを編集し収録。
2002年4月20日に公開された映画作品。後述のエクスドライバー the Movieと同時上映された。OVA本編の数年前のエクスドライバーアメリカ合衆国ロサンゼルス支部で起こった事件を描いたストーリー。 当時ロサンゼルスでエクスドライバーとして活躍していたニナとレイの二人だが、不思議な暴走事故が頻発していた。管制システムが暴走車を感知するが暴走車の姿はなく「見えない暴走車」と呼ばれていた。二人は事件の解決へ奔走する。
Kanan (voice)
The Sanzo party has always been haunted by the past. And they've always been able to deal with their ghosts. But when they enter the House Of Dougan, they may have met their match. Lured to the mysterious shrine by a beautiful girl, Sanzo, Goku, Gojyo, and Hakkai become ensnared in a trap of dangerous shikigami, murderous doppelgangers, and a malevolent monster who has destroyed his own soul for a demented purpose. Don't miss this stunningly animated full-length motion picture, starring the coolest cast of demon hunters in the history of anime!
Nancy Makuhari
Mako Satou
One year has passed since Nao and Uehara accidentally moved into the same apartment. Since then, they have become an official couple. With Uehara's 16th birthday coming up, Nao's biggest worry is what to buy him. Everything is going smoothly- that is, until Nao realizes Uehara's birthday has already passed and she spent it acting as a cut model for the handsome hair stylist, Asai.
Sylvie Dread
Elie (voice)
Barua of the Magic Race (Vile Tribe) has kidnapped students of the Magic School. Elie, Rena and Senia, are asked to look for them by the schools master. Along their search they find interesting and crazy things, and get into trouble as usual. Upon finding the students, they find their magic is not strong enough to save them, but they get some help from an unwanted friend.
Ryoko Nishida
Takeshi is a young man who receives the Polymar helmet to fight the vicious Pluto army. Given incredible abilities, he now fights for justice as Hurricane Polymar. This is a darker reboot of the original superhero anime of the same name.
Ritsuko (voice)
Kumiko Ijima is a very timid girl who happens to recognize a murderer still in pursuit at a park. With the help of her friend Kyoko Inaba, she warns the police about the wanted man. After trying to escape the police by car, the murderer crashes and ends up in the hospital. Some time later, a mysterious entity starts to terrorize the neighborhood in search of a girl who has the name initials K.I. and uses a red ribbon on her hair.
New York, USA. Hard has been making a living as a bounty hunter for years, but lately has been struggling to make ends meet due to alimony and child support payments for his beloved Momoko. A supposedly simple case devolves quickly into major mayhem and murder, and it's by no means sure he will be able to survive the crazy psychopaths trying to kill him for sticking his nose in their business. But he's not going down without a fight...
Rally Vincent (voice)
Rally Vincent and Minnie May Hopkins are just a pair of gun shop owners who do a bit of bounty hunting to make ends meet when a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms agent comes to them. Using the threat of arresting them for their lack of a retail license for their merchandise and the resulting unpaid taxes, he forces them to agree to cooperate in a sting to break a gun running ring. They have an initial success, but that brings new problems as the ring's leader brings in a merciless assassin to eliminate these new enemies. It will take all their skill, allies and some luck to come out this crisis alive.
Emilia Jenius (voice)
Diana (voice)
Princess Diana runs away from an arranged marraige and straight into the arms of slave traders who capture her and she is forced to become a slave. She finds her long lost childhood friend/love there, who happens to be the sworn enemy of her families throne, and becomes his, but of course with the family wanting her back all is not ideal.
Yayoi Okina (voice)
In the future, mankind has colonized the bleak expanses of the moon. Cities now stand proudly where there was once only desolation and emptiness. But there are alien forces that do not want mankind to succeed and only one man can stop them. He is a member of the Bounty Dog Investigation Unit, a high-tech cybernetic mercenary team.
Chie Sagamioono
Running late on her first day as a patrol woman for the Bokuto Police Department, spunky moped rider Natsumi Tsujimoto decides to take several shortcuts, only to be chased down and cited by mechanical genius and expert police driver Miyuki Kobayakawa. Upon arrival at the precinct, Natsumi finds out that her new partner is the same woman who ticketed her earlier. At first, she doesn't trust Miyuki, but in a short period of time, they develop an unbreakable friendship that overcomes traffic accidents, reckless drivers and even the strongest typhoons to hit Tokyo.
Mesa (voice)
The future is bleak and urbanized. A government super-power holds the keys to all the doors. Hope lies in a secret organization who kidnaps "gifted" children and teaches them to wield their ability to view the life energy of all living things. A young girl befriends a sempai, a street rat comes to rescue her, and two parents wait helplessly to see their daughter one last time...
Hatsue (voice)
A young Japanese actress remembers her war childhood in Korea. Her father goes to fight, her baby sister Miko dies of typhoid, her beloved Korean maid Ohana is fired due to a mistake which could cost Chiko her life... By and by Chiko realizes that the country is being ruled by the Japanese and the Koreans are persecuted. When the war ends, the Koreans chase the Japanese rule and the roles change. Now Chiko's family is unwanted. But then the Russians come and this is the end. They have to burn all the pictures to avoid all suspicions... even Miko's picture. But when the Russians come to their house, they decide to flee over the 38th Parallel towards freedom. A group of men, women, children struggles along the mountains, led by the light of the Northern Star. Along the way they meet a Korean man, who is willing to help them to escape the Russian soldiers although his family was killed by the Japanese.